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WCF client Audit Extension for Audit.NET library.

Generate Audit Logs for Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service calls on client-side.

Audit.Wcf.Client provides the client-side infrastructure to log interactions with WCF services. It records detailed information of the service method calls by using an IClientMessageInspector to intercept the request and response messages.

If you are looking for server-side audit, please check the Audit.WCF library.


NuGet Package

To install the package run the following command on the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Audit.Wcf.Client

NuGet Status NuGet Count


A custom endpoint behavior is provided to enable auditing on the requests and responses of the WCF service calls.

There are two ways to configure the endpoint behavior:

  • Adding the audit behavior to the client endpoint on the app.config / web.config of your client application.

    For example:

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
     		<binding name="BasicHttpBinding_IService" />
     	  <endpoint address="http://localhost/Service.svc" binding="basicHttpBinding"
     		bindingConfiguration="BasicHttpBinding_IService" contract="MyServiceReference.IService" name="BasicHttpBinding_IService"
     		behaviorConfiguration="auditBehavior" />
     	  <behavior name="auditBehavior">
     	   <auditBehavior includeResponseHeaders="true" eventType="Catalog:{action}" />
     	  <add name="auditBehavior"
     		 type="Audit.Wcf.Client.AuditBehavior, Audit.Wcf.Client, PublicKeyToken=571d6b80b242c87e"/>

    Note you have to include the behaviorConfiguration property on the client endpoint, the endpoint behavior auditBehavior, and the behavior extension pointing the provided type Audit.Wcf.Client.AuditBehavior from the assembly Audit.Wcf.Client

  • Adding the audit behavior on code when creating the channel.

    For example:

     public static IService GetServiceProxy()
       var channelFactory = new ChannelFactory<IService>(new BasicHttpBinding(), new EndpointAddress(URL));
       channelFactory.Endpoint.EndpointBehaviors.Add(new AuditEndpointBehavior()
         EventType = "Catalog:{action}",
         IncludeResponseHeaders = true
       return channelFactory.CreateChannel();


The Audit Behavior can be configured with the following properties:

  • EventType: A string that identifies the event type. Default is "{action}".
  • Can contain the following placeholders:
    • {action}: Replaced with the action URL
  • IncludeRequestHeaders: Boolean value that indicates whether the output should include the request headers. Default is false.
  • IncludeResponseHeaders: Boolean value that indicates whether the output should include the response headers. Default is false.
  • AuditDataProvider: Allows to set a specific audit data provider. By default the globally configured data provider is used. See Audit.NET Data Providers section for more information.
  • AuditScopeFactory: Allows to set a specific audit scope factory. By default the globally configured AuditScopeFactory is used.

Output mechanism

To globally configure the output mechanism, use the Audit.Core.Configuration class to set a Data Provider. For more details please see Event Output Configuration.

For example:

	.UseFileLogProvider(config => config.Directory(@"C:\Logs"));

This should be done prior to the AuditScope creation, i.e. during application startup.


Audit.Wcf.Client output includes:

  • Execution time and duration
  • Environment information such as user, machine, domain and locale.
  • Request body
  • Response body
  • Http Status Code
  • Request headers (optional)
  • Response headers (optional)

Output details

The following table describes the Audit.Wcf.Client output fields:

Describes an audited WCF client event

Field Name Type Description
Action string The requested action URL
RequestBody string The request body (XML)
RequestHeaders Dictionary<string, string> The request HTTP headers (optional)
HttpMethod string The HTTP method used (POST, PUT)
ResponseAction string The response action (if any)
MessageId string The message ID (if any)
ResponseStatusCode HttpStatusCode The response HTTP status code
ResponseBody string The response body (XML)
ResponseHeaders Dictionary<string, string> The response HTTP headers (optional)
IsFault string Value that indicates whether the message generated any SOAP faults.

Output Sample

    "EventType": "Catalog:",
    "WcfClientEvent": {
        "Action": "",
        "RequestBody": "<s:Envelope> ... </s:Envelope>",
        "HttpMethod": "POST",
        "ResponseAction": null,
        "MessageId": null,
        "ResponseStatuscode": 200,
        "ResponseBody": "<s:Envelope> ... </s:Envelope>",
        "ResponseHeaders": {
            "Content-Length": "431",
            "Cache-Control": "private",
            "Content-Type": "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
            "Date": "Thu, 29 Jul 2021 23",
            "Server": "Microsoft-IIS/10.0",
            "X-AspNet-Version": "4.0.30319",
            "X-Powered-By": "ASP.NET"
        "IsFault": false
    "Environment": {
        "UserName": "Federico",
        "MachineName": "DESKTOP",
        "DomainName": "DESKTOP",
        "CallingMethodName": "WcfClient.MyServiceReference.ServiceClient.GetProductDetails()",
        "AssemblyName": "WcfClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null",
        "Culture": "en-US"
    "StartDate": "2021-07-29T23:31:10.9631278Z",
    "EndDate": "2021-07-29T23:31:11.0641269Z",
    "Duration": 101