I'm a PhD candidate working on the supercritical water flow and heat transfer studies under Prof. Sandip K Saha and Prof. Amit Agrawal at IIT Bombay.
My works involves modelling non-equilibrium in supercritical heat transfer arising due to variation in properties in buoyant-driven channel flows.
I love programming for,
- Postprocessing and Data Visualization
- Automating my workflows
- Works on ANSYS Fluent, Python, C, C++
- Postprocessing through PyANSYS for all cases and extracting data for both Line Plots and Contour Plots
- Creating 3D Mesh through Scripting through BlockMesh and Python and Upload the same to HPC
- Create Journal and Script files for HPC to run simulations.
- Property generation for Water through IAPWS module for ANSYS Cases as Journal files
- Monitor Residual for simulations running in HPC through Python
- What needs to be done?
- Automating 2D Axisymmetric Meshes for Heated Pipe case through BlockMeshDict and Python - DONE
- FoamMeshToFluent2D() in - DONE
- FoamMeshToFluent3D() in Python
- Property generation for other materials through REFPROP - Using CoolProp - DONE
- Full Automation of Entire CFD Process in one script - DONE