Describe basic characteristics of AWS cloud, principles and value proposition
There to help customers. Guide to help you with the design of your architecture
5 Pillars:
Ability to protect systems while delivering value through risk assessment and mitigation. Secure
- IAM (Only authorised users can access), detective controls, infrastructure protection, data protections
- Implement at all layers, traceability, least privilege, secure your system (shared responsibility), automate
Ability to recover from failure & to meet demand. Foundations, change management (know how change impacts systems), failure management.
- Test recovery procedures, Automatically recover, scale horizontally, stop guessing capacity, manage change in automation.
Select the best solution, review when new things come out, monitor performance and know the tradeoffs for your solution.
- Democratise advanced technologies, go serverless, experiment
Use cost effective resources, match supply with demand, increase cost awareness, optimise over time.
- Adopt a consumption model, measure efficiency, reduce spending, use managed services and analyse and attribute cost
Manage and automate changes, respond to events, define the standards to mange daily operations
Ability of a system to remain operational
- SQS, S3
- RDS - Auto backup, multi-az
Ensure systems are always accessible
- Elastic load balancers, elastic IP, route53, autoscaling, Cloudwatch
Can host many types of web applications. AWS allows you to scale as your business grows and to meet sudden spikes of demand
- Traditional architecture has no way of meet these demands on the fly, but need time and up-front money to setup.