The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to TerraFX.
TerraFX and everyone contributing (this includes issues, pull requests, the wiki, etc) must abide by the CODE_OF_CONDUCT. Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at
Copyright © Tanner Gooding and Contributors. Licensed under the MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE in the repository root for more information.
Most of the basics of the project, such as what it is about, and its goals are covered in our README.
All pull requests should follow our PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE. It is additionally recommended that an issue be opened, discussed, and approved first to ensure that the change will be accepted. Any pull requests not following pull request template will be requested to be updated. Any pull requests opened without a corresponding issue may be delayed or be required to undergo further changes before being accepted.
All issues should follow our ISSUE_TEMPLATE. It is
additionaly recommended to prefix your issue with an appriopriate "tag" such as
, [BUG]
, [IDEA]
Feel free to open an issue prefixed with [QUESTION]