Shows player aliases from the Redis database. Aliases are recorded on player connect. The plugin does not have to be loaded to record aliases.
!alias <id> - List aliases used by the player.
!clearaliases - Clear all player aliases from the database.
Automatically runs the quit
command on a server at XX:XX time, if no-one's connected to the server.
If you use Supervisor (process manager) with the autorestart
parameter, the server will automatically relaunch after the quit
command runs.
qlx_autoRestartTime - The time for the server to quit automatically in 24-hour time syntax.
Default: 00:00
Guide: requires the 'schedule' python library to be installed. You can install it with the following command:
sudo python3.5 -m pip install schedule
Adds a /cv addbot | !addbot
and /cv rembot | !rembot
command system. Has functionality to automatically adds/removes bots to even teams. Also displays a warning on maps that don't support bots.
It's a good idea to set bot_enable
to 1
by default, otherwise the plugin's useless.
bot_autoManage - Automatically add/remove bot to even up the teams. Will disable all other commands during automatic management.
Default: 0
!addbot - Adds a bot.
!rembot - Removes a bot.
Client Commands:
/cv addbot - Vote to add a bot.
/cv rembot - Vote to remove a bot.
Replaces in-game messages/text with custom text set in special CVARs.
qlx_serverBrandName - Where the map name usually appears, the text set in this cvar will appear instead.
qlx_serverBrandTopField - Where the map author credit (line 1) appears, the text set in this cvar will appear after the credit.
qlx_serverBrandBottomField - Where the map author credit (line 2) appears, the text set in this cvar will appear after the credit.
qlx_connectMessage - When the player is at the initial connect screen when they first connect, text will appear here.
qlx_loadedMessage - Causes text to appear in the middle of the screen on each new map load.
qlx_countdownMessage - When the countdown begins, this text will appear mid-screen. (like the qlx_loadedMessage does)
qlx_endOfGameMessage - When the game finishes, it'll put the text in this cvar in the text box on the left.
qlx_brandingPrependMapName - This cvar will put the map name before your qlx_serverBrandName.
Default: 0
qlx_brandingAppendGameType - Will add the game type after your qlx_serverBrandName.
Default: 0
qlx_rainbowBrandName - Make the entire map name (qlx_serverBrandName) appear in rainbow colouring.
Default: 0
Changes the map/factory when the last person leaves the server.
qlx_defaultMapToChangeTo - The map to change to.
Default: 'campgrounds'
qlx_defaultMapFactoryToChangeTo - The factory to change to.
Default: 'ffa'
Provides a platform for inter-server communication.
!commlink - Enables/disables CommLink messages for players that do/do not want to see the messages.
!world <message> - Sends the message to all other servers in the same CommLink identity group.
qlx_commlinkIdentity - Set this to something unique, it defines your CommLink group.
No Default. (this CVAR must be the same across all servers)
qlx_commlinkServerName - The name of the server (appears before CommLink messages).
Default: Server-XXXX
qlx_enableConnectDisconnectMessages - Enables the 'Player connected.' and 'Player disconnected.' messages.
Default: 1
qlx_enableCommlinkMessages - Default behaviour of !commlink command.
Default: 1
Adds extra vote functionality. Votes are listed here.
qlx_rulesetLocked - Disables `/cv ruleset` votes.
Default: 0
qlx_disablePlayerRemoval - Prevents `/cv kick` and `/cv tempban` votes for non-privileged players.
Default: 0
qlx_disableCvarVoting - Disables `/cv cvar` server votes.
Default: 1
qlx_cvarVotePermissionRequired - Required permission level to call a CVAR vote.
Default: 3
Defines english words, and produces random english words upon command.
!define <word> - Define an english word(s).
!randomword - Produce a random english word.
Displays a message when a command listed in the disabled commands list is run, and stops the command from running in the first place.
Open the plugin up in an editor and edit the DISABLED_COMMANDS array, adding commands to the list (omitting the !).
Save and load to a minqlx-enabled Quake server and you'll find the commands in the array no longer run.
Permanently bans players from the server. Cross-references SteamIDs with IP addresses for a more through ban.
Permabans can't be undone without a lot of DB modification.
!permaban <id> - Permanently bans <id> from the server.
Lists all players in the minqlx database with a permission level greater than 0. Command functions for permission level 5 players only.
!permissionlist - Get the list.
Shows player IP address history from the Redis database. IPs are recorded on player connect. The plugin does not have to be loaded to record IPs.
!ip <id> - List IP addresses used by the player.
Displays a saved message from a player when they connect to a server.
!onjoin <message> - Set an onjoin message (run without arguments to clear message).
Permits players to call-vote Quake III map names. The plugin will resolve the Quake III map name to the Quake Live equivalent.
/cv map q3dm12
Map-vote is called for map Dredwerkz.
Prevents people from using text-based chat during matches.
qlx_permitChatDuringWarmup - Allows chat during warmup.
Default: 1
qlx_permLevelRequiredToTalk - Permission level required to use text chat.
Default: 4
Limits a server to players who can only play if they're within certain glicko-rating limits.
qlx_minRating - Minimum rating limit.
Default: 0
qlx_maxRating - Maximum rating limit.
Default: 1600
qlx_kickPlayersOutOfRatingBounds - Kick players that don't conform to the rating limits.
Default: 1
Provides a safe way to modify the server frame-rate variable.
- sv_fps must be greater than or equal to 40.
- sv_fps can't be a negative number.
- sv_fps must be divisable by 40.
!sv_fps/!svfps <int> - Sets the sv_fps cvar live in the server.
qlx_svfps - Set this cvar to your desired sv_fps value, and the server will set it upon loading the plugin.
Default: 40
Plays unused VO when a game is nearing the round time limit.
Permits players with Minqlx Permission level 3 to vote and force-vote. Requires the players in question to not have QLDS admin/mod.
A vote is called.
Player with permlevel 3 or above presses F1/F2 once. Pressing F1/F2 a second time forces the vote.
De-anonymises votes and provides messages about map changes after the map-vote/vote results.
!votes - Hides the 'Player voted yes/no.' messages for the player running the command.
qlx_privatiseVotes - Enabling this renders the plugin useless, apart from vote results and map change messages.
Default: 0