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KanchanaAradhya edited this page Dec 4, 2019 · 135 revisions

PacBot Policies

  1. Security groups should not have an inbound rule allowing for non DMZ resources.

  2. RDS snapshots should not be publicly accessible.

  3. EC2 instances should not have any publicly accessible ports.

  4. EC2 instances should not have guard duty findings.

  5. Security groups with RDP port 3389 should not be open to internet.

  6. Amazon EBS volumes should not be underutilized.

  7. EBS snapshots should not be publicly accessible.

  8. RDS snapshots should not be publicly accessible.

  9. Amazon Redshift clusters should not be underutilized.

  10. Elastic IPs should not be in unused state.

  11. Amazon RDS DB instances should not be idle.

  12. Application ELB should not be in unused state.

  13. RDS database endpoints should not be publicly accessible.

  14. All AWS accounts should follow the IAM password policy.

  15. AWS Guard Duty service should be enabled on all regions of all AWS accounts.

  16. Security groups should not be in unused state.

  17. EBS volumes should not be in unused state.

  18. Load balancer should not be idle.

  19. Classic ELB should not be in unused state.

  20. EC2 instances should not be in stopped state for more than 60 days.

  21. VPC flow logs should be enabled for all VPCs.

  22. Deprecated EC2 instances types should not be used to launch instances.

  23. Amazon EC2 instances should not have low utilization.

  24. CORP ADFS integrated AWS accounts should not have IAM account for individuals.

  25. Non Admin IAM roles should not have full IAM access.

  26. Lambda function invocations count should not exceed the threshold.

  27. All Mongo DB instances should be protected with access control mechanism.

  28. IAM access key must be rotated every 90 days.

  29. All publicly accessible API behind API gateway should be protected with at least one custom authorizer.

  30. IAM users should not be inactive for more than 90 days.

  31. AWS service limits should be upgraded to match growing needs.

PacBot Policies from Release 1.1

  1. Application ELB should be tagged with mandatory tags.

  2. Auto scaling groups should be tagged with mandatory tags.

  3. Classic ELB should be tagged with mandatory tags.

  4. Cloudfront should be tagged with mandatory tags.

  5. Dynamo db should be tagged with mandatory tags.

  6. EC2 instances should be tagged with mandatory tags.

  7. EFS should be tagged with mandatory tags.

  8. Elasticache should be tagged with mandatory tags.

  9. AWS EMR should be tagged with mandatory tags.

  10. AWS KMS should be tagged with mandatory tags

  11. Lambda functions should be tagged with mandatory tags

  12. RDS database should be tagged with mandatory tags

  13. Redshift should be tagged with mandatory tags

  14. S3 should be tagged with mandatory tags

  15. Security groups should be tagged with mandatory tags

  16. EBS volumes should be tagged with mandatory tags

  17. Cloud formation stacks should be tagged with mandatory tags

  18. Subnets should be tagged with mandatory tags

  19. EBS volumes should be tagged with mandatory tags

  20. VPCs should be tagged with mandatory tags

  21. Elastic search resources should be tagged with mandatory tags

  22. API resource should have standard region

  23. App ELB resource should have standard region.

  24. Dynamo DB should have standard region.

  25. EFS resource should have standard region.

  26. Elasticache resource should have standard region.

  27. Elasticip resource should have standard region.

  28. Elasticsearch resource should have standard region.

  29. Emr resource should have standard region.

  30. Eni resource should have standard region.

  31. KMS resource should have standard region.

  32. Rdsdb resource should have standard region.

  33. Redshift resource should have standard region.

  34. VPC resource should have standard region.

  35. Asg should have standard region.

  36. Classicelb should have standard region.

  37. Lambda should have standard region.

  38. Launchconfig should have standard region.

  39. RDS Snapshot should have standard region.

  40. EC2 instance should have standard region.

  41. S3 should have standard region.

  42. Security group should have standard region.

  43. Snapshot should have standard region.

  44. Stack should have standard region.

  45. Subnet should have standard region.

  46. EBS Volume should have standard region.

  47. Snstopic should have standard region.

  48. EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on port 80.

  49. Elastic Search endpoint should not be open to internet.

  50. Application ELB should not be exposed to internet.

  51. Classic ELB should not be exposed to internet.

  52. Redshift attached Security Group should not be publicly accessible.

  53. Non whitelisted S3 buckets should not be publicly accessible.

  54. Unapproved security groups should not have inbound rule allowing for any port.

  55. Security group with SSH port 22 should not be open to the internet.

  56. Non-White listed SQS resources should not be publicly accessible.

  57. EBS volumes should not be in unused or untagged state.

PacBot Policies from Release 1.2

  1. Non White listed IAM users should not have core networking privileges.

  2. Non white listed IAM Roles should not have core networking privileges.

  3. Non White listed IAM Role should not have EC2 RunInstance privilege.

  4. Non white listed IAM Role Should not have Lambda privilege.

PacBot Policies from Release 1.3

  1. Service Account should not have listed privileges.

  2. EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on port 8080.

  3. EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on port 138.

  4. EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on default MySQL port 3306.

