Here is a brief list of "TODOs". More are available also in the code itself. When using vscode it is possible to use the "todo tree" extension to have a full list.
- update the queue tab to show a playlist element that shows at which point of the playlist we are in instead of showing only the element
- highlight which drawing is being used both in the playlists and highlight also the playlist
- add the possibility to save the interval between drawings in the playlists
- save the interval between drawings in the home/drawings pages such that is loaded instead of being reset every time
- add back a button to queue multiple playlists (also with the interval option)
- add the possibility to select playlists instead of drawings in the autostart settings
- add the possibility to start/stop/pause with hw buttons (something like: in the settings page possibility to add pins and let select what the pin does from a select list)
- add leds control animations
- add an leds control element for the playlists
- create some automatic tests (both python and js) to validate the software before merging
- make a better preview for the full drawing (preview with respect to the table used)
- create a category of "clear" drawings to use between other drawings.
- add the clear drawing element to the playlists and to the automatic start
- limit the gcode commands to the machine dimensions
- add possibility to resize the drawing to fit (or clip it) the machine size