# Deploy VSCode Server on OCI with Terraform

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![Diagram VSCode hosted on OCI with CloudFlare Access (zero trust)][diagram]

Terraform project that deploys VSCode Server on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure using only the free tier.

> WARNING: This project is currently under active development.
> Please check back later.

## The challenge

### Goal

Deploy a free and easy maintenable VSCode Server.

### Limitations

Currently, Oracle Cloud Free tier provides great performance (4vCPU ARM based, 24GB of RAM, and 200GB of storage), but:

* The instances are preemptible, which means that they can be terminated at any time
* We can't create custom images (with Packer for ex.), so we have to install VSCode Server and other dependencies at boot time
* Can be hard to find an OCI datacenter that still has available capacity

### Use cases

* Code from any computer with your VSCode and your tools without any install
* Code from your tablet or slow computer with a remote VSCode Server
* Onboard a new team member without spending the first days configuring VSCode and other tools on their computer

## How to start

### Create an OCI account

Signup for a free OCI account [here][oci-signup-url].

If you're new to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, you need to the following:

* **Tenant**: kind of an account, like a company or an organization
* **Compartment**: it's a isolated area to deploy a project or an environment (similar a GCP project).

I recommend to create a new compartment for deploying VSCode Server, that way you will be able to use share free tier resource for a different project or rebuild from scratch a new VSCode Server instead of using the default compartment.

### Configure the OCI authentication

### Deploy the VSCode Server instance

### Access to VSCode Server from your browser

### Create a Cloudflare acount (optional)

Signup for a free Cloudflare account [here][cloudflare-signup-url].

### Configure the Cloudflare Zero Trust (optional)


* [x] Create the custom VCN (VPC)
* [x] Get the latest Ubuntu image automatically
* [x] Create the block volume for `/data` (100GB)
* [x] Attach the block volume to the instance
* [x] Create the instance on free tier (4 vCPU, 24GB memory)
* [x] Configure the instance and install VSCode Server with Cloud Init
* [x] Create automatically the SSH key pair
* [x] Mount and format the block volume on `/data`
* [x] Restrict SSH and VS Code port access
* [x] Configure backups of the block volume only
* [x] Configure Cloudflare Access (ZeroTrust) to secure the instance access
* [ ] Install dependencies/tools on the data volume to speed up the provisioning
* [ ] Create dynamically an Ansible Vault to save the sensitive data used by Ansible
* [ ] Encrypt the block volume with a KMS key
* [ ] Write the documentation for the manual steps (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure & Cloudflare accounts, etc.)
* [ ] Explain how to avoid the "Out of Host capacity" error on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

## Known issues

* [bug] Optional dependencies install are executed in parallel and can fail (dpkg lock) ([#11][i11])
* [bug] Inconsistent mounting of the /data volume ([#12][i12])
* [bug] Interactive terminal during Ansible run due to the SSH Host to allow ([#13][i13])

[github-badge]: https://github.com/timoa/terraform-oci-vscode-server/workflows/Terraform/badge.svg
[github-url]: https://github.com/timoa/terraform-oci-vscode-server/actions?query=workflow%3ATerraform
[release-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/release/timoa/terraform-oci-vscode-server.svg
[release-url]: https://github.com/timoa/terraform-oci-vscode-server/releases/latest
[license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/timoa/terraform-oci-vscode-server.svg
[license-url]: https://github.com/timoa/terraform-oci-vscode-server/blob/main/LICENSE

[diagram]: /docs/diagram.svg

[oci-signup-url]: https://signup.cloud.oracle.com
[cloudflare-signup-url]: https://dash.cloudflare.com/sign-up

[i11]: https://github.com/timoa/terraform-oci-vscode-server/issues/11
[i12]: https://github.com/timoa/terraform-oci-vscode-server/issues/12
[i13]: https://github.com/timoa/terraform-oci-vscode-server/issues/13