  5. Cloudfront should not have unauthorized HTML content.

PacBot Policies from Release 1.4

  1. S3 bucket should not have hosting website or redirecting requests

  2. Unauthorized Cloudfront Content Distribution

  3. EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on default SQL Browser port 1434

  4. EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on default POSTGRESQL port 5432

  5. EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on port 3389

  6. MFA should be enabled for Root User

  7. Cloudtrail should be enabled in multi region

  8. ACM certificate should not expire in mentioned days from current date

  9. IAM certificate should not expire in mentioned days from current date

  10. Access log should be enabled to ELB and attached to mentioned bucket

  11. Access log should be enabled to cloudfront and attached to mentioned bucket

PacBot Policies from Release 1.5

  1. Private S3 buckets should be enabled with access logs.

  2. All Cloud watch events from all accounts should be sent to Dedicated Account default event bus.

  3. Low Utilization Amazon EC2 Instances Rule.

PacBot Policies from Release 1.6

  1. An EC2 instance should not have an S3, S4 or S5 vulnerability.
  2. EC2 Public Access Port With S5 Vulnerability
  3. Every EC2 instance should be scanned by the Qualys vulnerability assessment tool at least once a month.

PacBot Policies from Release 2.0 (Azure Policies)

  1. Install monitoring agent on your machines
  2. Apply a Just-In-Time network access control
  3. Remediate vulnerabilities by a Vulnerability Assessment solution
  4. Enable Adaptive Application Controls
  5. Resolve monitoring agent health issues on your machines
  6. Close management ports on your Virtual Machines
  7. Enable Network Security Groups on Virtual Machines
  8. Install a vulnerability assessment solution on your virtual machines
  9. Harden Network Security Group rules of internet facing Virtual Machines
  10. Blob Container should be tagged with mandatory tags
  11. Disk should be tagged with mandatory tags
  12. Storage Account should be tagged with mandatory tags
  13. Resource Group should be tagged with mandatory tags
  14. Security Center should be tagged with mandatory tags
  15. Network Interface should be tagged with mandatory tags
  16. NSG should be tagged with mandatory tags
  17. VNet should be tagged with mandatory tags
  18. Virtual Machine should be tagged with mandatory tags
  19. SQL Database should be tagged with mandatory tags
  20. Databricks should be tagged with mandatory tags
  21. Sql Server should be tagged with mandatory tags
  22. Load Balancer should be tagged with mandatory tags
  23. MySQL Server should be tagged with mandatory tags
  24. Access through Internet facing endpoint should be restricted
  25. Adaptive Application Controls should be enabled on virtual machines
  26. Advanced Data Security SQL Server should have auditing enabled
  27. Audit unrestricted network access to storage accounts
  28. Audit Storage VNet Integration
  29. Secure transfer to storage accounts should be enabled
  30. Metric alert rules should be configured on Batch accounts
  31. Diagnostic logs in Batch accounts should be enabled
  32. Diagnostic logs in Service Bus should be enabled
  33. SQL Auditing settings should have Action Groups configured to capture critical activities
  34. An Active Directory administrator should be provisioned for SQL Servers
  35. Configure Email In Data Security Settings
  36. Container Security Configuration
  37. VMs wo enabled disk encryption will be monitored by Security Center as recommendations
  38. Just In Time network access control should be applied on Virtual Machines
  39. Transparent Data Encryption on SQL databases should be enabled
  40. IP Forwarding on Virtual Machines should be disabled
  41. Monitor missing Endpoint Protection in Security Center
  42. Diagnostic logs in namespaces should be enabled
  43. SQL Auditing for configured number of retention days
  44. SQL TDE protector encryption check
  45. Vulnerability assessment should be enabled on SQL servers
  46. Sensitive data in SQL databases should be classified
  47. Subnets should be associated with a Network Security Group
  48. System updates should be installed on Virtual Machines
  49. Diagnostic logs in Key Vault should be enabled
  50. Diagnostic logs in Logic Apps should be enabled

Non white-listed S3 buckets should not be publicly accessible

Pre-requisite: S3 Inventory


Unprotected S3 buckets are one of the major causes of data theft and intrusions. With the exception of S3 buckets used for hosting public websites, no S3 buckets should be publicly accessible for unauthenticated users or for 'Any AWS Authenticated Users'.

AWS S3 buckets cannot be publicly accessible for READ/WRITE actions in order to protect S3 data from unauthorized users. An S3 bucket that allows WRITE (UPLOAD/DELETE) access to everyone (i.e. anonymous users) can provide attackers the capability to add, delete and replace objects within the bucket, which can lead to data loss, unintended changes to applications using the S3 bucket, a big bill or all three.


To remediate this issue:

  1. S3 buckets should be protected by using the bucket ACL and bucket policies.
  2. If you want to share data via S3 buckets to other users.
  3. you could create pre-signed URLs which will be valid only for short duration.
  4. For example, the following command will generate a pre-signed URL for the file '': aws s3 presign --expires-in 36000 s3://sharedfolder/
  5. This command will generate pre-signed URLS for every object in a S3 bucket.
aws s3 ls --recursive s3://sharedfolder | awk '{print $4}' | while read line; do aws s3 presign --expires-in 36000 s3://sharedfolder/$line; done
  1. For all automation-related work, use the bucket policy and grant access to the required roles.

