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Create a custom payload converter using EJSON, which supports:

  • Dates (Date)
  • Binary (Uint8Array)
  • Special numbers (NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity)
  • Regular expressions (RegExp)


The payload-converter.ts file is supplied to the client.ts and worker.ts, and when the client sends a User argument, workflow.ts can receive it.


If you are migrating to EjsonPayloadConverter from the default Payload Converter in a production Temporal deployment, you can:

  • Redeploy Workers with the new data converter.
  • Then redeploy Client code with the new data converter.

Payloads that were encoded with JsonPayloadConverter will be decoded by EjsonPayloadConverter, as they share the same encodingType.

If any of your production Workflows used Uint8Array data, add BinaryPayloadConverter so those Payloads can be decoded:

import { BinaryPayloadConverter, CompositePayloadConverter, UndefinedPayloadConverter } from '@temporalio/common';
import { EjsonPayloadConverter } from './ejson-payload-converter';

export const payloadConverter = new CompositePayloadConverter(
  new UndefinedPayloadConverter(),
  new BinaryPayloadConverter(),
  new EjsonPayloadConverter(),

Running this sample

  1. temporal server start-dev to start Temporal Server.
  2. npm install to install dependencies.
  3. npm run to start the Worker.
  4. In another shell, npm run workflow to run the Workflow Client.

The client script should log:

Started workflow example-user-67904764-18eb-4011-93b0-85cb04880a69
{ success: true, at: 2022-03-24T00:11:07.509Z }