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Clojars Project

plait is a small macro that works like a let binding but where nested plaits allows for previously defined bindings to be overwritten.

In practice, the combined list of nested let bindings are combined to one new let statement which means that any side-effects will also be re-evaluated.

Here is a short example taken from the test file of this project:

(use 'plait.core)

(plait [a 42
        b (inc a)]
  (println b) ;; prints 43
  (plait [b (+ 2 a)]
    (println b)) ;; prints 44
  (plait [a 10]
    (println b))) ;; prints 11

The plait macro rewrites the above expression to:

(let [a 42
      b (inc a)]
  (println b) ;; prints 43
  (let [a 42
        b (+ 2 a)]
    (println b)) ;; prints 44
  (let [a 10
        b (inc a)]
    (println b))) ;; prints 11


At GoMore we found ourselves writing many tests where only a small change in a database object was needed to test a new assertion and we would often write code like this:

(testing "car owner is a business owner"
  (let [rental-ad (create :rental-ad {:ownership :business})
        renter    (create :user)
        rental    (create :rental    {:rental-ad rental-ad
                                      :renter    user})
        response  (get-rental-details renter rental)]
    (is (= 2 (:vat-rate response)))))
(testing "car owner is a private owner"
  (let [rental-ad (create :rental-ad {:ownership :private})
        renter    (create :user)
        rental    (create :rental    {:rental-ad rental-ad
                                      :renter    user})
        response  (get-rental-details renter rental)]
    (is (= 1 (:vat-rate response)))))

which very quickly becomes difficult both to read and maintain.

With plait the above tests can be rewritten to:

(plait [ownership nil
        rental-ad (create :rental-ad {:ownership ownership})
        renter    (create :user)
        rental    (create :rental    {:rental-ad rental-ad
                                      :renter    user})
        response  (get-rental-details renter rental)]
  (testing "car owner is business owner"
    (plait [owner :business]
      (is (= 2 (:vat-rate response)))))
  (testing "car owner is private"
    (plait [owner :private]
      (is (= 1 (:vat-rate response))))))

so complex relationships can be captured once and the difference between tests can be expressed in a much shorter manner.

Known limitations

The implementation uses clojure.walk/macroexpand-all which means that whenever plait is used the compilation is taken over by plait. In tests, this means that the meta-information about which line a failing test is on is lost and e.g. cider can no longer navigate directly to a failing assertion but only to the toplevel deftest.


Thanks to Jacob Tjørnholm for coming up with the idea and Filip Krasnianski for pushing the idea further.


Copyright 2022 Thomas Greve Kristensen.

Released under Apache License, Version 2.0.


Redeclareable let-style bindings for Clojure







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