Theodo drinks manage the team drinks.
- nodejs
- mongodb and the php pecl extension
First download the project and the vendors.
computer:~ user $ git clone && cd theodo-drinks
computer:theodo-drinks user $ curl -s | php
computer:theodo-drinks user $ php composer.phar install
Theodo Drinks needs lesscss installed with nodejs. By default the node module can be found in node_modules folder, try this to be sure it works:
computer:theodo-drinks user $ node_modules/.bin/lessc --help
usage: lessc source [destination]
If that is not the case, make sure nodejs is installed: which node
Then copy app/config/parameters.yml.sample
into app/config/parameters.yml
and change values according to your environment.
Build the database:
computer:theodo-drinks user $ app/console doctrine:mongodb:schema:create
You can eventually load fixtures:
computer:theodo-drinks user $ app/console doctrine:mongodb:fixtures:load
Finally, run symfttpd php symfttpd.phar spawn -t
and go to