diff --git a/mysql/errcode.go b/mysql/errcode.go index 01e9cabee..66d836090 100644 --- a/mysql/errcode.go +++ b/mysql/errcode.go @@ -961,121 +961,12 @@ const ( ErrSequenceInvalidTableStructure = 4141 // TiDB self-defined errors. - ErrMemExceedThreshold = 8001 - ErrForUpdateCantRetry = 8002 - ErrAdminCheckTable = 8003 - ErrTxnTooLarge = 8004 - ErrWriteConflictInTiDB = 8005 - ErrUnsupportedReloadPlugin = 8018 - ErrUnsupportedReloadPluginVar = 8019 - ErrTableLocked = 8020 - ErrNotExist = 8021 - ErrTxnRetryable = 8022 - ErrCannotSetNilValue = 8023 - ErrInvalidTxn = 8024 - ErrEntryTooLarge = 8025 - ErrNotImplemented = 8026 - ErrInfoSchemaExpired = 8027 - ErrInfoSchemaChanged = 8028 - ErrBadNumber = 8029 - ErrCastAsSignedOverflow = 8030 - ErrCastNegIntAsUnsigned = 8031 - ErrInvalidYearFormat = 8032 - ErrInvalidYear = 8033 - ErrIncorrectDatetimeValue = 8034 - ErrInvalidTimeFormat = 8036 - ErrInvalidWeekModeFormat = 8037 - ErrFieldGetDefaultFailed = 8038 - ErrIndexOutBound = 8039 - ErrUnsupportedOp = 8040 - ErrRowNotFound = 8041 - ErrTableStateCantNone = 8042 - ErrColumnStateNonPublic = 8043 - ErrIndexStateCantNone = 8044 - ErrInvalidRecordKey = 8045 - ErrColumnStateCantNone = 8046 - ErrUnsupportedValueForVar = 8047 - ErrUnsupportedIsolationLevel = 8048 - ErrLoadPrivilege = 8049 - ErrInvalidPrivilegeType = 8050 - ErrUnknownFieldType = 8051 - ErrInvalidSequence = 8052 - ErrCantGetValidID = 8053 - ErrCantSetToNull = 8054 - ErrSnapshotTooOld = 8055 - ErrInvalidTableID = 8056 - ErrInvalidType = 8057 - ErrUnknownAllocatorType = 8058 - ErrAutoRandReadFailed = 8059 - ErrInvalidIncrementAndOffset = 8060 - ErrWarnOptimizerHintUnsupportedHint = 8061 - ErrWarnOptimizerHintInvalidToken = 8062 - ErrWarnMemoryQuotaOverflow = 8063 - ErrWarnOptimizerHintParseError = 8064 - ErrWarnOptimizerHintInvalidInteger = 8065 - ErrUnsupportedSecondArgumentType = 8066 - ErrInvalidPluginID = 8101 - ErrInvalidPluginManifest = 8102 - ErrInvalidPluginName = 8103 - ErrInvalidPluginVersion = 8104 - ErrDuplicatePlugin = 8105 - ErrInvalidPluginSysVarName = 8106 - ErrRequireVersionCheckFail = 8107 - ErrUnsupportedType = 8108 - ErrAnalyzeMissIndex = 8109 - ErrCartesianProductUnsupported = 8110 - ErrPreparedStmtNotFound = 8111 - ErrWrongParamCount = 8112 - ErrSchemaChanged = 8113 - ErrUnknownPlan = 8114 - ErrPrepareMulti = 8115 - ErrPrepareDDL = 8116 - ErrResultIsEmpty = 8117 - ErrBuildExecutor = 8118 - ErrBatchInsertFail = 8119 - ErrGetStartTS = 8120 - ErrPrivilegeCheckFail = 8121 - ErrInvalidWildCard = 8122 - ErrMixOfGroupFuncAndFieldsIncompatible = 8123 + ErrWarnOptimizerHintUnsupportedHint = 8061 + ErrWarnOptimizerHintInvalidToken = 8062 + ErrWarnMemoryQuotaOverflow = 8063 + ErrWarnOptimizerHintParseError = 8064 + ErrWarnOptimizerHintInvalidInteger = 8065 - // Error codes used by TiDB ddl package - ErrUnsupportedDDLOperation = 8200 - ErrNotOwner = 8201 - ErrCantDecodeIndex = 8202 - ErrInvalidDDLWorker = 8203 - ErrInvalidDDLJob = 8204 - ErrInvalidDDLJobFlag = 8205 - ErrWaitReorgTimeout = 8206 - ErrInvalidStoreVersion = 8207 - ErrUnknownTypeLength = 8208 - ErrUnknownFractionLength = 8209 - ErrInvalidDDLState = 8210 - ErrReorgPanic = 8211 - ErrInvalidSplitRegionRanges = 8212 - ErrInvalidDDLJobVersion = 8213 - ErrCancelledDDLJob = 8214 - ErrRepairTable = 8215 - ErrInvalidAutoRandom = 8216 - ErrInvalidHashKeyFlag = 8217 - ErrInvalidListIndex = 8218 - ErrInvalidListMetaData = 8219 - ErrWriteOnSnapshot = 8220 - ErrInvalidKey = 8221 - ErrInvalidIndexKey = 8222 - ErrDataInConsistent = 8223 - ErrDDLJobNotFound = 8224 - ErrCancelFinishedDDLJob = 8225 - ErrCannotCancelDDLJob = 8226 - ErrSequenceUnsupportedTableOption = 8227 - ErrColumnTypeUnsupportedNextValue = 8228 - - // TiKV/PD errors. - ErrPDServerTimeout = 9001 - ErrTiKVServerTimeout = 9002 - ErrTiKVServerBusy = 9003 - ErrResolveLockTimeout = 9004 - ErrRegionUnavailable = 9005 - ErrGCTooEarly = 9006 - ErrWriteConflict = 9007 - ErrTiKVStoreLimit = 9008 + // Stop adding error code here! + // They are moved to github.com/pingcap/tidb/errno ) diff --git a/mysql/errname.go b/mysql/errname.go index f58f9b70c..95cd3eadf 100644 --- a/mysql/errname.go +++ b/mysql/errname.go @@ -958,121 +958,9 @@ var MySQLErrName = map[uint16]string{ ErrSequenceInvalidTableStructure: "Sequence '%-.64s.