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Build polished data products with SQL and Markdown
This demo connects to a local DuckDB file needful_things.duckdb
Evidence renders markdown files into web pages. This page is:
date_trunc('month', order_datetime) as order_month,
count(*) as number_of_orders,
sum(sales) as sales,
sum(sales)/count(*) as average_order_value
from orders
where order_datetime >= '2020-01-01'
group by 1 order by 1 desc
In your markdown file, you can include SQL queries in code fences. Evidence will run these queries through your database and return the results to the page.
To see the queries on a page, click the 3-dot menu at the top right of the page and Show Queries. You can see both the SQL and the query results by interacting with the query above.Last month customers placed orders. The AOV was .
<BarChart data={orders_by_month} x=order_month y=number_of_orders fillColor="#488f96"
Try: Change the chart to a
More: See all components
The latest version of Evidence includes features that allow you to easily create interactive data visualizations.
from orders
group by category
date_trunc('month', order_datetime) as month,
sum(sales) as sales_usd,
from orders
where category like '${inputs.category}'
and date_part('year', order_datetime) like '${inputs.year}'
group by all
order by sales_usd desc
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You can use Netlify, Vercel or another static hosting provider to self-host Evidence.