.TH HEYU 1 local .SH NAME .B Heyu\^ - a control program for the X-10 CM11A serial interface .SH USAGE .B heyu [options] command [parameter(s)] .br Run \'heyu help\' for a description of the Heyu options and commands available in the current version. .SH DESCRIPTION .I Heyu is a program for controlling an X-10 CM11A 2-Way Computer Interface. This is the control device manufactured by X-10 (USA) Inc. and found in their ActiveHome(TM) CK11A kit. Equivalent (rebranded) devices have been sold as the IBM HD11A Home Director and the RCA HC60CRX Home Control Interface. 220 Volt versions of the CM11A are sold in Europe as variously named CM11x models (depending on AC plug style) and in the UK as the CM12U. .PP The CM11A can remotely control lights and appliances in your house by signaling over the AC house wiring. It can store lists of X10 signals and send them at scheduled times. It can respond to some X10 signals by sending out other X10 signals. With Heyu, it can respond to X10 signals by executing an arbitrary command or script selected by the user. .PP Limited support is provided for the IBM HD16A, an earlier version of the Home Director without clock or battery backup and known as the CM10A - see special CM10A configuration instructions in the TTY directive section of man page x10config(5). .PP Heyu supports an auxiliary input device on a second serial port for X10 RF signals. Supported devices are the WGL W800RF32A, the X-10 MR26A, and the RFXCOM X10 RF Receivers. A network version of the RFXCOM receiver, RFXLAN, is also supported. .PP The W800RF32A is manufactured by WGL & Associates (http://www.wgldesigns.com). It is available in both a 310 MHz version for operation in the USA and Canada and a 433.92 MHz version (W800RF32AE) for European and other countries. It can receive signals from standard, entertainment, and security X10 transmitters. .PP The X-10 MR26A is usually bundled with a univeral remote in a package by X-10 but is also available individually. It can receive standard and entertainment X10 signals but not security X10 signals. .PP The RFXCOM X10 receiver is supported in W800RF32 emulation mode, providing the same capabilities as the W800RF32A, but also in a more advanced, variable length mode, capable of receiving signals from non-X10 sensor types, like RFXsensor, Digimax, Oregon, KAKU or Visonic. It is a USB device but has a built-in FTDI USB-to-Serial converter and communication with it is the same as with a serial port (assuming your OS supports the FTDI chipset, as does Linux). .br The RFXLAN version has the same functional characteristics as the standard RFXCOM, but Heyu communicates with it over a TCP sockect instead of a serial/USB port. .PP Heyu also supports the X-10 CM17A "Firecracker", a small serial dongle which can transmit X10 commands via RF signals to a transceiver plugged into the power line. The CM17A and CM11A coexist on the same serial port - no additional serial port is required. .br As far as can be determined there is no version of the CM17A which transmits at an RF frequency other than the 310 MHz used for X10 transceivers in North America. A compile option is provided to compile Heyu without CM17A support for users outside North America or those who simply have no interest in this device. (See the file "README" included in the Heyu distribution directory.) .PP Heyu depends on a configuration file to tell it on what serial port the CM11A is connected and to provide it with various other user options. Heyu will not run without the configuration file. See x10config(5) for more information. The standard pathnames Heyu assumes for this file are either $HOME/.heyu/x10config or /etc/heyu/x10.conf, in that order, but the user can specify a non-standard pathname at the command line or with an environment variable. (Operating systems other than Linux may store the configuration file in a different directory by default.) The directory where Heyu finds the configuration file is Heyu\'s "base" directory. Heyu requires that this directory be writable. .PP The CM11A connects to a computer via an RS232 serial port (or a USB-to-Serial adapter for newer systems without an RS232 serial port). It can store about 128 events; each event can turn on, turn off, or dim one or more X10 modules. The CM11A box has a battery backed clock which the computer can read. The data is stored in an EEPROM. .PP You could just put a bunch of Heyu commands in your crontab, but this doesn\'t work if your system is down for backups, or has crashed, or if someone\'s tripped over the RS232 cable and unplugged it, and it clutters up the crontab. For most users, it\'s much easier to upload a schedule of events into the CM11A\'s EEPROM. .PP Special note: If you have chosen to locate the Heyu configuration file under your home directory and then run Heyu commands in crontab, Heyu won\'t be able to automatically find the configuration file since it will be running as user 'root'. In this situation, specify the full path to the configuration file with either the '-c' Heyu command line switch or with the environment variable X10CONFIG. .br Also, specify the full Heyu executable pathspec, e.g., /usr/local/bin/heyu, if your crontab path does not include the directory where the Heyu executable is located. .PP The timers and macros to be uploaded the the CM11A\'s EEPROM are stored in a file. The default is $HOME/.heyu/x10.sched or /etc/heyu/x10.sched. See x10sched(5) for the layout of the file. .PP X10 modules are identified by a one-letter housecode ranging from A to P (for 16 different codes) and a number from 1 to 16, for a total of 256 possible unit codes. The character \'*\' is interpreted to mean all units 1-16 (but must be escaped if entered on the command line). .PP Heyu spawns a relay daemon that gathers the CM11A output for any process that wants it. This allows running the monitor while sending on/off commands. Just as important is that it also catches power fail messages and responds to them immediately. .PP As of version 2, a state engine daemon may optionally be started which will maintain a record of the state of each module on the system, and which has the capability of executing scripts. .PP Heyu supports multiple CM11A units connected to different serial ports on the same computer. The configuration files for each CM11A must be stored in different directories - it\'s usually most convenient to store them in subdirectories /0 through /9 of the normal locations. Each CM11A operates independently of the others (except for communication via the house wiring) and has its own set of associated files. .SH OPTIONS .PP -v Enable verbose mode .PP -c \<pathname\> Specify full configuration file pathname .PP -s \<pathname\> Specify full schedule file pathname .PP -0 ... -9 Look for config file in subdirectory /0 ... /9 of standard location, e.g., $HOME/.heyu/3/x10config .PP .SH COMMANDS .PP Heyu\'s commands are divided into Administrative, State, Direct, and CM17A "Firecracker" commands. .PP Administrative commands generally control some feature of the CM11A or display information from the CM11A, or display information about Heyu or about the user\'s configuration. .PP State commands return in various formats information about the state of modules on the user\'s system which has already been stored in the tables maintained by Heyu Engine. They don\'t attempt to update these tables. They are primarily intended to be called by scripts. Note however that scripts launched by the Heyu state engine (excluding heyuhelper) are passed an environment which already contains most all the state information. Any of the state commands require that the Heyu state engine daemon (heyu_engine) be running. .PP Direct commands are used to transmit specific module control instructions out over the AC power line through the CM11A interface. .PP CM17A "Firecracker" commands transmit X10 RF signals if there is a CM17A device connected to the serial port. .SH ADMINISTRATIVE COMMANDS .PP .IP \fBdate\fP Gets current date and time from the CM11A clock/calendar and displays it in a form suitable for feeding to \fIdate(1)\fP as input. .PP .IP \fBerase\fP Erases the CM11A\'s EEPROM. All events, macros, etc are permanently gone. .PP .IP \fBinfo\fP Displays the current setting of CM11A\'s clock, base housecode, battery timer, and monitored housecode registers. It also displays the status of the uploaded timer schedule, if any. .PP .IP \fBhelp\fP Displays a list of the commands that are available. If executed with the name of a command as a parameter, it will display the the syntax for that command only. If executed with the parameter \'admin\', \'state\', \'direct\', \'cm17a\', \'shutter\', \'rfxsensor\', or \'rfxmeter\' it will display only the commands of that type. .PP .IP \fBsyn\fB Displays built-in synonyms for many of the common direct commands. .PP .IP \fB<scene_label>\fP Executes a scene or user-defined synonym (usersyn) from the user\'s configuration file. .PP .IP \fBshow\fP Display various information from the user\'s configuration file or about the state of the system. Run \'heyu show\' with no other parameters to see the options available in the current release. .br al[iases] Aliases defined in config file .br ar[med] Armed status of Heyu .br sc[enes] Scenes defined in config file .br se[nsors] Sensor health report. .br u[sersyns] Usersyns defined in config file .br m[odules] H Module attributes, housecode H .br l[aunchers] [H] Launcher attributes, all, or housecode H (or -p -s -r -t) .br h[ousemap] [H] Overall system state, or details housecode H (*) .br da[wndusk] Dawn and Dusk used for \'night\' and \'dark\' flags (*) .br dim[levels] Dim levels of modules as percent brightness (*) .br r[awlevels] Native levels of modules (0-210, 1-31, 0-63) (*) .br f[lags] Software flags (*) .br ti[mers] Countdown times for active timers (*) .br ts[tamp] Hu Data and time of last signal to address Hu (*) .br g[roups] H Extended code group assignments and levels (*) .br