- Definition
- Neural Network Overview
- Neural Network Representation
- Why Deep Representations?
- What does this have to do with the brain?
- History of Deep Learning
- Binary Classification
- Logistic Regression
- Gradient Descent
- Derivatives
- More Derivative Examples
- Logistic Regression Gradient Descent
- Gradient Descent on m Examples
- Gradient descent for neural networks
- Computation Graph
- Dervatives with a Computation Graph
- Vectorization
- More Examples of Vectorization
- Vectorizing Logistic Regresstion
- Vectorizing Logistic Regression's Gradient
- Vectorizing across multiple examples
- Justification for vectorized implementation
- Broadcasting in Python
- Activation Functions
- Why need a nonlinear activation function
- Derivatives of activation functions
- Cost Function
- Explanation of logistic regression cost function
- Forward Propagation and Backward Propagation
- Computing a Neural Network's output
- Backpropagation intuition
- Forward propagation in a Deep Network
- Building Deep Neural Networks
- Deep L-layer neural network
- Building Blocks of Deep Neural Networks
- Tain/ Dev /Test Sets
- Bias / Variance
- Basic Recipe for Machine Learning
- Regularization
- Why Regularization Reduces Overfitting
- Dropout Regularization
- Understanding Dropout
- Other Regularization Methods
- Normalizing Inputs
- Vanishing / Exploding Gradients
- Weight Initialization for Deep Networks
- Numerical Approximation of Gradients
- Gradient Checking
- Getting your Matrix Dimensions Right
- Random Initialization
- Mini-batch Gradient Descent
- Understanding Mini-batch Gradient Descent
- Exponentially Weighted Averages
- Understanding Exponentially Weighted Averages
- Bias Correction in Exponentially Weighted Averages
- Gradient Descent with Momentum
- RMSprop
- Adam Optimization Algorithm
- Learning Rate Decay
- The Problem of Local Optima
- Parameters vs Hyperparameters
- Tuning Process
- Using an Appropriate Scale to pick Hyperparameters
- Hyperparameters Tuning in Practice: Pandas vs. Caviar
- Normalizing Activations in a Network
- Fitting Batch Norm into a Neural Network
- Why does Batch Norm work?
- Batch Norm at Test Time
- Softmax Regression
- Training a Softmax Classifier
- Deep Learning Frameworks
- TensorFlow
- Foundations of Convolutional Neural Networks
- Computer Vision
- Edge Detection Example
- More Edge Detection
- Padding
- Strided Convolutions
- Convolutions Over Volume
- One Layer of a Convolutional Network
- Simple Convolutional Network Example
- Pooling Layers
- CNN Example
- Why Convolutions?
- Deep Convolutional Models: Case Studies
- Why look at case studies?
- Classic Networks
- ResNets
- Why ResNets Work?
- Networks in Networks and 1x1 Convolutions
- Inception Network Motivation
- Inception Network
- MobileNet
- MobileNet Architecture
- EfficientNet
- Using Open-Source Implementation
- Transfer Learning
- Data Augmentation
- State of Computer Vision
- Object Detection
- Object Localization
- Landmark Detection
- Object Detection
- Convolutional Implementation of Sliding Windows
- Bounding Box Predictions
- Intersection Over Union
- Non-max Suppression
- Anchor Boxes
- YOLO Algorithm
- Region Proposals
- Semantic Segmentation with U-Net
- Transpose Convolutions
- U-Net Architecture Intuition
- U-Net Architecture
- Special Applications: Face recognition & Neural Style Transfer
- What is Face Recognition?
- One Shot Learning
- Siamese Network
- Triplet Loss
- Face Verification and Binary Classification
- What is Neural Style Transfer?
- What are deep ConvNets learning?
- Cost Function
- Content Cost Function
- Style Cost Function
- 1D and 3D Generalizations
- Recurrent Neural Networks
- Why Sequence Models?
- Notation
- Recurrent Neural Network Model
- Backpropagation Through Time
- Different Types of RNNs
- Language Model and Sequence Generation
- Sampling Novel Sequences
- Vanishing Gradients with RNNs
- Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU)
- Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
- Bidirectional RNN
- Deep RNNs
- Natural Language Processing & Word Embeddings
- Word Representation
- Using Word Embeddings
- Properties of Word Embeddings
- Embedding Matrix
- Learning Word Embeddings
- Word2Vec
- Negative Sampling
- GloVe Word Vectors
- Sentiment Classification
- Debiasing Word Embeddings
- Sequence Models & Attention Mechanism
- Basic Models
- Picking the Most Likely Sentence
- Beam Search
- Refinements to Beam Search
- Error Analysis in Beam Search
- Bleu Score
- Attention Model Intuition
- Attention Model
- Speech Recognition
- Trigger Word Detection
- Transformer Network
- Transformer Network Intuition
- Self-Attention
- Multi-Head Attention
- Transformer Network
- Conclusion and Thank You!