Task 1) To list commands available to run use below:
project examplecore
runMain examples.Job1
runMain examples.Job2
runMain examples.Job3
To be able to use this library with database logging of job and tasks you need postgres instance up and running, then create new database in pg (for e.g. etlflow)
Task 1) Create the application.conf file at location examplecore/src/main/resources and set the below variables:
db.url = ${LOG_DB_URL},
db.user = ${LOG_DB_USER},
db.password = ${LOG_DB_PWD},
db.driver = ${LOG_DB_DRIVER}
TASK 2) set below environment variables in your shell.
export LOG_DB_URL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/etlflow
export LOG_DB_USER=<...>
export LOG_DB_PWD=<..>
export LOG_DB_DRIVER=org.postgresql.Driver
TASK 3) Now to create database tables used in this library run below commands from repo root folder:
project examplecore
runMain etlflow.InitDB
TASK 6) Now to run sample job use below command:
project examplejob
runMain examples.Job4
Add slack properties in application.conf
db.url = ${LOG_DB_URL},
db.user = ${LOG_DB_USER},
db.password = ${LOG_DB_PWD},
db.driver = ${LOG_DB_DRIVER}
slack.url = "http://slackwebhookurl",
slack.env = "dev"
slack.host = "http://localhost:8080/#"