x[10sensors] Tabular display of X10 Security sensors (*) .br dig[imax] Tabular display of DigiMax sensors (*) .br rfxs[ensors] Tabular display of RFXSensor sensors (*) .br rfxm[eters] Tabular display of RFXMeter sensors (*) .br or[egon] Tabular display of Oregon sensors (*) .br ot[hers] Cumulative received address map (*) - clear with \'heyu initothers\' or \'heyu initstate\' .br (*) Require the heyu state engine to be running .PP .IP \fBupload [check | croncheck | status | cronstatus]\fP By itself (heyu upload), the upload command reads timers, triggers, and macros from the user\'s schedule file, processes it and creates a binary memory image, and uploads this image into the CM11A\'s EEPROM. .br Upon successful completion, the following files are written to the hard drive in Heyu\'s base directory. .br x10record - Heyu\'s memory of the mode and time of the most recent uploaded schedule. (This _must_ remain intact for Heyu to know how to reset the CM11A clock when required.) .br x10macroxref - A listing of the EEPROM addresses of uploaded macros for use by Heyu\'s state engine and monitor. .br x10image - The 1024 byte binary image of the EEPROM. It\'s also used by Heyu\'s state engine and monitor .br report.txt - The full details of Heyu\'s processing of data uploaded to the EEPROM. .br If there are errors in the schedule file, the load will abort without changing anything. .br The upload command with the check option (heyu upload check) will check the config file and report any errors. The only file written to the hard drive is the same \'report.txt\' mentioned above. (A configuration file directive can be used to force writing the other files with a ".check" extension.) .br The upload command with the croncheck option (heyu upload croncheck) is only applicable when Heyu is configured to operate in HEYU mode (see \fix10config(5)\fR for a description of the MODE directive). It repeats the data processing Heyu would do if \'heyu upload check\' were executed daily for the next 366 days and writes a file \'cronreport.txt\' to the hard drive with a daily summary. (Its purpose is to prevent unpleasant surprises if 'heyu upload' is to be executed automatically as a cron job.) .br The upload command with the status option (heyu upload status) or the cronstatus option (heyu upload cronstatus) reports the number of days before the currently uploaded schedule will expire. These options are useful primarily when Heyu is configured to operate in HEYU mode, where the period of validity of the schedule is variable at the user\'s option. The difference between the two, i.e., status and cronstatus, is that \'status\' displays a human-readable message whereas \'cronstatus\' displays only the number of days (or an error code) for convenient parsing in a cron script. The codes are: .br >= 0 Number of days until expiration (0 = Today is last day) .br -1 SCHEDULE_EXPIRED (Schedule must be reloaded) .br -2 NO_EXPIRATION (Schedule contains no timers) .br -3 NO_RECORD_FILE (No schedule has been uploaded) .br -4 BAD_RECORD_FILE (File x10record is corrupted.) .br .PP .IP \fBcatchup\fP Reads the EEPROM image binary file x10image saved when a schedule is uploaded and immediately executes in chronological order the commands in the macros for each timed event scheduled for today\'s date, beginning at 00:00 hours and continuing up until the current system time. .PP .IP \fBtrigger\fP An uploaded macro can only be executed by an uploaded timer or if triggered by a powerline command. The 'heyu trigger Hu on|off' command emulates a powerline trigger by looking up the trigger condition and macro commands in the x10image and x10macroxref files saved by Heyu when a schedule is uploaded. It then executes them as direct commands. Macro delays are ignored. .PP .IP \fBmacro\fP Using the x10macroxref and x10image files saved when a schedule is uploaded, \'heyu macro <label>\' looks up the commands comprising the macro with the argument label and immediately executes them as direct commands. Macro delays are ignored. .PP .IP \fBmonitor\fP When executed in a separate terminal window, all X10 events sent and received by the CM11A interface will be displayed in this window. The output goes to stdout and may be redirected to a file (however the log file generated by the Heyu state engine process contains the same information, and more). The events are time-stamped and identified as to their source with the following codes: .br \fIsndc\fP - Sent from the Heyu command line. .br \fIsnda\fP - Transceived from RF by the heyu_aux daemon. .br \fIsnds\fP - Sent by Heyu from within a script. (*) .br \fIsndp\fP - Sent by Heyu from within a power-fail script. (*) .br \fIsndm\fP - Sent by an uploaded macro when initiated by a Timer. .br \fIsndt\fP - Sent by an uploaded macro when initiated by a Trigger. .br \fIrcvi\fP - Received over the AC power line. .br \fIrcvt\fP - A Trigger signal which initiated an uploaded macro. .br \fIrcva\fP - RF signals received from the heyu_aux daemon. .br (*) When that script is launched by the Heyu state engine daemon. .PP .IP \fBstart\fP Starts the Heyu relay daemon and other configured daemons, i.e., it will also start the Heyu Engine daemon if the directive \'START_ENGINE AUTO\' appears in the configuration file and will start the Heyu Auxilliary daemon if the \'TTY_AUX ...\' directive appears in the configuration file. .PP .IP \fBrestart\fP Directs all running Heyu background processes - heyu_relay, heyu_engine, heyu_aux - plus Heyu monitors, to re-read the configuration file and incorporate any changes since these processes were started. .PP .IP \fBstop\fP Kills the heyu_relay daemon that gathers input from the tty port. This will also cause heyu_engine, heyu_aux, and any monitors to stop. It can only kill the processes that you have permissions to stop. .PP .IP \fBengine\fP Starts the Heyu state engine daemon, heyu_engine, a background process which maintains a record of the state of each module based on X10 signals sent or received, and which can launch scripts based on these signals. If so enabled in the configuration file, its output, similar to that of the monitor, is written to a log file. .br This command will not be needed if the directive "START_ENGINE AUTO" is included in the configuration file and Heyu's background processes are initiated by running \'heyu start\'. .br Whenever changes are made to the configuration file, the engine must be restarted for the changes to be incorporated. (Run \'heyu restart\' to restart it.) .br Warning: The record of module states maintained by the state engine can be in disagreement with reality for any number of reasons and should never be relied on for critical applications. .PP .IP \fBaux\fP Starts the auxiliary daemon heyu_aux, a background process which allows X10 commands to be input to Heyu via RF signals from a W800RF32A, MR26A, or RFXCOM serial receiver, or from an RFXLAN network receiver. The serial port to which the receiver is connected, or the network address in case of RFXLAN, and the receiver device type must be specified in the configuration file with the TTY_AUX directive. .br This command will not be needed if Heyu's background processes are initiated with the \'heyu start\' command. .PP .IP \fBscript_ctrl\fP Globally disables (\'heyu script_ctrl disable\') or enables (\'heyu script_ctrl enable\') launching of scripts by Heyu. This command overrides the configuration directive SCRIPT_CTRL (or its default value of ENABLE). .PP .IP \fBinitstate\fP If no housecode is specified, initializes the entire X10 state table to zero. With a housecode (heyu initstate H), initializes the state table to zero for just that housecode. .PP .IP \fBinitothers\fP Initialize the cumulative received address state table to zero. .PP .IP \fBreset\fP The default action for \fIreset\fR is to clear the registers in the the CM11A and to set it to the default housecode defined in the configuration file. The CM11A will then track state changes for that housecode in its internal registers. If a housecode is specified as an argument, the CM11A will be set to track state changes on that housecode instead. Note that the state recorded in the CM11A internal registers is completely independent of the all-housecode states tracked by the Heyu state engine. .PP .IP \fBsetclock\fP Reads the system clock and loads it into the CM11A. This is adjusted for local daylight savings time and for the mode of an uploaded schedule, if any. As of Heyu version 2, the CM11A clock is maintained on local Standard Time throughout the year. .PP .IP \fBreadclock\fP Displays the date and time for the CM11A and system clocks. The raw data from the CM11A clock is adjusted for local daylight savings time and for the mode of an uploaded schedule, if any. .PP .IP \fBnewbattery\fP Resets the CM11A battery timer to zero. .PP .IP \fBpurge\fP Cancel any pending delayed macros, i.e., delayed macros which have been called by a timer or trigger but have not yet been executed. .PP .IP \fBclear\fP Clear the CM11A unit status registers for the monitored housecode. .PP .IP \fButility\fP Several infrequently-used options are available: .br \'heyu utility syscheck\' displays clock/calendar/timezone information obtained from the system by Heyu. Use this to make sure that your system\'s time configuration is what you think it ought to be. .br \'heyu utility dawndusk\' displays the times of Dawn and Dusk for today. .br \'heyu utility suntable [-r|-c|-n|-a|-o [-]\fInn\fP] [-s] [-w] [\fIyyyy\fP]\' writes a file to the hard drive containing a daily table of Dawn and Dusk as computed by Heyu for your Longitude, Latitude, and Timezone, for the current year or for year \fIyyyy\fP. By default, Dawn and Dusk are as defined by the DAWNDUSK_DEF directive in your configuration file, times displayed are Civil (i.e., wall-clock) times, and the table is 80 columns wide. .br Switches -r, -c, -n, -a or -o [-]\fInn\fP direct Heyu to use the definition of Dawn and Dusk as either