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276 lines (231 loc) · 17 KB

HTML Snippets Pro

Complete HTML & HTML5 code snippets for faster development

Version License

HTML Snippets Pro Banner

✨ Features

Transform your HTML coding experience with powerful features:

Core Features

  • 🏃‍♂️ Lightning Fast Snippets: Type and insert common HTML patterns instantly
  • 📱 Responsive Templates: Mobile-first design patterns
  • Accessibility Ready: ARIA landmarks and semantic HTML included
  • 🎨 Modern Markup: Latest HTML5 elements and structures

Developer Experience

  • 📝 IntelliSense Support: Smart suggestions as you type
  • 🔍 Smart Completion: Context-aware code completion
  • 🎯 Tab Stops: Quickly navigate through important code points
  • 🔄 Dynamic Updates: Regular new snippet additions

📚 Available Snippets

Prefix Description
! HTML5 basic structure
html5:full HTML5 complete structure with header, main, footer
meta:all Complete set of common meta tags including SEO and social media
nav:responsive Responsive navigation bar with toggle button
form:contact Contact form with common fields and styling classes
cards Card component with image, title, text, and button
hero Hero section with title, text, and CTA buttons
table:responsive Responsive table with wrapper
modal Accessible modal dialog
grid CSS Grid container with items
flex Flexbox container with items
input:group Input group with label and help text
video:responsive Responsive video container
footer:full Full footer with multiple sections
script:all Common script tag variations with best practices
a11y:landmarks Common accessibility landmarks with ARIA roles
cookie:banner GDPR compliant cookie consent banner
skeleton Loading skeleton placeholder
search:advanced Advanced search bar with suggestions support
accordion Accessible accordion component
testimonial-card Testimonial card with quote and author
pricing-table Pricing table card
timeline Vertical timeline component
stats-counter Animated statistics counter
image-gallery Responsive image gallery with lightbox
file-upload Drag and drop file upload component
breadcrumbs Accessible breadcrumb navigation
error-404 404 error page template
doctype the document type
a a hyperlink
abbr an abbreviation
address an address element
area an area inside an image map
article an article
aside content aside from the page content
audio sounds content
b bold text
base a base URL for all the links in a page
bdi Used to isolate text that is of unknown directionality
bdo the direction of text display
big Used to make text bigger
blockquote a long quotation
body the body element
br Inserts a single line break
button a push button
canvas graphics
caption a table caption
cite a citation
code computer code text
col attributes for table columns
colgroup group of table columns
command a command button [not supported]
datalist a dropdown list
dd a definition description
del deleted text
details details of an element
dialog a dialog (conversation)
dfn a definition term
div a section in a document
dl a definition list
dt a definition term
em emphasized text
embed external interactive content or plugin
fieldset a fieldset
figcaption a caption for a figure
figure a group of media content, and their caption
footer a footer for a section or page
form a form
h1 header 1
h2 header 2
h3 header 3
h4 header 4
h5 header 5
h6 header 6
head information about the document
header a header for a section or page
hgroup information about a section in a document
hr a horizontal rule
html an html document
i italic text
iframe an inline sub window
img an image
input an input field
ins inserted text
keygen a generated key in a form
kbd keyboard text
label an inline window
legend a title in a fieldset
li a list item
link a resource reference
main the main content of a document
map an image map
mark marked text
menu a menu list
menuitem a menu item [Firefox only]
meta meta information
meter measurement within a predefined range
nav navigation links
noscript a noscript section
object an embedded object
ol an ordered list
optgroup an option group
option an option in a drop-down list
output some types of output
p a paragraph
param a parameter for an object
pre preformatted text
progress progress of a task
q a short quotation
rp Used in ruby annotations to define what to show in unsupported browsers
rt explanation to ruby annotations
ruby ruby annotations
s Used to define strikethrough text
samp sample computer code
script a script
section a section
select a selectable list
small small text
source media resource
span a section in a document
strong strong text
style a style definition
sub sub-scripted text
sup super-scripted text
summary a visible heading for the detail element [limited support]
table a table
tbody a table body
td a table cell
textarea a text area
tfoot a table footer
thead a table head
th a table header
time a date/time
title the document title
tr a table row
track a track for media files
u Used to define underlined text
ul an unordered list
var a variable
video a video

View All Snippet List →

⚡ Quick Start

Get started in 3 easy steps:

  1. Install the extension
  2. Open an HTML file
  3. Type ! and press Tab for basic HTML5 boilerplate

📦 Installation

Via VS Code (Smart Way)

  1. Launch VSCode
  2. Press Ctrl+P / Cmd+P
  3. Run: ext install riturajps.html-snippets-pro

Via VS Code (Alternate Way)

  1. Open VSCode.
  2. Go to the Extensions view by clicking on the Extensions icon in the Activity Bar on the side of the window.
  3. Search for HTML Snippets Pro (Ritu Raj).
  4. Click Install.

Via Marketplace

Install from Marketplace

⚙️ Configuration

Extension Settings

  "html.snippets.triggerOnSpace": true,
  "html.snippets.showExpandedAbbreviation": "always"


You can override snippets in your settings.json:

  "html.snippets.customSnippets": {
    "!": "Your custom boilerplate"

🤝 Contributing

We love your input! Want to contribute?

  1. 🍴 Fork the repo
  2. 🌿 Create a branch (git checkout -b feature/amazing)
  3. 📝 Make changes
  4. ✅ Commit (git commit -m 'Added amazing feature')
  5. 📌 Push (git push origin feature/amazing)
  6. 🔄 Open a Pull Request

Contributing Guidelines →

📝 License

Released under the MIT License.

👨‍💻 Developer

Show your support

⭐️ Star this repo if you found it helpful!

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