%-.64s' table structure is invalid (%s)", // TiDB errors. - ErrMemExceedThreshold: "%s holds %dB memory, exceeds threshold %dB.%s", - ErrForUpdateCantRetry: "[%d] can not retry select for update statement", - ErrAdminCheckTable: "TiDB admin check table failed.", - ErrTxnTooLarge: "Transaction is too large, size: %d", - ErrWriteConflictInTiDB: "Write conflict, txnStartTS %d is stale", - ErrInvalidPluginID: "Wrong plugin id: %s, valid plugin id is [name]-[version], both name and version should not contain '-'", - ErrInvalidPluginManifest: "Cannot read plugin %s's manifest", - ErrInvalidPluginName: "Plugin load with %s but got wrong name %s", - ErrInvalidPluginVersion: "Plugin load with %s but got %s", - ErrDuplicatePlugin: "Plugin [%s] is redeclared", - ErrInvalidPluginSysVarName: "Plugin %s's sysVar %s must start with its plugin name %s", - ErrRequireVersionCheckFail: "Plugin %s require %s be %v but got %v", - ErrUnsupportedReloadPlugin: "Plugin %s isn't loaded so cannot be reloaded", - ErrUnsupportedReloadPluginVar: "Reload plugin with different sysVar is unsupported %v", - ErrTableLocked: "Table '%s' was locked in %s by %v", - ErrNotExist: "Error: key not exist", - ErrTxnRetryable: "Error: KV error safe to retry %s ", - ErrCannotSetNilValue: "can not set nil value", - ErrInvalidTxn: "invalid transaction", - ErrEntryTooLarge: "entry too large, the max entry size is %d, the size of data is %d", - ErrNotImplemented: "not implemented", - ErrInfoSchemaExpired: "Information schema is out of date: schema failed to update in 1 lease, please make sure TiDB can connect to TiKV", - ErrInfoSchemaChanged: "Information schema is changed during the execution of the statement(for example, table definition may be updated by other DDL ran in parallel). If you see this error often, try increasing `tidb_max_delta_schema_count`", - ErrBadNumber: "Bad Number", - ErrCastAsSignedOverflow: "Cast to signed converted positive out-of-range integer to it's negative complement", - ErrCastNegIntAsUnsigned: "Cast to unsigned converted negative integer to it's positive complement", - ErrInvalidYearFormat: "invalid year format", - ErrInvalidYear: "invalid year", - ErrIncorrectDatetimeValue: "Incorrect datetime value: '%s'", - ErrInvalidTimeFormat: "invalid time format: '%v'", - ErrInvalidWeekModeFormat: "invalid week mode format: '%v'", - ErrFieldGetDefaultFailed: "Field '%s' get default value fail", - ErrIndexOutBound: "Index column %s offset out of bound, offset: %d, row: %v", - ErrUnsupportedOp: "operation not supported", - ErrRowNotFound: "can not find the row: %s", - ErrTableStateCantNone: "table %s can't be in none state", - ErrColumnStateCantNone: "column %s can't be in none state", - ErrColumnStateNonPublic: "can not use non-public column", - ErrIndexStateCantNone: "index %s can't be in none state", - ErrInvalidRecordKey: "invalid record key", - ErrUnsupportedValueForVar: "variable '%s' does not yet support value: %s", - ErrUnsupportedIsolationLevel: "The isolation level '%s' is not supported. Set tidb_skip_isolation_level_check=1 to skip this error", - ErrInvalidDDLWorker: "Invalid DDL worker", - ErrUnsupportedDDLOperation: "Unsupported %s", - ErrNotOwner: "TiDB server is not a DDL owner", - ErrCantDecodeIndex: "Cannot decode index value, because %s", - ErrInvalidDDLJob: "Invalid DDL job", - ErrInvalidDDLJobFlag: "Invalid DDL job flag", - ErrWaitReorgTimeout: "Timeout waiting for data reorganization", - ErrInvalidStoreVersion: "Invalid storage current version: %d", - ErrUnknownTypeLength: "Unknown length for type %d", - ErrUnknownFractionLength: "Unknown length for type %d and fraction %d", - ErrInvalidDDLJobVersion: "Version %d of DDL job is greater