Sunrise/Sunset, or Civil, Nautical or Astronomical Twilight, or a specified position of the Sun centre in angle minutes below the horizon (actually above the horizon if \fb-\fInn\fP), respectively, overriding the definition of Dawn and Dusk from your configuration file. .br Switch -s displays times as Standard Time throughout the year instead of Civil Time. .br Switch -w writes the table in wide (135 column) format instead of the default 80 columns. (Printing this table on US Letter or A4 size paper requires landscape orientation and an 8-point fixed font.) .br \'heyu utility calibrate\' provides the timing loop calibration needed for CM17A Firecracker "fast" commands and some experimental commands. .br \'heyu utility masks\' displays the numerical value of the mask environment variables for Heyu and Xtend environments. (For use with \'heyu heyu_state\', \'heyu heyu_rawstate\', and \'heyu xtend_state\'.) .PP .IP \fBlogmsg\fP Writes its quoted-text argument (max length 80 characters) as a time-stamped entry in the Heyu logfile and on the monitor screen. (There\'s no checking to see whether either the engine or monitor is actually running.) This is primarily intended for making occasional notes while testing and may or may not play well if executed in the midst of X10 power line activity. It will also increase the size of the spool file by a few bytes more than the length of the text, so should be used sparingly. .br Example: .br heyu logmsg "Awaiting signals from my new wall switch and transceiver." .PP .IP \fBcm10a_init\fP Manually re-initialize a CM10A interface provided Heyu has been configured for a CM10A instead of a CM11A. Note that when thus configured, the Heyu relay should handle this automatically after a power interruption. .PP .IP \fBwait\fP Wait until execution of an uploaded macro has completed before returning. This is primarily intended for use when a script or shell command is launched by an X10 command executed within an uploaded macro, i.e., with launch source SNDM or SNDT, when it\'s important to be certain that the execution of the macro has been completed. If the timeout parameter is omitted, the default timeout is 30 seconds. This command operates by repeatedly pinging the CM11A once a second until it echoes back the ping character. .PP .PP .IP \fBrestore_groups\fP Primarily intended for use following an interruption of AC power, this command sends the X10 signals to all modules defined as supporting extended code groups to restore the group assignments and xconfig mode to the settings preserved in the X10 state file. (Run \'heyu show groups H\' to display the group settings.) .PP .IP \fBlogtail\fP Calls the system \'tail\' command to display the last N lines of the Heyu log file. If parameter N is omitted, the default for the system tail command, typically 10 lines, is displayed. The directory where the log file is maintained must have been specified with the LOG_DIR directive in the Heyu configuration file. .PP .IP \fBlaunch\fP Launches a script defined by a SCRIPT directive provided a restricted subset of the launch conditions are satisfied. For all scripts, the sources, keywords, and flags other than global flags are disregarded in the launch conditions. .IP For a Normal script, function tokens on, off, dim, and changed are interpreted as representing the on/off/dim/changed state of the specified module addresses rather than signals. All other function tokens are disregarded. The launch condition is satisfied if any one of the state comparisons is TRUE and all the global flags are TRUE. .br For an Address script the launch conditions are satisfied when a module is in the addressed state and the global flags are true. .br The syntax is: .br heyu launch [-e] [-L<n>] <script_label> .br For a Normal or Address script, the -e switch instructs Heyu to ignore the functions and addresses and test only the global flags in the launch conditions, as if it were an -exec script. .br Each set of launch conditions for a script is tested in the same order as for a script launched by an X10 signal. For a script with multiple launchers, the testing can be confined to a single launcher by providing the launcher number <n> with the -L<n> switch. Launcher numbers start at 0 for each script and are displayed in square "[]" brackets following the script label in \'heyu show launchers\' command when there is more than one. (If there is only one set of launch conditions, the launcher number will always be 0 and is not displayed.) .br Examples: .br For the directive: SCRIPT -l CheckLights A1-16 on notnight nosrc; B1-16 on notnight nosrc :: ... .br heyu launch CheckLights .br heyu launch -L1 CheckLights .PP .IP \fBversion\fP Prints the version number and then exits. .SH STATE COMMANDS These commands are primarily intended for external scripts or programs to obtain state information from Heyu which has previously been stored in the state tables maintained by the Heyu engine. Scripts and programs launched by the Heyu engine already have access to complete state information via the environment variables passed to them. For a more human-readable display, use the \'heyu show housemap [H]\' command. .PP These commands will display the various states of a module. The parameter is a single-unit housecode|unit string \'Hu\' or just a housecode \'H\'. (An alias is also accepted.) For the flagstate command, the parameter is just the number of the flag (1-N). .PP The format for some of the state commands has been changed to the following. See below for the older formats, which are still available. .PP enginestate State engine daemon is running (1) or not running (0) .br armedstate Bitmap: 1 = Armed, 2 = Home, 4 = ArmPending, 8 = tamper .br sensorfault Bitmap: 1 = Low battery, 2 = Inactive, 8 = tamper .br flagstate n State of flag n as either 1 (set) or 0 (clear) .br nightstate State of night flag as 1 (night) or 0 (notnight) .br darkstate State of dark flag as 1 (dark) or 0 (notdark) .br (Dark is defined by config directive ISDARK_OFFSET) .br sunstate Bitmap: 1 = Night, 2 = Dark .PP In the following, specifying a housecode|unit (Hu) will display the boolean value 1 or 0 representing that Hu is in or not in that state, respectively. Specifying only the Housecode will display a unit bitmap (as an integer) of the units which are in that state, with bit 0 corresponding to unit 1, bit 1 to unit 2, bit 2 to unit 3, etc. .br onstate H[u] On state .br offstate H[u] Off state (not On) .br dimstate H[u] Dim state .br addrstate H[u] Addressed state .br chgstate H[u] Changed state .br fullonstate H[u] Fully On state (On and not Dim) .br alertstate H[u] Alert state .br clearstate H[u] Clear state .br auxalertstate H[u] AuxAlert state .br auxclearstate H[u] AuxClear state .br lobatstate H[u] Low Battery state for sensors .br validstate H[u] Function processed state (*) .br activestate H[u] Active state for sensors .br inactivestate H[u] Inactive state for sensors .br spendstate H[u] Status-pending flags (**) .br statusstate H[u] Deprecated - same as spendstate H[u] .PP (*) validstate H[u] indicates that a signal supported by the module type at H[u] has been sent or received in the Heyu State Engine since Heyu was started. .PP (**) When Heyu sends or receives a status or xstatus signal, the Heyu State Engine sets a status-pending flag for the addressed unit in its state table. When it receives a StatusOn, StatusOff, or xStatusAck return signal from a 2-way module, it resets this flag for the addressed unit. .br If the status-pending flag remains set after an expected response time (which may be a few seconds), it\'s an indication that something is wrong - possibly a missed signal, a tripped circuit breaker or GFI, or a 2-way module unplugged or simply gone bad. .br Note that most common modules are only 1-way and don\'t respond to a status request. The state of the status-pending flag is therefore meaningless for those modules. Note also that the status-pending flag will NOT be reset for 2-way modules (like many SwitchLinc and LampLinc modules) which return a brightness level rather than a StatusOn/StatusOff signal. .PP The \'sensorfault\' command provides a quick check of sensors defined by their module types in an ALIAS directive as being security sensors. .br A displayed value of 0 indicates all security sensors are operating normally, otherwise the consolidated bitmap with 1 indicates a low battery in one or more sensors, and the bitmap with 2 indicates one or more sensors haven\'t reported in the elapsed time defined by the INACTIVE_TIMEOUT configuration directive. Run \'heyu show sensors\' for a detailed report identifying the individual sensors with problems. .PP The old format is available for compatibility by setting the configuration directive OLD_STATE_FORMAT to YES. The commands require a housecode|unit parameter Hu and display the output in the heyuhelper style. Example outputs are shown in parentheses for Hu = B8. .PP onstate Hu State of Hu as either On or Off (b8On, b8Off) .br dimstate Hu State of Hu as Dim, On, or Off (b8Dim, b8On, b8Off) .br addrstate Hu Addressed state of Hu (b8Addr, b8Unaddr) .br chgstate Hu Changed state of Hu (b8Chg, b8Unchg) .br .PP The following command displays the state of all units on housecode H as a 16 character ASCII string. Characters 1-16 represent respectively the states of Units 1-16, each as a (lower-case) hexadecimal digit 0-0xf formed by adding together the state values On = 8, Dimmed = 4, Changed = 2, Addressed = 1. .br statestr H (8c30000000000000) .br The above example indicates H1 is On, H2 is On and Dimmed, H3 was changed to Off by the most recent command on housecode H and remains addressed, and H4-16 are all Off and unaddressed. .br The following return the current brightness or native level of module Hu as recorded by the Heyu state engine. (For Hu addresses of X10 security sensors, the security data byte is returned.) .br dimlevel Hu Brighness level of Hu as 0-100% (50) .br rawlevel Hu