The Eudyptula Challenge
Jul 7, 2017 - Batchfile
Linux is an open source kernel modeled after UNIX. Widely used, it is known for its efficiency and reliability.
The Eudyptula Challenge
The Eudyptula Challenge is a series of programming exercises for the Linux kernel, that started from a very basic "Hello world" kernel module, moving on up in complexity to getting patches accepted into the main Linux kernel source tree.
MPTCP kernel for Raspberry Pi
VIRTUAL DISK:- Modified ~/drivers/md/dm-dust.c file present in linux kernel version 5.4.1 to add write disk error emulation
Operating Systems Lab - Spring 2022
Developed a stackable file system to asynchronously delete and move the files to a trash bin. Files in trash bin folder are secured, compressed, encrypted and can be restored by user
This project is to track the network traffic.
All programs written following the LKMPG book (kernel 5.2 and above version)
Linux Character Device Driver
Linux Character Device Driver Development + Operating system asssignments
Développement d'un système d'application dédié à la surveillance et à la gestion d'une carte Raspberry PI
Implement IPC and MQTT Protocol in Raspberry Pi 3
Repository containing Linux Process Synchronization, Inter-process communication and a custom kernel module.
This repo will contain some projects that I've faced during learning Embedded Linux. Under supervision of Eng. Moatasem Elsayed
Contains code of Linux device-drivers
Created by Linus Torvalds
Released September 17, 1991