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fix(core-decorative-icon): fixed bill svg icon
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jacqlau authored and jraff committed Jul 14, 2021
1 parent e4bccf0 commit f46fed3
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/DecorativeIcon/svgs/Bill.jsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const Bill = props => (
d="M10.417 0C11.565 0 12.5.935 12.5 2.083v15.834A2.086 2.086 0 0110.417 20H2.083A2.086 2.086 0 010 17.917V2.083C0 .935.935 0 2.083 0zm1.25 15.833H.833v2.084c0 .689.561 1.25 1.25 1.25h8.334c.689 0 1.25-.561 1.25-1.25v-2.084zm-5.417.834a.834.834 0 110 1.667.834.834 0 010-1.667zm5.417-12.5H.833V15h10.834V4.167zM9.024 7.126a.43.43 0 01.609.609l-4.24 4.239a.43.43 0 01-.608 0l-1.659-1.659a.43.43 0 01.609-.608l1.354 1.354zM10.417.833H2.083c-.689 0-1.25.561-1.25 1.25v1.25h10.834v-1.25c0-.689-.561-1.25-1.25-1.25zm-.817.834a.417.417 0 010 .833.42.42 0 01-.42-.417c0-.23.182-.416.412-.416zm-2.517 0a.417.417 0 010 .833H5.417a.417.417 0 010-.833z"
d="M15,18 C14.724,18 14.5,17.776 14.5,17.5 C14.5,17.224 14.724,17 15,17 L15,16.8658249 C14.7014196,16.6927755 14.5,16.3697147 14.5,16 C14.5,15.6302853 14.7014196,15.3072245 15,15.1341751 L15,15 C15,14.724 15.224,14.5 15.5,14.5 C15.776,14.5 16,14.724 16,15 C16.276,15 16.5,15.224 16.5,15.5 C16.5,15.776 16.276,16 16,16 L16,16.1341751 C16.2985804,16.3072245 16.5,16.6302853 16.5,17 C16.5,17.3697147 16.2985804,17.6927755 16,17.8658249 L16,18 C16,18.276 15.776,18.5 15.5,18.5 C15.224,18.5 15,18.276 15,18 Z M19,24 C18.903,24 18.806,23.972 18.723,23.916 L17.5,23.101 L16.277,23.916 C16.109,24.027 15.89,24.027 15.722,23.916 L14.5,23.101 L13.277,23.916 C13.109,24.027 12.89,24.027 12.722,23.916 L11.5,23.101 L10.277,23.916 C10.109,24.027 9.89,24.027 9.722,23.916 L8.5,23.101 L7.277,23.916 C7.124,24.018 6.926,24.028 6.764,23.94 C6.602,23.854 6.5,23.685 6.5,23.5 L6.5,10 L5,10 C4.724,10 4.5,9.776 4.5,9.5 L4.5,2.5 C4.5,1.121 5.622,0 7,0 L17.154,0 C18.447,0 19.5,1.121 19.5,2.5 L19.5,23.5 C19.5,23.685 19.398,23.854 19.236,23.94 C19.162,23.98 19.081,24 19,24 Z M14.5,22 C14.597,22 14.693,22.028 14.777,22.084 L16,22.899 L17.223,22.084 C17.391,21.973 17.61,21.973 17.778,22.084 L18.5,22.565 L18.5,2.5 C18.5,1.673 17.896,1 17.154,1 L7.002,1 C7.322,1.426 7.5,1.947 7.5,2.5 L7.5,22.565 L8.223,22.084 C8.391,21.973 8.61,21.973 8.778,22.084 L10,22.899 L11.223,22.084 C11.391,21.973 11.61,21.973 11.778,22.084 L13.001,22.899 L14.224,22.084 C14.307,22.028 14.403,22 14.5,22 Z M5.5,9 L6.5,9 L6.5,2.5 C6.5,2.066 6.317,1.664 6.001,1.382 C5.694,1.657 5.5,2.057 5.5,2.5 L5.5,9 Z M17,6 L9,6 C8.724,6 8.5,5.776 8.5,5.5 C8.5,5.224 8.724,5 9,5 L17,5 C17.276,5 17.5,5.224 17.5,5.5 C17.5,5.776 17.276,6 17,6 Z M17,9 L9,9 C8.724,9 8.5,8.776 8.5,8.5 C8.5,8.224 8.724,8 9,8 L17,8 C17.276,8 17.5,8.224 17.5,8.5 C17.5,8.776 17.276,9 17,9 Z M17,12 L9,12 C8.724,12 8.5,11.776 8.5,11.5 C8.5,11.224 8.724,11 9,11 L17,11 C17.276,11 17.5,11.224 17.5,11.5 C17.5,11.776 17.276,12 17,12 Z M17,20 L14,20 C13.724,20 13.5,19.776 13.5,19.5 C13.5,19.224 13.724,19 14,19 L17,19 C17.276,19 17.5,19.224 17.5,19.5 C17.5,19.776 17.276,20 17,20 Z"
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