Security groups should not have inbound rule allowing for non-DMZ resources.

Pre-requisite: Security Groups Inventory


It is best practice to allow required IP ranges and specific port in the security groups that will be used for securing EC2 instances in private subnets.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Edit the security groups and allow only specific IP ranges and ports.

RDS snapshots should not be publicly accessible.

Pre-requisite: RDS Snapshot Inventory


A RDS snapshot may contain sensitive or customer information. No RDS snapshot should be made public, although there may be some rare cases where this is required. Such cases have to go through the exemption process.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Make the snapshot private.

EC2 instances should not have any publicly accessible ports

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible from internet (Except for the servers in DMZ zone). Ideally these instances should be behind a firewall (AWS WAF or any other firewall).


To remediate this issue:

  1. Do not allow public access to well known ports of an EC2 instance directly.

EC2 instance should not have GuardDuty findings.

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


Amazon GuardDuty is a managed threat detection service that continuously monitors your VPC flow logs, CloudTrail event logs and DNS logs for malicious or unauthorized behavior. When GuardDuty detects a suspicious or unexpected behavior in your AWS account, it generates a finding. A finding is a notification that contains information about a potential security threat identified by the GuardDuty service. The finding details includes data about the finding actor, the AWS resource(s) involved in the suspicious activity, the time when the activity occurred and so on.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Follow the step by step guide line provided for each finding from the GuardDuty console.

Security group with RDP port 3389 should not be publicly accessible.

Pre-requisite: Security Group Inventory


Global permission to access the well known services like RDP on port 3389 (Windows RDP) should not be allowed.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Do not allow public access to well known ports of an EC2 instance directly (except for 80 and 443).

Amazon EBS volumes should not be underutilized.

Pre-requisite:EBS volume Inventory


Charges begin when a volume is created. If a volume remains unattached or has very low write activity (excluding boot volumes) for a period of time, the volume is probably not being used.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Consider creating a snapshot and deleting the volume to reduce costs.

Alert Criteria

Yellow: A volume is unattached or had less than 1 IOPS per day for the past 7 days.

EBS snapshots should not be publicly accessible.

Pre-equisite:EBS Snapshot Inventory


Depending on the purpose for which the EBS was used, the snapshot might carry sensitive information about its cloud ecosystem, customer PII, customer CPNI or other sensitive data. The cases where a publicly accessible snapshot is very rare; such cases have to go through an exemption process.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Make the snapshot private.

RDS snapshot should not be publicly accessible.

Pre-requisite: Snapshot Inventory


A RDS snapshot may contain sensitive or customer information. No RDS snapshot should be made public from our accounts. There are very rare cases where this might be required. Those cases have to go through exception process.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Make the snapshot private

Amazon Redshift clusters should not be underutilized

Pre-requisite: Redshift Inventory


If an Amazon Redshift cluster has not had a connection for a prolonged period of time or is using a low amount of CPU, we can use lower-cost options such as downsizing the cluster or shutting down the cluster and taking a final snapshot.

Alert Criteria

Yellow: A running cluster has not had a connection in the last 7 days. Yellow: A running cluster had less than 5% cluster-wide average CPU utilization for 99% of the last 7 days.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Consider shutting down the cluster and taking a final snapshot
  2. Or downsizeg the cluster

Elastic IP should not be in unused state

Pre-requisite: Elasticip Inventory


EIPs are static IP addresses designed for dynamic cloud computing. Unlike traditional static IP addresses, EIPs can mask the failure of an instance or Availability Zone by remapping a public IP address to another instance in your account. A nominal charge is imposed for an EIP that is not associated with a running instance.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Associate the EIP with a running active instance
  2. Or Release the unassociated EIP

Amazon RDS DB instances should not be idle

Pre-requisite: Rdsdb Inventory


If a DB instance has not had a connection for a prolonged period of time, you can delete the instance to reduce costs. If persistent storage is needed for data on the instance, you can use lower-cost options such as taking and retaining a DB snapshot. Manually created DB snapshots are retained until you delete them.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Consider taking a snapshot of the idle DB instance and then deleting it

Application ELB should not be in unused state

Pre-requisite: Appelb Inventory


Un-used assets should be terminated promptly for obvious cost saving reasons


To remediate this issue:

  1. Terminate the ELB if it is no longer required

RDS database endpoints should not be publicly accessible

Pre-requisite: Rdsdb Inventory


A publicly accessible database end-point would be vulnerable to bruteforce login attempts and subsequent data leak /loss. Unauthorised access attempts should be restricted to minimize security risks.


To remediate this issue:

  1. To restrict access to any publicly accessible RDS database instance, you must disable the database Publicly Accessible flag and update the VPC security group associated with the instance.

