Item/Link | Note |
TIME SLOTS | Booking sheet for your slot, I've added three time zones to make things easier for everyone and highlighted times where working hours cross over. |
Discord | Once you join, I have made a session leader specific channel so we can talk about reviews and the such. Try and put `SL` in your discord name so people are aware you are a session leader. |
GitHub Repos | Everyone running a session where you are using GitPod you have a REPO, if yours isn't there then let me know. |
Advertisement Slides | For those running other talks whether internally or at events, then we (BG and BGA) ask you to please add one of these slides to the end of your presentation! |
TheBGAcademy GitPod Org | This link will sign you up to the org so you can used cached pods, once we get the account activated that is. |
Presenter Guidlines | The guidelines for presenters -- this is mostly common sense stuff -- plus some more details on the sessions. |