A collection of Immutable Array prototype methods(Per method packages).
Jan 9, 2023 - TypeScript
A data structure is a particular way storing and organizing data in a computer for efficient access and modification. Data structures are designed for a specific purpose. Examples include arrays, linked lists, and classes.
A collection of Immutable Array prototype methods(Per method packages).
A delta-state block-wise sequence CRDT
My Second Brain for Computer Science related stuff. Zero bullshit, short and sweet.
JSON API Store for MobX
Data collection store for MobX
Basic data structures and popular algorithms implemented in Typescript.
This project is all about building a lib for Data Structures and algorithms. The Data Structure part, including List, Tree, Graph, and others. The Algorithm part, including sorting, searching and others. The whole project written with TypeScript and scaffold with Angular-CLI for demo-app.
Multikeys data structures
A bidirectional map written in TypeScript.
Collection data structures that are not standard built-in objects in JavaScript. This includes a vector (double-ended queue), binary heap (priority queue), binary search tree, and a red black tree.
Red-Black tree (WIP)
Copy-On-Write iterable list
Data structures implemented by typescript.
A Red-Black Tree with a generic interface for TypeScript.
TS/JS Map-like data structure backed by trie
Typescript queue data structure
🗺 A multidimensional Map data structure
Morphia is a powerful library designed for transforming complex JSON structures into compact, index-based arrays and back. Ideal for efficient data serialization and deserialization, Morphia simplifies the handling of nested and dynamic data by flattening JSON objects into arrays and reconstructing them with precision.
Given a human readable string representation of a pdf outline, it creates the outline data structure defined in the pdf specification.