All AWS accounts should follow the IAM password policy

Pre-requisite: Account Inventory


Enforce a strong password policy on IAM console authentications. By default AWS does not configure the maximal strength password complexity policy on your behalf.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Log into your AWS console
  2. Go to the IAM service
  3. On the left menu select Password Policy which should be the bottom option
  4. Set the Minimum Password Length form field to XX (or higher) and Select each of the checkboxes so that all four required complexity options are selected

AWS Guard Duty service should be enabled on all regions of all AWS accounts

Pre-requisite: Account Inventory


All the AWS accounts should have guard duty enabled. Amazon GuardDuty is a managed threat detection service that continuously monitors for malicious or unauthorized behavior to help you protect your AWS accounts and workloads. It monitors for activity such as unusual API calls or potentially unauthorized deployments that indicate a possible account compromise. GuardDuty also detects potentially compromised instances or reconnaissance by attackers


To remediate this issue:

  1. Enable Guardduty for all regions.

Security groups should not be in unused state

Pre-requisite: Sg Inventory


Cleaning up un-used security groups is best practice to keep the security groups upto date and relevant.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Delete the unused security groups

EBS volumes should not be in unused state

Pre-requisite: Volume Inventory


Un-used assets should be terminated promptly for obvious cost saving reasons


To remediate this issue:

  1. Delete the volume if it is no longer required

Load balancer should not be idle

Pre-requisite: Classicelb Inventory


Checks your Elastic Load Balancing configuration for load balancers that are not actively used. Any load balancer that is configured accrues charges. If a load balancer has no associated back-end instances or if network traffic is severely limited, the load balancer is not being used effectively.


To remediate this issue:

  1. If your load balancer has no active back-end instance then consider registering instances or deleting your load balancer

Classic ELB should not be in unused state

Pre-requisite: Classicelb Inventory


Un-used assets should be terminated promptly for obvious cost saving reasons


To remediate this issue:

  1. Terminate the ELB if it is no longer required

EC2 instances should not be in stopped state for more than 60 days

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


Stopped EC2 instances still incur cost for the volumes, elastic IP associated with it, potential AWS marketplace license costs as well.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Terminate the EC2 instance if it is no longer required.

VPC flow logs should be enabled for all VPCs

Pre-requisite: Vpc Inventory


VPC flow logs provide vital information for debugging and forensic exercise in case of any incidents. These should be always enabled


To remediate this issue:

  1. Enable VPC flow logs

Deprecated EC2 instances types should not be used to launch instances

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


Deprecated EC2 instance types (Old generation instance types) should not be used. Using old generation instance types have cost implication, they are not covered in our RI purchase as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Stop the instance and change the instance type to a newer generation one and start it

Amazon EC2 instances should not have low utilization

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


Checks the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that were running at any time during the last 14 days and alerts yu if the daily CPU utilization was 10% or less and network I/O was 5 MB or less on 4 or more days.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Consider stopping or terminating instances that have low utilization

AWS Accounts should have one corp AD identity provider configured

Pre-requisite: Iamuser Inventory


Every AWS account should be configured with corp AD as IAM Identity provider. This identity provider is required for logging into AWS with our corp AD account


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the corp AD identity provider configuration back to the AWS account

Non Admin IAM roles should not have full IAM access

Pre-requisite: Iamrole Inventory


Only the role named 'Admin' should have full access to IAM. No other AWS role is supposed have IAM full access.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Remove the IAM privilleges from that role.

Lambda function invocations count should not exceed the threshold

Pre-requisite: Lambda Inventory


AWS Lambda is cheap but is pay per use. An errant lambda function calling itself, cyclic lambda function calls between functions can result is huge bills. Any lambda functions that is going to exceed 1 million executions a day should be reviewed.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Review the code and design and inspect if there is any problem with the logic. If it known and expected behavior please request for an exception.

All Mongo DB instances should be protected with access control mechanism

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


To prevent data theft and data loss all Mongo DBs should be protected with access control mechanism.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Disable anonymous access to MongoDB

IAM access key must be rotated every 90 days

Pre-requisite: Iamuser Inventory


Access keys of IAM accounts should be rotated every 90 days in order to decrease the likelihood of accidental exposures and protect AWS resources against unauthorized access


To remediate this issue:

  1. Rotate the access keys every 90 days

All publicly accessible API behind API gateway should be protected with at least one custom authorizer

Pre-requisite: API Inventory


AWS API gateway resources are by default publicly accessible, all of the API resources should be protected by a Authorizer or a API key. Unprotected API's can lead to data leaks and security breaches.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Protect the API gateway with an API key OR Use a custom authorizers at the gateway level

IAM users should not be inactive for more than 90 days

Pre-requisite: Iamuser Inventory


IAM users who have not logged into AWS and have no API activity for 90 days will be considered inactive IAM users and their accounts will be terminated.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Reach out to for exceptions

AWS service limits should be upgraded to match growing needs

Pre-requisite: Account Inventory


All AWS service limits should be extended from time to time based on the growing needs. Cloudformation execution, Auotscalling or A,B deplymnet for production workloads may fail if the service limit is reached causing downtime. Proactively service limits should be extended when limit thresholds reach 75% or above


To remediate this issue:

  1. Open a case with AWS and increase the service limits

AWS Resources should be tagged with mandatory tags


All AWS assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, XXX, YYY and ZZZ. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.


This policy can applied for all AWS resources types which can be taggable. example(EC2/S3/Lambda/RDS.....).

AWS Resources should have standard region


All AWS assets in T-Mobile using some standard region (us-est/west). As part of this rule if the resource finds non-standard region it should report as violation.


