Fix sometimes disappearing deck views
Add notion of players (unit.player)
Add influence (square.influence)
Animate particles
Adjust influence based off particles
Draw influence as square color
- Add more piece types
- Add game logic timer
- Add particles
Switch away from AppKit/auto layout to SceneKit (particle systems seem like they'd be trouble in particular)
- Research hit testing
- Array of
objects returned from- hitTest:options:
(in theSCNSceneRenderer
protocol, whichSCNView
conforms to).
- Array of
- Research particle systems
- Can probably use a geometry with 'point' types
- Can maybe use a node render delegate
- Research hit testing
Switch all sub view-controllers to be 'node' controllers
branch to master once this works again
- Extract model code to model
- Add drop support to change model
- NxM grid of locations
- One player only, can drag out pieces from either hand
- Hands of pieces all the same emitter