Native level (0-210, 1-32, or 0-63) of Hu (32) .PP The following return respectively the stored brightness level 0-100% and stored native level for modules which retain the memory of a previous setting, e.g., lamp modules which support the Resume or On-Level feature, or shutter controllers which store a limit value. The level returned for modules without a memory feature will be just the maximum level for that module type. (For Hu addresses of two-channel X10 security sensors configured in dual mode, the security data byte for the Aux channel is returned.) .br memlevel Hu Stored brightness level of Hu as 0-100% .br rawmemlevel Hu Stored native level of Hu .PP counter N Value of counter N .PP The following return the state bitmap of a module as a decimal integer. See x10scripts(5) for the meaning of each bit, which differs for Heyu and Xtend bitmaps. These are the values of the variables provided in the script environment as \'X10_Hu\'. .br heyu_state Hu Heyu script environment state bitmap with dimlevel as a percentage of full brightness. .br heyu_rawstate Hu Heyu script environment state bitmap with native level (0-210, 1-32, 0-63, 0-15, 0-255). .br heyu_vflagstate Hu Heyu script environment vFlag state bitmap .br xtend_state Hu Xtend script environment state bitmap .PP rcstemp H Retrieves the stored value of temperature from an RCS compatible thermometer which has previously been stored in the Heyu Engine state tables by either an automatic report or resulting from a query of the thermometer. .PP The following command directs the state engine to write an updated state file to the hard drive. .br fetchstate .br This command should be required only if the configuration directive AUTOFETCH has been changed to NO, _and_ it\'s important to know the addressed/unaddressed state of a module. Here\'s why: .br The state engine automatically updates the state file whenever an X10 function is sent or received, but not when an X10 address is sent or received until the X10 function which normally follows. The state file is used only when a state command, e.g., \'onstate\' or \'dimstate\' command is issued from the command line. (The environment variables supplied by Heyu when a script is launched by the state engine are created directly from the engine\'s memory record and not the state file.) Of the state commands, only \'addrstate\', \'heyu_state\', \'xtend_state\' report the addressed state of a module or modules. If the configuration directive AUTOFETCH retains its default value of YES, these commands will automatically call for an update of the state file. If AUTOFETCH is changed to NO _and_ an X10 address is sent or received without a following X10 function, then it will be necessary to execute \'heyu fetchstate\' before the any of the above mentioned state commands in order for the reported addressed state to be correct. .br Example: If AUTOFETCH is set to NO and the following sequence of X10 signals is received: .br address unit 1 : housecode A .br function On : housecode A .br address unit 2 : housecode A .br Then the command \'heyu addrstate An\' will incorrectly show A1 as addressed and A2 as unaddressed unless \'heyu fetchstate\' is run first. .br (The above may be a little confusing but the vast majority of users can safely ignore both the \'fetchstate\' command and the AUTOFETCH configuration directive.) .PP The following state commands retrieve data received from RFXSensors and stored in Heyu\'s state tables. See man page x10rfxsensors(5) for details. .PP rfxtemp Hu Stored Temperature .br rfxrh Hu Stored Relative Humidity .br rfxbp Hu Stored Barometric Pressure .br rfxvs Hu Stored Supply Voltage .br rfxvad Hu Stored A/D Voltage .br rfxvadi Hu Stored internal A/D Voltage .br rfxpot Hu Stored Potentiometer setting .br rfxtemp2 Hu Stored Second Temperature .br rfxlobat Hu Stored Low Battery status (1 = Low, 0 = Normal) .PP The following state commands retrieve data received from RFXMeters and stored in Heyu's state tables. See man page x10rfxmeters(5) for details. .PP rfxpower Hu Stored Watt-Hour meter reading. .br rfxpanel [N] Stored total Watt-Hour reading for power panel N .br rfxwater Hu Stored Water meter reading .br rfxgas Hu Stored Gas meter reading .br rfxpulse Hu Stored Pulse meter reading .br rfxcount Hu Stored raw counter reading .PP The following state commands retrieve data received from the DigiMax 210 Thermostat. See man page x10digimax(5) for details. .PP dmxtemp Hu Stored current temperature (C) .br dmxsetpoint Hu Stored setpoint temperature (C) .br dmxstatus Hu Stored On/Off status (1 = On) .br dmxmode Hu Stored Heat/Cool mode (1 = Heat) .PP The following state commands retrieve data received from Oregon Temperature/Relative Humidity/Barometric Pressure sensors, Wind or Rain sensors, or Radio Clocks. See man page x10oregon(5) for details. .PP oretemp Hu Stored temperature reading. .br orerh Hu Stored Relative Humidity. .br orebp Hu Stored Barometric Pressure. .br oredt Hu Stored Date and Time. .br orewindavsp Hu Stored Wind Average Speed. .br orewindsp Hu Stored Wind Instantaneous Speed. .br orewinddir Hu Stored Wind Direction angle. .br orerainrate Hu Stored Rainfall Rate. .br oreraintot Hu Stored Rainfall Total Accumulation. .br elscurr Hu Stored Electrisave Current reading. .PP The following command allows an external program to store Temp/RH/BP data in the state table for a emulation (dummy) Oregon module for processing by Heyu, just as if the data were received from an actual Oregon sensor. .PP heyu ore_emu Hu <func> <value> .PP See section "OREGON SENSOR EMULATION" in man page x10oregon(5) for details. .PP The following command allows an external program to emulate a signal from an X10 Security sensor or remote, as if the signal were received from an actual device. .PP heyu sec_emu Hu <func> <flags> .PP where <funct> must be one which is transmitted by the physical security sensor or remote mapped to Hu. Like other Heyu function names it must be entered in all lower case. .br <func> may be: alert, clear, sectamper, panic, arm, disarm, test, slightson, slightsoff, sdusk, sdawn, akeyon, akeyoff, bkeyon, or bkeyoff. .PP The <flags> must be specified as they would appear in the monitor/logfile when an actual RF transmission is received, although they are not case sensitive and can appear in any order after the <func>. There are no defaults, e.g., for a door/window sensor with a Min/Max switch, either swmin or swmax must be specified. .br <flags> may be: swmin, swmax, swhome, swaway, main, aux, and lobat as supported by the particular sensor. Do not specify the tamper flag as it is handled differently from the other flags. .SH DIRECT COMMANDS Heyu version 2 greatly expands the number of commands which can be executed directly from the command line. All commands which the CM11A is capable of sending are now available, although many of them will be of little use to the average user. .br Enter \'heyu help\' for a complete up-to-date listing of the commands and their syntax. A number of commands have synonyms which some users may find easier to remember. Enter \'heyu syn\' to see the synonyms for each command. .br Although a few commands are different, the command syntax in general is as follows: .br heyu \<command\> Housecode|Units [\<data\>] .PP The usual Housecode|Units address is comprised of a case-insensitive housecode letter A through P, followed with no intervening spaces by a list of the particular unit codes to be addressed, ranging from 1 through 16. Unit code 0 is acceptable (but not necessary) for commands which don\'t require any unit codes. .br An \'alias\' defined in the configuration file can be used in place of a Housecode|Units string. .br For any command, using an underscore (\'_\') in place of the housecode letter will direct Heyu to substitute the default housecode defined in the configuration file. .br The units list may consist of a single unit, multiple units delimited by commas, a range of units separated with a \'-\' sign, or a combination of the foregoing. .br The following are examples of valid Housecode|Unit addresses: .br A7 .br B3,5 .br g2,4,6-9,11,14-16 .br For commands which apply to all units in a given housecode, the units list is omitted, e.g., .br heyu lightson B .br Direct Command listing (H = Housecode, HU = Housecode|Units): .br on HU Turn units ON .br off HU Turn units OFF .br dim HU <level> Dim by <level> (1-22) .br dimb HU <level> Dim to <level> (1-22) after full bright .br obdim HU <level> Dim to <level> after on and full bright. .br bright HU <level> Brighten by <level> (1-22) .br brightb HU <level> Brighten by <level> (1-22) after full bright .br lightson H Turn All Lights ON .br lightsoff H Turn All Lights OFF (**) .br allon H Turn All Units ON .br alloff H Turn All Units OFF .br turn HU <command> Change state on|off|up|down [vv] .br preset HU <level> Preset units to <level> (1-32) (*) .br mpreset HU <linked> Limited Preset for uploaded macros .br preset_level <level> Preset to <level> (1-32) (function only) .br status HU Request ON/OFF status (two-way modules) .br status_on HU Status Acknowledge ON .br status_off HU Status Acknowledge OFF .br hail [H] Hail other devices .br hailw [H] Hail other devices, await ack (*) .br hail_ack [H] Hail Acknowledge .br data_xfer H Data Transfer (function code 0xC) .br xon HU Extended Turn Units Full ON (LM14A) .br xoff HU Extended Turn Units Full OFF (LM14A) .br xpreset HU <level> Extended Preset <level> (0-63) (LM14A) .br xallon H Extended All Units ON (LM14A) .br xalloff H Extended All Units OFF (LM14A) .br xstatus HU Extended Status Request (LM14A) .br xconfig H <mode 0-3> Extended Config Auto Status Report (LM14A) .br (0 = Off, 1 = Extended, 2 = Standard, 3 = Either) .br xpowerup HU Extended Module PowerUp signal (LM14A) .br xgrpadd HU G Include HU in group G (0-3) at current level .br xgrpaddlvl HU g <level> Include HU in group g (0-3) at level (0-63) .br xgrprem HU g[,g,...] Remove HU from group(s) in list. .br xgrpremall H g[,g,...] Remove all housecode H from group(s) in list .br xgrpexec H G Execute functions for housecode H, group G .br xgrpstatus HU G Return level (or Nack) for unit(s) in group G. .br (for 2-way modules only) .br xfunc <T/F> HU <Data> Extended command - general .br xfuncw <T/F> HU <Data> Extended command - general, await ack (*) .br address HU [HU [...]] Send HC|Units addresses only (*) .br function <command ...