To remediate this issue:

EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on port 80

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


Global permission to access the well known services like HTTP on port 80 should not be allowed.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Do not allow global access to well known ports of an EC2 instance directly (except for 80 and 443)

Elastic Search endpoint should not be open to internet

Pre-requisite: Elasticsearch Inventory


AWS Elastic Search should not be publicly accessible from internet to protect data from unauthorized user access, data loss and possible leakage of sensitive data. As a general if you need to put anything internet facing it has to go through security review and approval from DSO.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Make necessary changes to the access control policy and security groups to make the ES endpoint private
  2. Allow only a specific list of IP addresses
  3. Once the Elastic Search endpoint is not publicly accessible PacBot will auotmatically close the issue
  4. You can also request exception from the policy violation details page
  5. Secops will review and involve DSO if required and grant exception and PacBot will automatically ignore this resource till the expiry of exception.

ELB should not be exposed to internet

Pre-requisite: Appelb/classicelb Inventory


All internet facing ELB's will be marked as a policy violation. You would need to request for an exception by providing Cloud Application Name What component of the application is made public? Why it has to be public? What data will be exposed via the internet facing system?

The reason why all internet-facing are marked as violation is, the number of cases where we need to have internet-facing load balancers is small and these legitimate cases will be reviewed and granted exception. Developer often associate internet-facing load balancers for internal applications and end up exposing sensitive data.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Request for an exception legitimate internet-facing ELB.

Redshift attached Security Group should not be publicly accessible

Pre-requisite: Redshift Inventory


A Redshift snapshot may contain sensitive or customer information. No RDS snapshot should be made public from our accounts. There are very rare cases where this might be required. Those cases have to go through exception process.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Make the snapshot private

Unapproved security groups should not have open to internet port

Pre-requisite: Sg Inventory


It is a best practice to allow only required ip ranges and specific port in the security groups. There are cases where security group should allow access to everyone, for those cases request for an exception.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Edit the security groups and allow only specific IP ranges and ports

Non White listed SQS resources should not be publicly accessible

Pre-requisite: SQS Inventory



To remediate this issue:

EBS volumes should not be in unused or untagged state

Pre-requisite: Volume Inventory


AWS Volume resource should not be untagged or unused to avoid the cost.


To remediate this issue:

Non White listed IAM users should not have core networking privileges

Pre-requisite: Iamuser Inventory


Anyone outside CCOE admins not supposed to have these permissions List of privileges it’s checking right now are



To remediate this issue:

  1. Attach deny policy / remove elevated permissions
  2. If you want exception you may please request exception for this rule through PacBot.

Non White listed IAM Roles should not have core networking privileges

Pre-requisite: Iamrole Inventory


None of the roles supposed to have these permissions List of privileges it’s checking right now are



To remediate this issue:

  1. Attach deny policy / remove elevated permissions
  2. If you want exception you may please request exception for this rule through PacBot.

Non White listed IAM Role should not have EC2 RunInstance privilege

Pre-requisite: Iamrole Inventory


IAM roles donot have the permission to launch instances List of privileges it’s checking right now



To remediate this issue:

  1. Remove run instance permission from the role or if you want exception you may please request exception for this rule through PacBot.

Non white listed IAM Role Should not have Lambda privilege

Pre-requisite: Iamrole Inventory


IAM roles not supposed to have lambda function creation permissions List of privileges it’s checking right now are



To remediate this issue:

  1. Remove lambda create permission from role or if you want exception you may please request exception for this rule through PacBot.

Service Account should not have listed privileges

Pre-requisite: Iamuser Inventory


Service account should only has the read permission List of privileges it’s checking right now



To remediate this issue:

  1. Remove write permissions from service accounts.

EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on port 8080

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


This rule creates an issue, if the port 8080 is open to internet.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Do not allow global access to well known ports of an EC2 instance directly (except for 80 and 443)

EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on port 138

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


Global permission to access the well known services like TCP on port 138 should not be allowed.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Do not allow global access to well known ports of an EC2 instance directly (except for 80 and 443)

EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on default MySQL port 3306

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


Global permission to access the well known services like TCP on port 3306 (MySQL) should not be allowed.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Do not allow global access to well known ports of an EC2 instance directly (except for 80 and 443)

Cloudfront should not have unauthorized html content

Pre-requisite: Cloudfront Inventory


This rule checks if the cloudfront has unauthorized html content, if so then it creates a violation.


To remediate this issue: 1)


This policy can be applied for all AWS resources types which has regions. example(EC2/S3/Lambda/RDS.....).

S3 bucket should not have hosting website or redirecting requests

Pre-requisite: S3 Inventory


This rule checks for s3 bucket containing web-site configuration.If its true then its an issue.


To remediate this issue: 1)

Unauthorized Cloudfront Content Distribution

Pre-requisite: cloudfront Inventory


This policy checks for unauthorized CloudFront distribution.


