Source for my personal website,
- It uses Hugo as a static site generator; i.e. to convert Markdown files to HTML.
- The theme is Hyde
- The site is auto-built and hosted by Netlify
Many thanks to all three!
The site is auto-published on each commit to GitHub.
Text-only changes can therefore be made simply on GitHub.
For other development (layout eg), see the next section.
Clone with
git clone --recursive
to make sure the required submodules are also downloaded.
the Hugo version specified in netlify.toml
Example, using the Chocolatey package manager on Windows:
choco install hugo --version 0.42 --yes
👉 To launch a local server with live-reloading:
hugo server
This command keeps the built site in memory.
When working on layout, use
hugo server --disableFastRender
To build to disk: