Remote Store for my personal dotfile configurations
This repository sets up an alias that allows us to track only our personal configuration files in the $HOME directory and store changes in Github.
echo .dots >> .gitignore
git clone $HOME/.dots
- Restart your Session
dots config --local status.showUntrackedFiles no
dots checkout
With this setup, you'll use dots
instead of git
to manage your working tree for the dots repo. You'll also need to manually add new files when
created because they won't be tracked otherwise.
- Set-Up GitHub Access
- Clone dots repo
- Update email depending on personal or professional work
- Adjust System Preferences
- Download Xcode via the app store
- Install Xcode Command Line Interface
- Install Homebrew
brew bundle
- Install Dracula Theme
- Import and Set Dracula Theme
- Set Font to Source Code Pro
- macOS Shortcuts
- Install Oh My Zsh
- Install Powerlevel10k
- Install zsh-autosuggestions plugin
- Install zsh-syntax-highlighting plugin
- Set-up Neovim
- Migrate from 'williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer' to 'williamboman/mason.nvim'
- Autotags
- Git
- Tmux
- Install NvimTree
- Nvim Alternative for projectionist and vim-test?
- Enhance Readme as a how-to
- Nightly pull/updates similar to real applications (like OhMyZsh)
- Document System Preferences adjustments
- RetroArch - Emulator frontend (OpenGL graphics API version)
- Notion - App to write, plan, collaborate, and get organized
- Alfred - Application launcher and productivity software
- More Go
- Rust
- Pub/Sub
- More TypeScript
- = [ ]