than current one: %d", - ErrInvalidSplitRegionRanges: "Failed to split region ranges", - ErrReorgPanic: "Reorg worker panic", - ErrInvalidDDLState: "Invalid %s state: %v", - ErrCancelledDDLJob: "Cancelled DDL job", - ErrRepairTable: "Failed to repair table: %s", - ErrLoadPrivilege: "Load privilege table fail: %s", - ErrInvalidPrivilegeType: "unknown privilege type %s", - ErrUnknownFieldType: "unknown field type", - ErrInvalidSequence: "invalid sequence", - ErrInvalidType: "invalid type", - ErrCantGetValidID: "Cannot get a valid auto-ID when retrying the statement", - ErrCantSetToNull: "cannot set variable to null", - ErrSnapshotTooOld: "snapshot is older than GC safe point %s", - ErrInvalidTableID: "invalid TableID", - ErrInvalidAutoRandom: "Invalid auto random: %s", - ErrInvalidHashKeyFlag: "invalid encoded hash key flag", - ErrInvalidListIndex: "invalid list index", - ErrInvalidListMetaData: "invalid list meta data", - ErrWriteOnSnapshot: "write on snapshot", - ErrInvalidKey: "invalid key", - ErrInvalidIndexKey: "invalid index key", - ErrDataInConsistent: "data isn't equal", - ErrDDLJobNotFound: "DDL Job:%v not found", - ErrCancelFinishedDDLJob: "This job:%v is finished, so can't be cancelled", - ErrCannotCancelDDLJob: "This job:%v is almost finished, can't be cancelled now", - ErrUnknownAllocatorType: "Invalid allocator type", - ErrAutoRandReadFailed: "Failed to read auto-random value from storage engine", - ErrInvalidIncrementAndOffset: "Invalid auto_increment settings: auto_increment_increment: %d, auto_increment_offset: %d, both of them must be in range [1..65535]", - ErrWarnOptimizerHintInvalidInteger: "integer value is out of range in '%s'", ErrWarnOptimizerHintUnsupportedHint: "Optimizer hint %s is not supported by TiDB and is ignored", ErrWarnOptimizerHintInvalidToken: "Cannot use %s '%s' (tok = %d) in an optimizer hint", ErrWarnMemoryQuotaOverflow: "Max value of MEMORY_QUOTA is %d bytes, ignore this invalid limit", ErrWarnOptimizerHintParseError: "Optimizer hint syntax error at %v", - - ErrSequenceUnsupportedTableOption: "Unsupported sequence table-option %s", - ErrColumnTypeUnsupportedNextValue: "Unsupported sequence default value for column type '%s'", - ErrUnsupportedType: "Unsupported type %T", - ErrAnalyzeMissIndex: "Index '%s' in field list does not exist in table '%s'", - ErrCartesianProductUnsupported: "Cartesian product is unsupported", - ErrPreparedStmtNotFound: "Prepared statement not found", - ErrWrongParamCount: "Wrong parameter count", - ErrSchemaChanged: "Schema has changed", - ErrUnknownPlan: "Unknown plan", - ErrPrepareMulti: "Can not prepare multiple statements", - ErrPrepareDDL: "Can not prepare DDL statements with parameters", - ErrResultIsEmpty: "Result is empty", - ErrBuildExecutor: "Failed to build executor", - ErrBatchInsertFail: "Batch insert failed, please clean the table and try again.", - ErrGetStartTS: "Can not get start ts", - ErrPrivilegeCheckFail: "privilege check fail", // this error message should begin lowercased to be compatible with the test - ErrInvalidWildCard: "Wildcard fields without any table name appears in wrong place", - ErrMixOfGroupFuncAndFieldsIncompatible: "In aggregated query without GROUP BY, expression #%d of SELECT list contains nonaggregated column '%s'; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by", - ErrUnsupportedSecondArgumentType: "JSON_OBJECTAGG: unsupported second argument type %v", - - // TiKV/PD errors. - ErrPDServerTimeout: "PD server timeout", - ErrTiKVServerTimeout: "TiKV server timeout", - ErrTiKVServerBusy: "TiKV server is busy", - ErrResolveLockTimeout: "Resolve lock timeout", - ErrRegionUnavailable: "Region is unavailable", - ErrGCTooEarly: "GC life time is shorter than transaction duration, transaction starts at %v, GC safe point is %v", - ErrWriteConflict: "Write conflict, txnStartTS=%d, conflictStartTS=%d, conflictCommitTS=%d, key=%s", - ErrTiKVStoreLimit: "Store token is up to the limit, store id = %d", }