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SignalR Auditing Extension for Audit.NET library.

Automatically generates Audit Logs for ASP.NET SignalR or Asp Net Core SignalR invokations.

Audit.SignalR provides a configurable Hub Pipeline Module/Filter that intercepts the hub processing to generate an audit trail.

It generate logs for the following events:

Event Name Description ASP.NET SignalR ASP.NET Core SignalR
Connect Client is connecting to the server
Disconnect Client disconnect from the server
Incoming Client invoking server-side method
Reconnect Client reconnecting to the server
Outgoing Server invoking client-side method
Error An error has occurred


NuGet Package

To install the package run the following command on the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Audit.SignalR

NuGet Status NuGet Count

SignalR Version

This library supports:

Usage - ASP.NET SignalR

On your ASP.NET startup logic, call the extension method AddAuditModule() defined on namespace Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.GlobalHost.HubPipeline, to setup the audit pipeline. This must be called before IAppBuilder.MapSignalR().

This method provides a fluent API to configure the audit module.

For example:

using Audit.SignalR;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR;
public class Startup
    public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
        GlobalHost.HubPipeline.AddAuditModule(config => config
            .Filters(f => f
                .IncludeOutgoingEvent(og => og.HubName == "myHub")

This will create an AuditPipelineModule (that inherits from HubPipelineModule) and will add it to the hub pipeline.

Alternatively, you can create an instance of the module and add it to the pipeline, with the exact same effect:

using Audit.SignalR;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR;
var module = new AuditPipelineModule()
    IncludeHeaders = true,
    ReconnectEventsFilter = _ => false,
    OutgoingEventsFilter = og => og.HubName == "myHub"

Or create the module using the factory method AuditPipelineModule.Create() that provides the fluent API for the configuration:

var module = AuditPipelineModule.Create(config => config

Usage - ASP.NET Core SignalR

On your ASP.NET Core startup logic, call the extension method AddAuditFilter() defined on namespace Audit.SignalR when adding the SignalR service.

This method provides a fluent API to configure the audit filter.

For example:

using Audit.SignalR;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

builder.Services.AddSignalR(c =>
    c.AddAuditFilter(cfg => cfg
        .Filters(f => f

This will create an Audit HubFilter and add it to the hub pipeline.



The following settings can be configured on the module/filter:

  • AuditEventType: To indicate the event type to use on the audit event. (Default is the event name). Can contain the following placeholders:
    • {event}: replaced with the SignalR event name (Connect, Reconnect, Disconnect, Incoming, Outgoing, Error).
  • IncludeHeaders: To indicate if the audit should include the request headers (Valid for events Connect, Reconnect, Disconnect, Incoming and Error). Default is false.
  • IncludeQueryString: To indicate if the audit should include the request Query String (Valid for events Connect, Reconnect, Disconnect, Incoming and Error). Default is false.
  • AuditDisabled: Set to true to disable the audit log generation (bypass). Default is false.
  • CreationPolicy: To indicate the event creation policy to use. Default is NULL to use the globally configured creation policy.
  • AuditDataProvider: To indicate the Audit Data Provider to use. Default is NULL to use the globally configured data provider.

Filter settings

The module allows to configure filtering of events. By default it will log all the events.

  • IncomingEventsFilter: Allows to filter Incoming events (invoking server-side methods) with a custom function that given the incoming event info, returns true if the event should be logged and false otherwise.
  • OutgoingEventsFilter: Allows to filter Outgoing events (invoking client-side methods).
  • ConnectEventsFilter: Allows to filter Connect events.
  • DisconnectEventsFilter: Allows to filter Disconnect events.
  • ReconnectEventsFilter: Allows to filter Reconnect events.
  • ErrorEventsFilter: Allows to filter Error events.

Extension Methods

You can access the current Audit Scope for the incoming event inside server-side methods, by calling the Hub extension method GetIncomingAuditScope() / GetAuditScope(), for example:

public class MyHub : Hub
    public int Send(string name, string message)
        var scope = this.GetAuditScope();
        if (someCondition)
            scope.SetCustomField("UserType", user.UserType);


The SignalR specific event information on the AuditScope can be accessed as follows:

var scope = this.GetIncomingAuditScope();
var signalrEventIncoming = scope.Event.GetSignalrEvent<SignalrEventIncoming>();

Event Output

To configure the output persistence mechanism please see Configuration and Data Providers sections.


Audit.SignalR output includes:

  • Execution time and duration (when applicable)
  • Environment information such as user, machine, domain and locale.
  • ConnectionId
  • Hub name, Method name and Arguments
  • Exception details
  • HTTP request details (optional)

Output details

The following tables describes the Audit.SignalR output fields per event type:

Field Name Type Description
EventType SignalrEventType "Connect"
ConnectionId string The connection ID
Headers Dictionary<string, string> The HTTP headers of the associated request (when IncludeHeaders is set to true)
QueryString Dictionary<string, string> The query string of the associated request (when IncludeQueryString is set to true)
LocalPath string The local path
IdentityName string The identity name associated
Field Name Type Description
EventType SignalrEventType "Disconnect"
ConnectionId string The connection ID
Headers Dictionary<string, string> The HTTP headers of the associated request (when IncludeHeaders is set to true)
QueryString Dictionary<string, string> The query string of the associated request (when IncludeQueryString is set to true)
LocalPath string The local path
IdentityName string The identity name associated
StopCalled boolean Set to true if the client explicitly closed the connection
Field Name Type Description
EventType SignalrEventType "Incoming"
ConnectionId string The connection ID
Headers Dictionary<string, string> The HTTP headers of the associated request (when IncludeHeaders is set to true)
QueryString Dictionary<string, string> The query string of the associated request (when IncludeQueryString is set to true)
LocalPath string The local path
IdentityName string The identity name associated
HubName string The hub name
HubType string The hub type name
MethodName string The name of the invoked method
Args List The arguments passed in the invokation
Result Object The invoked method return value
Exception string Exception information when the hub method fails
Field Name Type Description
EventType SignalrEventType "Outgoing"
HubName string The hub name
Signal string The signal (ConnectionId, hub type name or hub type name + "." + group name) belonging to clients that receive the method invocation
MethodName string The invoked method name
Args List The arguments passed in the invokation
Field Name Type Description
EventType SignalrEventType "Error"
ConnectionId string The connection ID
Headers Dictionary<string, string> The HTTP headers of the associated request (when IncludeHeaders is set to true)
QueryString Dictionary<string, string> The query string of the associated request (when IncludeQueryString is set to true)
LocalPath string The local path
IdentityName string The identity name associated
HubName string The hub name
HubType string The hub type name
Exception string Detailed information about the exception
MethodName string The name of the invoked method
Args List The arguments passed in the invokation


Custom fields

You can add extra information as custom fields to the events by calling the method AddAuditCustomField on your Hub. For example:

public class MyHub : Hub
    public int Send(string name, string message)
        this.AddCustomField("User", user);

Another way to customize the output is by using global custom actions, please see custom actions for more information.