> Send command function only .br kill_all_hc Send All_Units_Off to All Housecodes .br pause N.NNN Pause for N.NNN seconds (*) .br sleep N.NNN Sleep for N.NNN seconds (*) .br delay NNN Delay for NNN minutes (*) .br rdelay [MIN] MAX Delay random time between MIN and MAX minutes (*) .br temp_req <query_cmd> Request temperature (RCS compatible) (*) .br rcs_req <query_cmd> Request RCS compatible status (*) .br vdata HU <Data> Write data to primary byte at address HU (*) .br vdatam HU <Data> Write data to memory byte at address HU (*) .br arm [parameters] Arm system [home|away] [min|max] (@) (*) .br disarm Disarm system (@) (*) .br setflag n[,n...] Set one or more flags (@) (*) .br clrflag n[,n...] Clear one or more flags (@) (*) .br clrspend H[U] Clear status-pending flags for H[U] (*) .br clrstatus H[U] Deprecated - same as clrspend .br settimer N <hh:mm:ss> Set countdown timer N to hh:mm:ss (@) (*) .br clrtimers Reset all countdowns timers to zero (@) (*) .br clrtamper Reset the global tamper flag (@) (*) .br setcount N <count> Set counter N to count (0-64K) (@) (*) .br inccount N Increment counter N by 1 (@) (*) .br deccount N Decrement counter N by 1 (@) (*) .br (*) Not available for use in uploaded macros. .br (**) Many dimmer modules do NOT support this command. .br (@) Ignored if the Heyu state engine daemon is not running. .br Additionally, if Heyu has been configured to recognize Extended Code Type 0 (Shutter and Shade) commands: .br shopen HU <level> Open shutter to level (0-25) and cancel limit .br shopenlim HU <level> Open shutter to level (0-25), enforce limit .br shsetlim HU <level> Set limit (0-25) and open shutter to limit .br shopenall H Open all shutters fully and cancel limit .br shcloseall H Close all shutters fully .br (The only module known to support these shutter commands is the 230 Volt, 50 Hz, Marmitek SW10 Shutter Motor Controller sold in Europe, and Marmitek keeps this support a secret.) .PP Internal engine precommands. These work the same as the corresponding direct commands without the \'@\' prefix but are used ONLY in the command line of a SCRIPT directive. See the SCRIPT COMMAND LINE section of man page x10scripts(5) for details. .PP @arm [parameters] Arm system [home|away] [min|max] (*) .br @disarm Disarm system .br @setflag n[,n...] Set one or more flags (*) .br @clrflag n[,n...] Clear one or more flags (*) .br @clrspend H[U] Clear status-pending flags for H[U] (*) .br @settimer N <hh:mm:ss> Set countdown timer N to hh:mm:ss (*) .br @clrtimers Reset all countdown timers to zero (*) .br @vdata HU <byte> Write data (0-255) to HU primary address (*) .br @vdatam HU <byte> Write data (0-255) to HU memory address (*) .br @setcount N <count> Set counter N to count (0-64K) (*) .br @inccount N Increment counter N by 1 (*) .br @deccount N Decrement counter N by 1 (*) .br @decskpz N Decrement counter N by 1 and skip if zero (*) .br @decskpnz N Decrement counter N by 1 and skip if not zero (*) .br @null Just a place holder - does nothing (*) .PP More details on a few of these commands: .br The \'heyu obdim HU <level>\' command is a compound command equivalent to running the scene \'on HU; bright -H 22; dim -H <level>\'. It is intended to replace the \'dimb HU <level>\' command when compatibility of the new X-10 WS467 Wall Switch (redesigned in 2007) with the original WS467 (and other dimmers) is required. (The redesigned WS467 cannot be turned on from the Off state by a dim or bright alone.) .br The _turn, _preset, and _status "legacy" commands in earlier versions of Heyu have been removed. .br The \'setflag\', \'clrflag\', and \'clrstatus\' commands are not strictly speaking direct commands because they send nothing to the CM11A and only control software flags in the state engine. They are included with the direct command group so they can be used in scenes and usersyns. .PP The \'setflag\' and \'clrflag\' parameter may be a single flag number between 1 and N, e.g., \'heyu setflag 4\', or a comma delimited list of numbers or ranges of numbers, e.g., \'heyu setflag 2,3,5-7\'. If the state engine daemon is not running, these commands will be silently ignored. .PP The \'arm\' command controls the setting of Heyu global security flags which can be tested as part of the launch conditions for Heyu scripts. These flags are "disarmed", "armed", "notarmed", "armpending", "home" and "away". (The "notarmed" flag is set when either the "disarmed" or "armpending" flag is set.) .PP The MIN or MAX parameter determines the delay before the system enters the Armed state. With MIN, the "armed" flag is set immediately. With MAX, the "armpending" flag is set until the end of the delay time given by the ARM_MAX_DELAY configuration directive, at which time the flag will change from "armpending" to "armed". If neither MIN nor MAX is entered the default is MIN. .br When the \'arm\' command is issued at the command line, Heyu will issue a warning if any of the configured security door/window or motion sensors are in the Alert state, since many of these sensors will retransmit the Alert signal at their heartbeat intervals. The HOME or AWAY parameter sets the "home" or "away" flag respectively. If neither HOME nor AWAY is entered, the default is AWAY. .PP When the \'arm\' command is received from an RF Security remote (signal source RCVA), the automatic setting of the global security flags as described above may be disabled with the config directive "ARM_REMOTE MANUAL". This allows using the command to launch a script to customize the arming process, e.g., if doors or windows are open, warn the user and don\'t arm the system. .PP The \'disarm\' command takes no parameters. It sets the "disarmed" flag and clears all the other global security flags. .PP If the \'hail\' or \'hail_ack\' commands are entered without a housecode, Heyu will supply the default housecode from the Heyu configuration file, as if an underscore were entered for the housecode letter. .br The Heyu \'turn\' command requires using the underscore to initiate replacement with the default housecode. It supports the functions on, off, lightson, lightsoff, allon, alloff, dim, dimb, bright, brightb, or any of the synonyms for these functions. .br The \'turn\' command also supports the CM17A commands fon, foff, fdim, fbright, flightson, flightsoff, falloff, and the applicable "fast" implementations of these commands. The Extended Code command \'xconfig\' configures the automatic status reporting mode of an X-10 2-way module like the LM14A or AM14A. .br The module can be directed to automatically report its status whenever it receives a command which changes its state. The four modes are: 0 = Off; 1 = Report status when an Extended command is received; 2 = Report status when a Standard command is received; 3 = Report status when either a Standard or Extended command is received. (Note that the mode is stored in volatile memory in the module and will be reset to the default mode 0 in the event of a power interruption.) .br The Extended Code module power-up signal \'xpowerup\' is sent by X-10 2-way modules like the LM14A and AM14A when they are powered up following an AC power interruption of at least a few seconds duration. This signal is included as a direct and macro command primarily for testing purposes - its primary use is in launch conditions for a script or shell command to reconfigure the status reporting mode of the module. .br The general Extended Code commands \'xfunc\' and \'xfuncw\' require entering the extended Type/Function for the desired function between the command and the Housecode|Units list. Both the T/F and Data bytes are entered as hexadecimal digits. Example: .br heyu xfunc 31 M12 20 .br (which is equivalent to \'heyu xpreset M12 32\') .br The Extended Code Group command \'xgrpadd\' allows a module which supports extended code (Type 3) functions, like the LM14A, to be assigned to up to four groups (0-3), each with an individual preset level (0-63). Then a single \'xgrpexec\' command executed for a group will set each member of that group on that housecode to the predefined preset level. The \'xgrprem\' and \'xgrpremall\' command removes either individual units or the entire housecode from one or more groups. The \'xgrpstatus\' command polls a (2-way) module for the extended preset level for a group stored in the module\'s (volatile) memory. .br Examples: heyu xgrpadd A1,9 2 .br adds modules A1 and A9 to group 2 at their current levels. .br heyu xgrpaddlvl A1,2,4 3 40 .br adds modules A1, A2 and A4 to group 3 at extended preset level 40 .br heyu xgrpexec A 2 .br results in modules A1 and A9 simultaneously going to the levels defined for group 2. .br heyu xgrprem A9 2 .br removes A9 from group 2. .br heyu xgrprem A1 2,3 .br removes A1 from groups 2 and 3 .br heyu xgrpremall A 2,3 .br removes all modules on housecode A from groups 2 and 3 .br heyu xgrpstatus A1 3 .br for 2-way modules will be either acknowledged ("xGrpAck") by A1 with the preset level stored for group 3, or negative-acknowledged ("xGrpNack") if A1 is not a member of group 3. .PP Details of Extended Codes defined by X-10 are found in their document xtdcodes.pdf which may be downloaded from their website. (This document replaced their older XTC798.DOC.) .br The (old-style) \'preset\' command has a peculiar coding - the housecode is not part of the function byte as it is for all other native X10 commands. Since Heyu\'s \'preset_level\', i.e. preset function-only, command does not take a housecode, it is programmed simply as: .br heyu preset_level <level> .br The \'mpreset\' command implements the very limited CM11A support for (old style) \'preset\' commands in uploaded macros. The allowed preset levels are linked with the housecode according to the following table. .br HC Levels supported .br --- ---------------- .br A 7, 23 .br B 8, 24 .br C 5, 21 .br D 6, 22 .br E 9, 25 .br F 10, 26 .br G 11, 27 .br H 12, 28 .br I 15, 31 .br J 16, 32 .br K 13, 29 .br L 14, 30 .br M 1, 17 .br N 2, 18 .br O 3, 19 .br P 4, 20 .br If the \'mpreset\' command is executed from the Heyu command line, the levels are restricted to those shown, for consistancy with its support in an uploaded macro. .br The \'brightb\' command (brighten after brightening to 100%) is essentially useless. It is implemented as a direct command only because it is a valid (although equally useless) command in an uploaded macro. A design goal for Heyu is to have the ability to program any command supported by the CM11A, and to have a direct command corresponding to each macro command. (The existance of the brightb macro command is probably just a side effect of firmware code shared with the dimb command.) .br The \'address\' command sends one or more module addresses to the power line with no function code. It is useful for devices like the various SwitchLinc(TM) modules which require a sequence of addresses only, with no intervening functions, for programming them. (There does not appear to be any way to have the CM11A send only addresses from an uploaded macro in its EEPROM.) Send individual Housecode|Unit addresses to guarantee the order in which they are sent. Example: .br heyu address F1 B3 B4 .br The \'function\' command sends only the function code for its argument command, without any module unit addresses. The housecode is part of the function code, so must be specified. .br Example: .br heyu function on A .br The \'kill_all_hc\' command sends an \'alloff\' command to each housecode A-P. Its purpose is to put the user\'s home system in a known state, with all modules turned off and unaddressed. .br The \'pause\' command is useful in scenes or usersyns when it\'s desireable to insert a short delay between transmissions of commands defined in the scene/usersyn. Its parameter is decimal seconds and fractions, with millisecond precision (although not necessarily millisecond accuracy). It should not be used to insert long delays as the serial port write lock prevents other Heyu commands from being executed during the pause interval. .br The \'sleep\' command is similar to the \'pause\' command except that the serial port write lock is removed during the sleep interval, allowing other Heyu commands to be executed during the interval. This Heyu command may be useful for operating systems under which the shell sleep command accepts only an integer parameter. .br The \'delay\' and \'rdelay\' commands are similar to \'sleep\' in that the port write lock is removed during the interval, but the time is expressed in integer minutes 0-240. The \'delay\' command delays for a fixed time. The \'rdelay\' commands accepts either one or two parameters, [MIN] and MAX. The delay will be a random time no shorter than MIN (default 0) and no longer than MAX. .br The \'temp_req\' command requires as an argument the command used by the particular model of remote thermostat/thermometer to initiate an RCS-compatible temperature report. It will then convert the encoded reply from the thermometer to a temperature and display it on the command line. For the TempLinc(TM) Model 1625 remote thermometer, the command to initiate the report is the \'status\' command. For the RCS TX15-B (or newer RCS TXB16) Thermostat, the command to initiate the temperature report is the \'preset\' command to level 1 at unit 5. Examples: .br For the TempLinc 1625: .br heyu temp_req status A1 .br For the RCS TX15-B: .br heyu temp_req preset A5 1 .br An RCS-compatible remote thermometer encodes the temperature in the unit code and preset Level of an old-style Preset command according to the following formula: .br temperature = -60 + (level - 1) + 32 * (unit - 11) .br (valid for units 11 through 16) .br Whether the temperature scale is Celsius or Fahrenheit is determined by how the thermometer is initially programmed. The same formula is used in either case. .br Since the unit code of the thermometer module itself is lost, the only way to distinguish between the reports from multiple thermometers is to assign each to a different housecode. .br A (fictitious) unit 0 alias, e.g., \'ALIAS Basement B0\', can be defined to give a name to the location where the temperature is reported. If the Heyu State Engine is running, the decoded temperature will be stored at this address, where it can later be recovered with either the \'heyu dimlevel B0\' or \'heyu rawlevel B0\' commands. Or from within a script launched by Heyu, from the value of environment variable X10_B0 or the environment variable for the alias for this address, e.g., x10_Basement. .br The \'rcs_req\' command functions similarly to the \'temp_req\' command. (It is in fact the same command with a different name and either can be used interchangeably.) .br Heyu now has built-in support for interpreting the various status reports received from a RCS TX15-B or TXB16 thermostat. The thermostat can be directed to transmit these reports with the following commands (for a thermostat configured for housecode A): .br heyu rcs_req preset A5 1 (temperature) .br heyu rcs_req preset A5 2 (setpoint temperature) .br heyu rcs_req preset A5 3 (system mode) .br heyu rcs_req preset A5 4 (fan mode) .br heyu rcs_req preset A5 5 (setback mode) .br heyu rcs_req preset A5 6 (setback delta temperature) .br heyu rcs_req preset A5 7 (outdoor temperature) .br heyu rcs_req preset A5 8 (heat setpoint temperature) .br heyu rcs_req preset A5 9 (cooling setpoint temperature) .PP Note: the temperature value stored at the unit 0 address location will be the one most recently decoded, whether (room) temperature, setpoint temperature, setback delta, outdoor, heat setpoint or cooling setpoint. .PP See the TX15-B or TXB16 protocol manual for complete details. .PP The \'settimer\' command will accept the countdown time parameter as either seconds, minutes:seconds, or hours:minutes:seconds. Minutes and seconds aren\'t limited to the range 0-59. .br The specified countdown time is decremented at each one-second tick of the computer\'s clock, so the accuracy of the countdown time is only +0/-1 second, depending on when between ticks the timer is set. .br When the timer counts down to zero, Heyu will launch a \'-timeout\' script if one has been specified for that timer in the configuration file. If the timer is reset to zero before timeout, then no script is launched. In the current implementation, the countdown times are not reset to zero when a \'heyu restart\' is executed. .PP The \'setrtimer\' command sets a countdown time similar to \'settimer\' above, but a random countdown time. It will accept either one or two time parameters, "[MIN] MAX". The coundown time will be a random interval no shorter than MIN (default 1 second) amd no longer than MAX. Both time parameters may be expressed as hh:mm:ss, mm:ss, or just seconds. .PP Advanced Addressing Options: .br Codes are transmitted by the CM11A over the power line in several chunks of code - one or more address bytes followed by a function code. .br Each address byte includes the housecode and a single unit code. Each function code redundantly includes the housecode plus the particular command function. (For extended codes, the function chunk of code also includes a unit code and the dim level, if any.) So for commands which apply to all units in the housecode (like the foregoing "lightson" command) or for extended codes, the address bytes are normally omitted by Heyu. .br For some purposes it may be necessary to send only the function code for a command which normally requires a units address, or include a unit address for commands which don\'t require one. For these purposes the following syntax has been implemented: .br Prefixing the Housecode|Unit address with a \'-\' sign will suppress sending the address bytes (equivalent to using the \'heyu function ...\' command). While prefixing the Housecode|Unit with a plus \'+\' sign will force sending the address bytes. Examples: .br heyu lightson +B7,12 .br heyu off -G7 (or just -G will do) .br If a housecode is prefixed with a \'+\' sign but not followed by a units list, Heyu will use unit 13. (This is for compatibility with X-10\'s ActiveHome(TM) software, which always sends an address regardless of whether it\'s needed or not.) .br .SH CM17A COMMANDS Heyu version 2 supports commands to actuate a CM17A device connected to the serial port to transmit X10 RF signals. (The CM17A is a transmit-only device; it does not receive RF.) There is no way of detecting the presence or absence of a CM17A on the serial port other than by the power line signal from a transceiver (like an X-10 TM751 or RR501) which receives the RF transmission from the CM17A and converts it to a power line signal. These commands will have no effect if the CM17A is absent other than a short delay. All of them may be used in Heyu scenes and usersyns. .br The CM17A commands are merely listed here. See man page x10cm17a(5) for a complete description. .br freset Reset the CM17A device. .br fon HU Transmit RF On .br foff HU Transmit RF Off .br fbright H[U] <count> Transmit RF Brights [after On] .br fdim H[U] <count> Transmit RF Dims [after On] .br fdimbo HU <count> Transmit RF Dims after Off .br flightson H Transmit RF All Lights On .br flightsoff H Transmit RF All Lights Off .br falloff H Transmit RF All Units Off .br farb xx xx <count> Transmit RF Abitrary two hex bytes .br farw xxxx xxxx ... Transmit RF Arbitrary 16-bit words. .br flux <count> <post-delay> xxxx xxxx ... (*) .br The following "fast" CM17A commands require special timing configuration. See man x10cm17a(5). .br ffbright H[U] <count> Transmit