Last modified: 2013-10-09 20:48:28 tkych
Version: 0.1.01
cl-intset is a library for non-negative integer sets.
It implements sets using bitsets.
SHELL$ git clone
CL-REPL> (push #p"/path-to-cl-intset/cl-intset/" asdf:*central-registry*)
CL-REPL> (ql:quickload :cl-intset)
or (asdf:load-system :cl-intset)
and iset
are nicknames of cl-intset
CL-REPL> (defvar iset1 (iset:make-intset))
CL-REPL> (iset:intset->list iset1)
CL-REPL> (iset:insert 42 iset1)
CL-REPL> (iset:intset->list iset1)
CL-REPL> (dotimes (_ 10) (iset:insert 42 iset1))
CL-REPL> (iset:intset->list iset1)
CL-REPL> (defvar iset2 (iset:list->intset '(43 41 42 43 41 42)))
CL-REPL> (iset:intset->list iset2)
(41 42 43)
CL-REPL> (iset:map 'iset:intset #'1+ iset2)
#<CL-INTSET:INTSET {1008049063}>
CL-REPL> (iset:map 'list #'1+ iset2)
(42 43 44)
[Function] MAKE-INTSET => new-intset
[Function] INTSETP object => boolean
[Function] EMPTYP intset => boolean
[Function] SINGLETONP intset => boolean
[Function] COPY intset => new-intset
[Function] CLEAR intset => modified-intset
[Function] SIZE intset => non-negative-integer
[Function] MEMBERP non-negative-integer intset => boolean
[Function] SET-EQUAL intset1 intset2 => boolean
[Function] cl-intset:SUBSETP intset1 intset2 => boolean
[Function] PROPER-SUBSET-P intset1 intset2 => boolean
[Function] ADD non-negative-integer intset => new-intset
[Function] INSERT non-negative-integer intset => modified-intset
[Function] cl-intset:REMOVE non-negative-integer intset => new-intset
[Function] cl-intset:DELETE non-negative-integer intset => modified-intset
[Function] LIST->INTSET non-negative-integer-list => new-intset
[Function] INTSET->LIST intset &key desc? => non-negative-integer-list
[Function] cl-intset:INTERSECTION intset1 intset2 => new-intset
[Function] cl-intset:NINTERSECTION intset1 intset2 => modified-intset1
[Function] cl-intset:SET-DIFFERENCE intset1 intset2 => new-intset
[Function] cl-intset:NSET-DIFFERENCE intset1 intset2 => modified-intset1
[Function] cl-intset:UNION intset1 intset2 => new-intset
[Function] cl-intset:NUNION intset1 intset2 => modified-intset1
[Function] cl-intset:SET-EXCLUSIVE-OR intset1 intset2 => new-intset
[Function] cl-intset:NSET-EXCLUSIVE-OR intset1 intset2 => modified-intset1
[Function] cl-intset:RANDOM intset => non-negative-integer/null
[Function] cl-intset:MAP result-type function intset &key desc? => new-object
[Function] FOR-EACH function intset &key desc? => non-modified-intset
[Function] cl-intset:MAX intset => non-negative-integer/null
[Function] cl-intset:MIN intset => non-negative-integer/null
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