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Lady Lord back veer kern kern mesic xeric recto verso abient adient accept refuse distal mesial efflux influx exhale inhale figure ground gabled hipped linear planar loudly softly vernal wintry abaxial adaxial abience adience aggrade degrade anapsid diapsid angular rounded aqueous igneous cauline radical defence offence diploid haploid ecdemic endemic federal unitary flatten sharpen heavily lightly newness oldness noisily quietly obverse reverse succumb survive abducent adducent afferent efferent allogamy autogamy antrorse retrorse attached detached binaural monaural boldness timidity

dethrone enthrone effector receptor esoteric exoteric futurity pastness hardball softball hardness softness infernal supernal loudness softness maternal paternal maximise minimise abaxially adaxially acropetal basipetal aestivate hibernate altricial precocial approbate reprobate cursorial fossorial exaugural inaugural exclusion inclusion exclusive inclusive extensive intensive extrinsic intrinsic extrovert introvert extrusive intrusive majuscule minuscule maximally minimally monophony polyphony absorbable adsorbable abstemious gluttonous acarpelous carpellate acroscopic basiscopic allogeneic xenogeneic anadromous diadromous antemortem postmortem antonymous synonymous apocarpous syncarpous autogamous endogamous autologous homologous background foreground beneficent maleficent benignancy malignancy beseeching imperative binaurally monaurally blunt_file taper_file bottle-fed breast-fed bottlefeed breastfeed cismontane tramontane complexity simplicity confidence diffidence decreasing increasing diachronic synchronic dissuasion persuasion dissuasive persuasive expatriate repatriate explicitly implicitly externally internally extramural intramural fortissimo pianissimo generalist specialist generosity stinginess hard_water soft_water heavy-duty light-duty integrated segregated interstate intrastate keep_track lose_track live_birth stillbirth monogamous polygamous monophonic polyphonic monotheism polytheism monovalent polyvalent mortal_sin venial_sin negativity positivity nidicolous nidifugous oleophilic oleophobic permissive preventive publicized suppressed rural_area urban_area Anglophilia Anglophobia attributive predicative beneficence maleficence benevolence malevolence calcicolous calcifugous carnivorous herbivorous centrifugal centripetal coldhearted warmhearted common_noun proper_noun competition cooperation conjunctive disjunctive defensively offensively digitigrade plantigrade ectomorphic endomorphic ectomorphic mesomorphic endomorphic mesomorphic exculpatory inculpatory hardhearted softhearted hydrophilic hydrophobic inferiority superiority integration segregation intra_vires ultra_vires lower-class upper-class matriarchal patriarchal mononuclear trinucleate permanently temporarily pigeon-toed splayfooted poor_people rich_people rh-negative rh-positive technophile technophobe abstractness concreteness acceleration deceleration accidentally deliberately ambidextrous right-handed antagonistic conciliatory antemeridian postmeridian appreciation depreciation benevolently malevolently cold-blooded warm-blooded debilitating invigorating deflationary inflationary derivational inflectional extraversion introversion extroversive introversive heavy-footed light-footed hypertensive normotensive interspecies intraspecies maximization minimization monotheistic polytheistic allochthonous autochthonous extracellular intracellular extrospective introspective