To remediate this issue: 1)

EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on default SQL Browser port 1434

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


Global permission to access the well known services like TCP on port 1434 (SQL Browser) should not be allowed.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Do not allow global access to well known ports of an EC2 instance directly (except for 80 and 443)

EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on default POSTGRESQL port 5432

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


Global permission to access the well known services like TCP on port 5432 (POSTGRESQL) should not be allowed.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Do not allow global access to well known ports of an EC2 instance directly (except for 80 and 443)

EC2 instances should not be publicly accessible on port 3389

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


RDP port 3389 should not be accessible from internet. Port 3389 should be open only to the internal 10...* network. Further reducing the permitted IP addresses or ranges allowed to communicate to destination hosts on RDP port 3389 is recommended. An exposed RDP port 3389 pose a great security risk.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Remove the rule from the security groups that allows inbound access from

MFA should be enabled for Root User

Pre-requisite: Account Inventory


MFA should be enabled for Root User, if not its an issue


To remediate this issue:

  1. Enable the MFA for root user

Cloudtrail should be enabled in multi region

Pre-requisite: Account Inventory


Cloudtrail should be enabled in multi region, if not its an issue


To remediate this issue:

  1. Enable the cloudtrail in multi region

ACM certificate should not expire in mentioned days from current date

Pre-requisite: ACMCertificate Inventory


ACM certificate should not expire in mentioned days from current date


To remediate this issue:

  1. Rotate the keys before the expiry

IAM certificate should not expire in mentioned days from current date

Pre-requisite: Iamcertificate Inventory


IAM certificate should not expire in mentioned days from current date


To remediate this issue:

  1. Rotate the keys before the expiry

Access log should be enabled to ELB and attached to mentioned bucket

Pre-requisite: Appelb/Classicelb Inventory


Access log should be enabled to App ELB/Classic ELB and attached to mentioned bucket


To remediate this issue:

  1. Access log should be enabled to ELB and attached to mentioned bucket

Access log should be enabled to cloudfront and attached to mentioned bucket

Pre-requisite: Cloudfront Inventory


Access log should be enabled to cloudfront and attached to mentioned bucket


To remediate this issue:

  1. Access log should be enabled to cloudfront and attached to mentioned bucket

Private s3 buckets should be enabled with access logs

Pre-requisite: S3 Inventory


Protected S3 buckets should be server access logs enabled


To remediate this issue:

  1. Protected S3 buckets should be server access logs enabled

All Cloud watch events from all accounts should be sent to Dedicated Account default event bus

Pre-requisite: Account Inventory


Events from all AWS account should be routed to a central event bus so that the events and be processed and analyzed centrally.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Events from all AWS account should be routed to a central event.

Low Utilization Amazon EC2 Instances Rule

Pre-requisite: Account Inventory


Checks the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances that were running at any time during the last 14 days and alerts you if the daily CPU utilization was 10% or less and network I/O was 5 MB or less on 4 or more days. Running instances generate hourly usage charges. Although some scenarios can result in low utilization by design, you can often lower your costs by managing the number and size of your instances. An instance had 10% or less daily average CPU utilization and 5 MB or less network I/O on at least 4 of the previous 14 days


To remediate this issue:

  1. Consider stopping or terminating instances that have low utilization, or scale the number of instances by using Auto Scaling.

Any EC2 instance should not have S3 S4 S5 vulnerability

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


If an EC2 Instance having S5, S4 and S3 vulnerability report it as an issue with severity high, medium and low respectively


To remediate this issue:

EC2 Public Access Port With S5 Vulnerability

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


An EC2 instance with remotely exploitable vulnerability (S5) should not be open to internet, this instance can be easily compromised from a remote location


To remediate this issue:

  1. Immediately remove the internet access,Apply the vulnerability fix

Every EC2 instance should be scanned by Qualys vulnerability assessment tool atleast once a month

Pre-requisite: EC2 Inventory


All assets in Cloud should be scanned by Qualys vulnerability assessment tool atleast once a month. It would be ideal to have the Qulays Cloud Agent installed on all the assets. This would eliminate the need to have manual external scans


To remediate this issue:

  1. Install Qualys Cloud Agent on the server or get the asset scanned manually by VMAS team every month

Install monitoring agent on your machines

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


All assets in Cloud should be scanned by Qualys vulnerability assessment tool atleast once a month. It would be ideal to have the Qulays Cloud Agent installed on all the assets. This would eliminate the need to have manual external scansSecurity Center uses the Microsoft Monitoring Agent (MMA) to collect security events from your Azure virtual machines. To make sure your virtual machines are successfully monitored, you need to enable data collection in Security Center and make sure the MMA agent is both installed on the virtual machines and properly collects security events to the configured workspace. Enabling data collection in Security Center enables you to benefit from multiple agent-based features, including OS baselines rules assessments, monitoring for missing system updates, endpoint protection issues and advanced threat detection capabilities.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Installation of the monitoring agent and enabling data collection in Security Center can be done in several ways: Using Security Center’s automatic provisioning on your subscription(s). This will automatically provision the monitoring agent on current and future-created virtual machines on your subscription(s). You can enable automatic provisioning on multiple subscriptions by clicking on the Getting started menu item, and select 'Install agents'. You can also enable it for specific subscriptions and customize additional settings by clicking on the 'Security policy' menu item, select 'Edit settings' on a subscription and enable auto provisioning in the 'data collection' menu item. Install the Microsoft Monitoring agent on your Virtual machines as a VM extension or directly, by following these instructions. Provision the Microsoft Monitoring agent with Azure Policies.

