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43 lines (22 loc) · 1.99 KB

For submission to Royal Society B

Could also go to: PLoS Computation Biology Royal Society Interface

Theoretical Population Biology Epidemiology and Infection

Length restriction

As a rough guide, this means that to avoid these charges, articles submitted should be no more than 4000 words and not contain more than 2-4 figures

  • TeX files submitted must be compatible with LaTeX2e. ScholarOne Manuscripts supports version 7.4.5 and earlier.
  • All files that are needed to compile the TeX source correctly must be uploaded with the submission.
  • When submitting papers in TeX, all figures (including vector and raster/image based figures, and figures created from TeX code) must also be supplied as PS or EPS files (PDF, JPEG, GIF or TIFs will not be converted).
  • Type 3 fonts are not accepted. Vector fonts (such as Type1, truetype, opentype etc.) are preferred.
  • Continuous line numbering should be included, for example, using the package lineno.
  • A list of all sty/cls files accepted by Scholar One Manuscripts can be found here.

All figures will be published in colour online (the version of record), but will be reproduced in black and white in the print version of the journal by default. Certainly need to change main figure then.

Title page This should contain full names and affiliations for each author as well as the email address of the corresponding author.

Abstract The abstract should be no more than 200 words and should not contain references or unexplained abbreviations or acronyms. Your abstract should be concise and informative and should read well as a standalone piece. The general scope of the article as well as the main results and conclusions should be summarised. Please also ensure that your abstract contains all likely search terms, to assist indexers (e.g. PubMed) which scan only the title and abstract of articles. If possible, it is beneficial to have all your keywords written into the abstract.

Keywords Please include at least three and up to six keywords.