Connectable enables you to quickly and effeciently attach actions preformed by one object, to actions of another:
from connectable import Connectable
class Person(Connectable):
signals = ('says_hello', )
def __init__(self, name): = name
def say_hello(self, to=None):
if to:
print("Hi {to}, this is {name}".format(to=to,
print("Hi! This is {name}".format(
speaker = Person('Tim')
room = (Person('Amanda'), Person('Bob'), Person('Ted'), Person('Sue'))
heckler = Person('The *Real* Timothy')
for person in room:
speaker.connect('says_hello', person.say_hello)
speaker.connect('says_hello', heckler.say_hello, transform='you horrible imposter')
Would output:
Hi! This is Tim
Hi Tim, this is Bob
Hi Tim, this is Sue
Hi Tim, this is Ted
Hi Tim, this is Amanda
Hi you horrible imposter, this is The *Real* Timothy
QT has a pretty good write up on the general merits of a signal / slots approach.
To make an object Connectable, all you have to do is inherit from the Connectable class and define your signals at the class level:
from connectable import Connectable
class MyConnectable(Connectable):
signals = ['something_changed']
Then to signal any of your defined signals, simply emit the signal name, optionally with a value:
def action(self):
self.emit('something_changed', 'Forever.')
# or simply self.emit('something_changed')
Then any Python method or function can be connected to that action, via the connect command:
my_object = MyConnectable()
my_object.connect('something_changed', print)
If you emitted a value and the provided slot method accepts one it will be passed as the first argument to that method.
Connectable adds some additional benefits over a vanilla port of the signal / slots pattern
- You can pass a custom value to the slot:
order_button.connect('clicked', status_label.set_text, 'Order Submitted Succesfully')
- You can add a conditional to the connection:
edit_mode_button.connect('toggled', input_field.set_editable, True, condition=False)
edit_mode_button.connect('toggled', input_field.set_editable, False, condition=True)
Installing connectable is as simple as:
pip3 install connectable --upgrade
Ideally, within a virtual environment.
I've always loved the simplicity and expressiveness of QT's take on the observer pattern, and wanted to bring a similar experience to Python.
Thanks and I hope you find this connection helpful!
~Timothy Crosley