Apply a Just In Time network access control

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


Just-in-time (JIT) virtual machine (VM) access can be used to lock down inbound traffic to your Azure VMs, reducing exposure to attacks while providing easy access to connect to VMs when needed.


To remediate this issue:

  1. Open the Security Center dashboard.,In the left pane, select Just-in-time VM access.,The Just-in-time VM access window opens.,Select the Recommended tab.,Under VIRTUAL MACHINE, click the VMs that you want to enable. This puts a checkmark next to a VM.

Remediate vulnerabilities by a Vulnerability Assessment solution

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


This is Azure security rule


To remediate this issue: 1)

Enable Adaptive Application Controls

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


Application control helps you deal with malicious and/or unauthorized software, by allowing only specific applications to run on your VMs and Computers


To remediate this issue:

  1. Open the Security Center dashboard.,In the left pane select Adaptive application controls located under Advanced cloud defense and Follow the guidelines.

Resolve monitoring agent health issues on your machines

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


This is Azure Secuirty Rule


To remediate this issue: 1)

Close management ports on your Virtual Machines

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


This is Azure Secuirty Rule


To remediate this issue: 1)

Enable Network Security Groups on virtual machines

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


This is Azure Secuirty Rule


To remediate this issue: 1)

Install a vulnerability assessment solution on your virtual machines

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


The vulnerability assessment in Azure Security Center is part of the Security Center virtual machine (VM) recommendations. If Security Center doesnt find a vulnerability assessment solution installed on your VM, it recommends that you install one. A partner agent, after being deployed, starts reporting vulnerability data to the partner’s management platform. In turn, the partners management platform provides vulnerability and health monitoring data back to Security Center. You can quickly identify vulnerable VMs on the Security Center dashboard. Switch to the partner management console directly from Security Center for additional reports and information.


To remediate this issue: 1)

Harden Network Security Group rules of internet facing Virtual Machines

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


This is Azure Secuirty Rule


To remediate this issue: 1)

Blobcontainer should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Blobcontainer Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Disk should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Disk Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Storageaccount should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Storageaccount Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Resourcegroup should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Resourcegroup Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Securitycenter should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Securitycenter Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Securitycenter should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Securitycenter Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Networkinterface should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Networkinterface Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Nsg should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Nsg Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Vnet should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Vnet Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Virtualmachine should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Sqldatabase should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Sqldatabase Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Databricks should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Databricks Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Databricks should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Databricks Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Sqlserver should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Sqlserver Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Loadbalancer should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Loadbalancer Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Mysqlserver should be tagged with mandatory tags

Pre-requisite: Mysqlserver Inventory


All cloud assets should be tagged with following mandatory tags. Application, Environment, Role and Stack. Assets without these mandatory tags will be marked as non-complaint. Below is an example for the tag value pairs.

Tag name: Application Example value: Rebellion

Notes This value for the application tag should be the approved application name give for the project during the cloud on-boarding process. Unknown applications will be marked for review and possible termination.

Tag name: Environment Example value: Production or Non Production or Non Production::qat1 or Non Production::dit1 (Refer Naming guide)

Notes The value for environment should distinguish the asset as a Production or Non Production class. You can further qualify Non Production assets using the :: separator. Look at the examples 3 and 4.

Tag name: Stack Example Value: Apache Httpd

Tag name: Role Example value: Webserver

Each asset should at least have these 4 mandatory tags. You can have additional tags as well


To remediate this issue:

  1. Add the mandatory tags to the assets
  2. Follow the Cloud Asset Tagging guidelines.

Access through Internet facing endpoint should be restricted

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


Inbound rules should not allow access from Any or Internet ranges


To remediate this issue:

  1. Access through Internet-facing endpoint should be restricted.

Adaptive Application Controls should be enabled on virtual machines

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


Adaptive Application Controls should be enabled on virtual machines


To remediate this issue: 1)

Advanced Data Security SQL Server should have auditing enabled

Pre-requisite: Sqlserver Inventory


Auditing should be enabled on advanced data security settings on SQL Server


To remediate this issue:

  1. Auditing should be enabled on advanced data security settings on SQL Server

Audit unrestricted network access to storage accounts

Pre-requisite: Storageaccount Inventory


Audit unrestricted network access in your storage account firewall settings. Instead, configure network rules so only applications from allowed networks can access the storage account. To allow connections from specific internet or on-premise clients, access can be granted to traffic from specific Azure virtual networks or to public internet IP address ranges


To remediate this issue: 1)

Audit Storage VNet Integration

Pre-requisite: Storageaccount Inventory


Audit Storage Vnet Integration


To remediate this issue: 1)

Secure transfer to storage accounts should be enabled

Pre-requisite: Storageaccount Inventory


Audit requirement of Secure transfer in your storage account. Secure transfer is an option that forces your storage account to accept requests only from secure connections (HTTPS). Use of HTTPS ensures authentication between the server and the service and protects data in transit from network layer attacks such as man-in-the-middle, eavesdropping, and session-hijacking


To remediate this issue: 1)

Metric alert rules should be configured on Batch accounts

Pre-requisite: Batchaccounts Inventory


Audit configuration of metric alert rules on Batch account to enable the required metric