RF Brights [after On] .br ffdim H[U] <count> Transmit RF Dims [after On] .br ffdimbo HU <count> Transmit RF Dims after Off .br ffarb xx xx <count> Transmit RF Abitrary two hex bytes .br ffarw xxxx xxxx ... Transmit RF Arbitrary 16-bit words. .br fflux <count> <post-delay> xxxx xxxx ... (*) .br (*) Note: flux and fflux are similar to farw and ffarw except that the burst count and post-delay are specified on the command line. They are customized for the LUX17/23 front ends to Heyu but are available for general use if convenient. .SH COMPOUND COMMANDS Individual Heyu _direct_ commands may be strung together into a command list and executed with a single invocation of Heyu. To use this feature, delimit the individual commands with semicolons and enclose the entire command list within double quotes so it\'s passed to Heyu in a single chunk. .SH EXAMPLES .TP 5 heyu turn a5 on Turns X10 module A5 on. .TP 5 heyu on a5 Same as above .TP 5 heyu fon a1 Transmits X10 RF On signal via a CM17A device. .TP 5 heyu turn b7 dim 8 Dims X10 lamp module B7 by 8/22 of its total range. .TP 5 heyu "on a1; off b1; dim c7 3" A compound command. .TP heyu info Displays CM11A clock time, base housecode and unit status. It also has a bitmap that shows what it thinks is the state of the X10 modules on the same housecode. .TP 5 heyu status B1 Returns the status of the 2-way X10 module B1 if the unit replies. .TP 5 heyu stop Stops the relay daemon that controls the tty port. The monitor program and/or state engine daemon will also stop if they are running. Heyu has to be stopped before running a new version to avoid \'text busy\' messages. .TP 5 heyu setclock Sets the CM11A clock to the current time of day per the MODE specified in the user\'s config file and the record of an uploaded schedule, if any. .TP 5 heyu reset Sets the CM11A to the default housecode specified in the x10config file. .br .TP 5 heyu reset c Sets the CM11A to track events on housecode C .br .TP 5 heyu newbattery Resets the CM11A battery timer to zero. (There\'s no way to set the CM11A battery timer to any specific time other than 0.) .TP 5 heyu date Displays date in date(1) input format. The year is taken from your system clock. Please don\'t use this to set your computer\'s clock. .SH CM10A SUPPORT Heyu provides CM10A support only for Direct commands and applicable Administrative commands - e.g., the CM10A does not have a clock, so commands to set or read the clock don\'t work. (The CM10A includes a very limited memory for uploaded macros but Heyu does not support this feature.) .PP Heyu must be configured to recognize the CM10A - see the instructions for the TTY directive in man page \fix10config(5)\fR. Once Heyu is thus configured, the CM10A will be properly initialized at startup or in the event of an AC power interruption. .SH WEB INTERFACE SUPPORT Heyu endeavors to support web interface development by providing in a customizable format simple information ("web hooks") about it\'s configuration which might otherwise require extensive parsing of the Heyu configuration file. .TP 5 heyu webhook By itself, displays a summary of the available options. Further details and usage examples are provided in the file "README.webhook" included with the Heyu source distribution. .SH HEYU CLEANUP On occasion, generally due to initial misconfiguration or system crash, there may exist stale files and/or processes which interfere with the operation of Heyu. To clean up these files and/or processes, do the following: .PP .IP Run \'heyu stop\' .PP .IP Check for any Heyu processes and kill them. Under Linux, running the command \'ps aux | grep heyu\' will display any such processes. .PP .IP Run \'heyu list\' to display the LOCKDIR and SPOOLDIR directories compiled into Heyu. .PP .IP Go into the displayed LOCKDIR directory and, if they exist, delete files LCK..ttySxx (where ttySxx are serial ports to which either the CM11A or an RF receiver is connected) and delete any other files LCK..heyu.* .PP .IP Go into the displayed SPOOLDIR directory and delete all files with "heyu" in the filename. .PP Heyu should now start and run properly. .SH EXPERIMENTAL STUFF The following commands don\'t appear in the \'heyu help\' menu or regular list of commands higher up in this man page. They may be of interest to some for testing and hacking the CM11A. There is no guarantee they won't lock up the CM11A or cause it to go into a loop or go up in smoke. There\'s also no guarantee these commands won\'t be eliminated in later versions of Heyu. (Let us know if you find a good use for any of them.) Those identified by "(Admin)" work only at the command line; the others ought to work in scenes and usersyns (but not necessarily in macros). See also the similarly named section in man page x10config(5). .br .TP 5 heyu status_emu Hu Execute by a script to emulate the response to a received Status Request by a module which has no status reporting capability, e.g., any 1-way module. If the state of module Hu as recorded by the Heyu engine is is ON, the command sends a StatusOn signal, otherwise a StatusOff signal. (There are third-party X10 transmitters, e.g., some ACT transmitters, which send a Status Request and always expect a response.) .TP 5 heyu rts_pulser <msec_on> <msec_off> <repetitions> (Admin) This command turns the RTS status line On (high, positive) for <msec_on> milliseconds, turns it Off (low, negative) for <msec_off> milliseconds, then repeats the On/Off cycle for a total of <repetitions> cycles. It is useful for driving an N-channel MOSFET as an electronic switch. .br Unless you have a serial connector "Y" adapter, the CM11A will have to be disconnected. .br .TP 5 heyu xpresetramp HU <level> <ramp> The document "xtdcode.pdf" on X10\'s website indicates that the upper two bits of the data byte for the extended preset dim command control the rate at which the lamp ramps up to its programmed brightness level. A previous release of this document as "XTC798.DOC" showed these bits as "don\'t care". .br This command allows setting the ramp value in the range 0-3. Tests of modules I own show that the ramp value has no effect for the X-10 LM14A and redesigned WS467 modules, whereas the redesigned LM465 module immediately goes to full brightness, the same as programming a preset level of 63, for any preset level and any ramp value other than zero. Modules supporting extended codes from other labels or manufacturers may or may not support the ramp. .TP 5 heyu xgrpoff H G This Extended Group command is supposed to turn Off all units in housecode H which are members of group G. It is included as an experimental command because most modules either don\'t support it or get it wrong. .br The redesigned LM465 (module type LM465-1) supports it; the redesigned WS467 (module type WS467-1) doesn\'t. The LM14A and AM14A 2-way modules treat it the same as the 'xgrpexec' command, which is all wrong. (The Heyu module types for all the above attempt to model the actual physical device behavior, whether correct or incorrect.) .TP 5 heyu xgrpdim H G .TP 5 heyu xgrpbright H G These Extended Group commands are supposed to dim or brighten the modules in a group by one extended level out of 62 (starting at the resumed level if Off). They are included as experimental commands because most modules don\'t support them. The redesigned LM465 (module type LM465-1) does support them (approximately); the other extended code devices don\'t. In actuality, the number of these commands required to span the full range 1-62 is phase-dependent, observed to be about 78 if triggered on the rising zero crossing (heyu -tr ...) or about 53 if triggered on the falling zero crossing (heyu -tf ...). These average in the long run to about 65 with random zero crossings .TP Group "reference" X-10\'s Extended Code protocol allows the total number of groups to expand beyond four (although any particular housecode|unit is limited to membership in four) through what they refer to as a "group reference". .br Heyu implements the group reference as a number from 1 through 16 which may be dot-appended to the "absolute" group number for many of, but not all, the extended code group commands. All groups for a particular housecode|unit must have the same group reference. .br Heyu extended group commands listed in this man page or in \'heyu help\' showing the group parameter as a capital \'G\' may be executed with a group reference. .br The following examples illustrate assigning the module A1 to an absolute group (2) or to a group with a reference (2.10), in both cases at their current brightness level. .br heyu xgrpadd A1 2 .br heyu xgrpadd A1 2.10 .br Then in the latter example, issuing the command \'heyu xgrpexec A 2.10\' will set all members of group 2.10 to the levels stored for that group in the modules\' memory. .br The behavior of X-10 extended code devices when assigning relative groups varies from device type to device type, and it\'s anyone\'s guess whether X-10 will make unannounced changes. The behavior listed for the following module types is supported by Heyu: .br LM14A, AM14A: Assigning a reference to one group automatically changes all group memberships for that housecode|unit to use the same reference. .br WS467-1: As above, but the housecode|unit is simultaneously a member of the absolute group. .br LM465-1: Assigning a group reference removes the housecode|unit from membership in all other groups which don\'t already use the same reference. .br The command \'heyu show group H\' will display the group memberships for all units in Housecode H, absolute and, if assigned, referenced. .br Note: There is no provision in the Extended Code protocol for assigning a group reference and level with one command - the module must first be brought to the desired level with the xpreset or dim or bright command and then added to a group at its current level. As a consequence, the \'heyu restore_groups\' command can result in a lot of blinking lights when groups with a