This project is the implementation of an MLP-based road surface reconstruction method.
We run this code using Python 3.8, Pytorch 2.0.0, and CUDA 11.8.
Main Python dependencies are listed below:
- Python >= 3.8
- torch >= 2.0.0
git clone
cd NeRO
pip install -r requirements.txt
We mainly use the Kitti odometry dataset for experiments, which contains the image, lidar information, poses, and intrinsics, and then use the Mask2Former to extract the semantic labels for experiments.
Firstly, we use the RoME scripts located at RoME/scripts/mask2former_infer/ to gain the semantic labels. Then, we use the code below to extract the train and semantic images, which only contain the road information.
python --img_dir image_direction --sem_dir semantic_direction
After that, the code extracts the intrinsics from Kitti datasets.
Now, just put the training color images in the folder train and all the semantic labels in the folder semantic, and use the pose file from Kitti like "00.txt".
To create the points resulting from road surface reconstruction, run the code below and use a pose file like "00.txt."
Once you finish that, you can choose which type of dataset you want to use for training the network,
Lidar: if you want to use the lidar datasets, use the script below to extract the lidar points only on the road surface from the original files from Kitti datasets from "00_velodyne/velodyne/*.bin".
Veichle pose: if you want to use only the vehicle pose dataset, which just uses the points created by the code
SfM points: If you want to use the points from SfMs, you need to use a method like Colmaps to extract them from images, then use the same code as lidar to extract the points only on the road surface.
Training the network with only color information, you need to use the code below:
python --data_dir data_file --save_dir save_file --sem False
And if you want both semantic and color information, use the code below:
python --data_dir data_file --save_dir save_file --sem True
The default method is using the hash encoding. If you want the positional encoding, just the hyperparameter like below:
python --pe_mod 0
The data type is chosen using the hyperparameter below:
python --data_type lidar
The sparse label is using the code below:
python --data_dir data_file --save_dir save_file --sem True --sparse_label 1 --sparse_ratio 0.1
The denoise label code is used below:
python --data_dir data_file --save_dir save_file --sem True --denoise 1 --denoise_ratio 0.5
For some other hyperparameters for better network performance, you can edit the hash encodings parameters like levels and resolutions; you can change the number for the get_embedder method to fit the datasets you want.
Thanks nerf, nerf-pytorch and semantic_nerf for providing nice and inspiring implementations of dataset processing and network design. Thanks RoME for providing a great script for extracting semantic labels.
If you found this code/work to be useful in your own research, please consider citing the following:
title={NeRO: Neural Road Surface Reconstruction},
author={Ruibo Wang and Song Zhang and Ping Huang and Donghai Zhang and Haoyu Chen},
If you have any questions, please get in touch with or