To remediate this issue: 1)

Diagnostic logs in Batch accounts should be enabled

Pre-requisite: Batchaccounts Inventory


Audit enabling of diagnostic logs. This enables you to recreate activity trails to use for investigation purposes; when a security incident occurs or when your network is compromised


To remediate this issue: 1)

Diagnostic logs in Service Bus should be enabled

Pre-requisite: Namespaces Inventory


Audit enabling of diagnostic logs. This enables you to recreate activity trails to use for investigation purposes; when a security incident occurs or when your network is compromised


To remediate this issue: 1)

SQL Auditing settings should have Action Groups configured to capture critical activities

Pre-requisite: Sqlserver Inventory


The AuditActionsAndGroups property should contain at least SUCCESSFUL_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, FAILED_DATABASE_AUTHENTICATION_GROUP, BATCH_COMPLETED_GROUP to ensure a thorough audit logging


To remediate this issue: 1)

An Active Directory administrator should be provisioned for SQL Servers

Pre-requisite: Sqlserver Inventory


Audit provisioning of an Azure Active Directory administrator for SQL Server to enable Azure AD authentication. Azure AD authentication enables simplified permission management and centralized identity management of database users and other Microsoft services


To remediate this issue: 1)

Configure Email In Data Security Settings

Pre-requisite: Sqlserver Inventory


Ensure that an email address is provided for the 'Send alerts to' field in the Advanced Data Security server settings. This email address receives alert notifications when anomalous activities are detected on SQL servers.


To remediate this issue: 1)

Container Security Configuration

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


Vulnerabilities in container security configurations should be remediated


To remediate this issue: 1)

VMs wo enabled disk encryption will be monitored by Security Center as recommendations

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


Disk encryption should be applied on virtual machines


To remediate this issue: 1)

Just In Time network access control should be applied on Virtual Machines

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


Possible network Just In Time (JIT) access will be monitored by Azure Security Center as recommendations


To remediate this issue: 1)

Transparent Data Encryption on SQL databases should be enabled

Pre-requisite: Sqldatabase Inventory


Transparent Data Encryption on SQL databases should be enabled


To remediate this issue:

  1. Audit transparent data encryption status for SQL databases

IP Forwarding on Virtual Machines should be disabled

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


Enabling IP forwarding on a virtual machine should be reviewed by the network security team


To remediate this issue:

  1. Enabling IP forwarding on a virtual machine should be reviewed by the network security team

Monitor missing Endpoint Protection in Security Center

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


Enabling IP forwarding on a virtual machine should be reviewed by the network security teamServers without an installed Endpoint Protection agent will be monitored by Azure Security Center as recommendations


To remediate this issue:

  1. Servers should be installed with Endpoint Protection agent

Diagnostic logs in namespaces should be enabled

Pre-requisite: Namespaces Inventory


Diagnostic logs in Namespaces should be enabled


To remediate this issue:

  1. This enables you to recreate activity trails to use for investigation purposes,when a security incident occurs or when your network is compromised

SQL Auditing for configured number of retention days

Pre-requisite: Sqlserver Inventory


SQL servers should be configured with auditing retention days greater than 90 days


To remediate this issue:

  1. Audit SQL servers configured with an auditing retention period of less than 90 days

SQL TDE protector encryption check

Pre-requisite: Sqlserver Inventory


SQL server TDE protector should be encrypted with your own key


To remediate this issue:

  1. Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) with your own key support provides increased transparency and control over the TDE Protector, increased security with an HSM-backed external service, and promotion of separation of duties

Vulnerability assessment should be enabled on SQL servers

Pre-requisite: Sqlserver Inventory


Vulnerability assessment should be enabled on your SQL servers


To remediate this issue:

  1. Audit Azure SQL servers which do not have recurring vulnerability assessment scans enabled. Vulnerability assessment can discover, track, and help you remediate potential database vulnerabilities

Sensitive data in SQL databases should be classified

Pre-requisite: Sqldatabase Inventory


Sensitive data in your SQL databases should be classified


To remediate this issue:

  1. Sensitive data in your SQL databases should be classified

Subnets should be associated with a Network Security Group

Pre-requisite: Subnets Inventory


Subnets should be associated with a Network Security Group


To remediate this issue:

  1. Protect your subnet from potential threats by restricting access to it with a Network Security Group (NSG)

System updates should be installed on Virtual Machines

Pre-requisite: Virtualmachine Inventory


Missing security system updates on your servers will be monitored by Azure Security Center as recommendations


To remediate this issue:

  1. System updates should be up to date

Diagnostic logs in Key Vault should be enabled

Pre-requisite: Vaults Inventory


Diagnostic logs in Key Vault should be enabled


To remediate this issue:

  1. Diagnostic logs in Key Vault should be enabled

Diagnostic logs in Logic Apps should be enabled

Pre-requisite: Workflows Inventory


Diagnostic logs in Logic Apps should be enabled


To remediate this issue:

  1. This enables you to recreate activity trails to use for investigation purposes,when a security incident occurs or when your network is compromised
     We are working to make all of the policies available in the open source version. 
     This is not the exhaustive list.
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