reference are restored. .TP 5 heyu port_line_test (Admin) Test whether the serial port supports the Ring Indicator (RI) and/or other serial input status lines. This test is run on the port itself - no CM11A - and requires hooking a jumper between the serial port\'s DTR line (DB-9 pin 4) and one (or more) of the input status lines to be tested: RI (pin 9), CD (pin 1), DSR (pin 6), CTS (pin 8). .br Heyu toggles the DTR line and the input line(s) should replicate the "SET" or "clr" state of the DTR line, e.g., for pin 4 jumpered to pin 9 there should be displayed: .br $ heyu port_line_test .br Jumpered pin 4 to 9 1 6 8 .br Status Line: DTR => RI CD DSR CTS .br --- --- --- --- --- .br clr => clr clr clr clr .br SET => SET clr clr clr .br clr => clr clr clr clr .br SET => SET clr clr clr .br Failure of the serial port to support a given input line is indicated by the state of the line under test being displayed as constantly clr or constantly SET. This is the case under Linux with a USB->Serial adapter containing an older Prolific chip. (Whether this is a hardware bug or a Linux bug is unknown.) .TP 5 heyu ri_disable and heyu ri_enable (Admin) These commands disable and enable the CM11A feature of asserting the Ring Indicator (RI) serial line just prior to reporting an X10 signal received over the powerline. Some PC motherboards have the capability to power up the system when the RI signal is asserted, yet lack the ability in the BIOS to turn off this feature. To prevent the CM11A from inadvertantly powering up a PC like this, run the heyu ri_disable command as the last command (other than heyu stop) before shutting down the PC. Then run the heyu ri_enable command after starting up the PC and Heyu again. Note that in the event of an interruption of AC power, the CM11A powerup condition is with the RI assertion capability enabled. And Heyu uses the command for enabling the RI line in various places for unrelated reasons. .TP 5 heyu ping (Admin) A quick check to see if the CM11A is responding. It sends the command to enable the CM11A\'s serial RI line and waits for the expected echo. .br .TP 5 heyu pausetick Pauses until the system clock rolls over to the next second. Sometimes useful in timing commands. .br .TP 5 heyu sendbytes xx xx xx ... Similar to the \'address\' command except that the addresses are entered as hexadecimal bytes housecode|unitcode (encoded value 0x00 - 0xFF). See the X10 protocol.txt document for the encoding. .br .TP 5 heyu sendtext H "quoted text string" Sends a string of quoted ASCII text as addresses on the specified housecode. Each character in the string is represented by two address bytes with their unit codes being the high and low nybbles of the character. The text is transmitted at the phenominal speed of about 0.9 characters/second and the PC\'s resources are tied up while the transmission is taking place. It works only from the command line - not in a macro and (currently) not in a scene or usersyn. Perhaps someone will discover a use for this otherwise-useless experimental command. :-) .br Example: .br heyu sendtext A "Hello world." .br .TP 5 heyu upload imagefile <filename> (Admin) Uploads any 1024 byte binary image file to the CM11A's EEPROM, whether created by Heyu or not, including binary image files created by X-10\'s ActiveHome software under MS Windows. Note: there won't be any x10record or x10macroxref files created, nor are those existing files deleted. .br .TP 5 heyu command2cm11a xx xx xx ... Sends any arbitrary string of hex bytes to the CM11A and attempts the normal software handshake for commands. .br .TP 5 heyu bytes2cm11a xx xx xx ... Sends any arbitrary string of hex bytes to the CM11A without making any attempt at the normal handshaking for commands. .br .TP 5 heyu reserved (Admin) There\'s a bit in the status update block identified as "reserved" in the X10 protocol.txt and which is normally reset to 0. This command sets it to 1 to see if it has any effect on anything. (So far I haven\'t noticed that it does anything at all, but who knows.) .br .TP 5 heyu powerfailtest boot|notboot (Admin) Emulate interruption of AC power to the CM11A. This allows testing of -powerfail scripts without having to actually interrupt power. The parameter \'boot\' or \'notboot\' specifies whether to emulate as if Heyu was just started or already running, respectively, when power to the CM11A is restored. This command requires that the Heyu state engine daemon be running. Note that this command does not update the CM11A clock (or re-initialize a CM10A) as would be done by the heyu_relay daemon following an actual power interruption. .br .TP 5 options -tr, -tf Many X10 modules are found to respond differently to commands, specifically dims and brights, depending on whether the power line signal begins on the rising or falling zero crossing. Which one the signal starts at is random with the CM11A and most other transmitters. With additional hardware, these experimental options will allow transmission of (direct) commands to synchronize with only the rising (-tr) or only the falling (-tf) zero crossing. Fast timing is required so a timing loop will have to be calibrated by running \'heyu utility calibrate\'. .br Example: .br heyu -tr dim A1 10 .br The additional hardware required is to connect the secondary of a 4 to 8 VAC (RMS) transformer between the Signal Ground (DB9 pin 5) and Carrier Detect (DB9 pin 1) pins of the serial port to which the CM11A is connected. (Neither the CM11A nor the CM17A normally use the Carrier Detect pin.) The polarity of the AC voltage on the CD pin must be in-phase with the AC power line for the -tr and -tf options to match the rising and falling zero-crossings respectively, otherwise they'll work backwards. .br An adapter between the CM11A cable and serial port will be required to make this connection - I use a male/female pair of DB9 solder-type connectors with corresponding pins joined with 3/4" lengths of bus bar, and connect to the SG and CD pin bus bars with Radio Shack hook clips. .br Note: prudence dictates using an inexpensive serial port add-on card for experiments like this to reduce the risk to motherboard components. The output voltage of a transformer may be substantially higher than its rating (at rated current) when supplying only the very low current to the serial port pin. Although the RS232 specification allows for a voltage as high as 25 Volts, PC serial ports are normally operated between +/- 12 Volts and it would be unwise to exceed that level, and certainly no higher than 15 Volts peak. (12 Volts peak -> 8.49 Volts RMS.) .br .TP 5 heyu tdim HU <level>, heyu tbright HU <level> These commands operate as if the dim or bright commands were issued with the -tr option. They are now deprecated. .SH ENVIRONMENT .br X10CONFIG - Points to a fully qualified file name of your configuration file, if located elsewhere than in one of the standard places. See \fix10config(5)\fR for more information on its makeup. .br HEYUSUB - Optionally specifies an additional subdirectory level under the standard places where the configuration file will be found, i.e., .br $HOME/.heyu/$HEYUSUB/ .br /etc/heyu/$HEYUSUB/ .br X10SCHED - Points to a fully qualified file name of your schedule file (timers and macros), if located elsewhere than in one of the standard places. See \fix10sched(5)\fR for more information on its layout. .br ASIF_DATE - Instruct Heyu to process the data in your schedule file as of the specified date ( format yyyymmdd ) instead of the current system date. (Its primary use is with \'heyu upload check\' - to examine the details when something suspicious is brought to light with the \'heyu upload croncheck\' command.) .SH FILES .br $HOME/.heyu/x10config - Heyu configuration file when in user\'s home directory. .br SYSBASEDIR/x10.conf - Heyu configuration file when in system-wide directory. .br Included in the same directory as the configuration file are: .br x10state - module on/off/dim state file (binary). .br x10.sched - default filename for schedule of uploaded timers and macros. .br x10record - record of the uploaded schedule parameters. .br x10macroxref - addresses of uploaded macros. .br x10image - binary image of the uploaded schedule. .br LOCKDIR/LCK..<tty> - lock file for serial port. .br LOCKDIR/LCK..heyu.relay.<tty> - lock file for relay process. .br LOCKDIR/LCK..heyu.engine.<tty> - lock file for state engine process. .br LOCKDIR/LCK..heyu.write.<tty> - lock file for processes that write to the CM11A .br SPOOLDIR/heyu.out.<tty> - fifo file for relay process. .br Where in the above <tty> is a suffix representing the serial port to which the CM11A is connected, e.g., .br /dev/ttyS0 -> ttyS0 .br /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 -> ttyUSB0 (implies a USB-Serial adapter) .br (\'heyu list\' will display the LOCKDIR, SPOOLDIR, and SYSBASEDIR compiled into Heyu for your operating system.) .SH BUGS Occasionally the interface will not accept the first command after a reboot of the CM11A or the computer. .br Heyu does not always handle well an X10 command received over the power line when it\'s in the middle of sending out a command. .br .SH AUTHORS Re-written to use the CM11A interface by Daniel B. Suthers (dbs@tanj.com). .br Originally written (Known as X10) by Larry Campbell (maynard!campbell). System V port, ID file, improved display formats, and other cleanup by John Chmielewski (rogue!jlc). Module aliasing additions by Paul Fox (pgf@foxharp.boston.ma.us) .br Enhanced capability for uploaded schedules, state functions, and execution of scripts by Charles Sullivan (cwsulliv01@heyu.org) .SH TRADEMARKS Heyu is a trademark of Daniel B. Suthers. X10, CM11A, and ActiveHome are trademarks of X-10 (USA) Inc. TempLinc, SwitchLinc, and LampLinc are trademarks of Smarthome, Inc. W800RF32A is a trademark of WGL & Associates. .SH SEE ALSO http://www.heyu.org .br date(1), x10config(5), x10sched(5), x10scripts(5), x10cm17a(5), x10aux(5), x10rfxsensors(5)