A simple application for monitoring air purity.
Project is created with:
- PHP 8.3
- Symfony 7.0
- Composer PHP
- NODE ^20
- Stimulus JS
- MySQL / MariaDB
- Bootstrap
- JQuery
- Docker
To run this project, follow the commands below:
git clone git@github.com:tomkalon/stopsmog2.0.git stopsmog
cd stopsmog
Here you can change the container name suffix.
...and adjust the settings to your needs.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml --env-file .env.dist up --build
composer install
Complete the database details in the .env file.
symfony console d:m:m
Create admin account and init settings record in DB proper table.
symfony console app:project:init
To add admin account:
symfony console app:admin:add
yarn install
yarn run dev
In case of problems, remove yarn.lock and repeat the procedure.
or login at: