Dataviz Bootcamp Project 1 Project Name: Impact of the World Cup on Winning Countries Team Members: Julia Nordbakk, Patrick McKinney, Sheilja Gandhi, Tega Ileleji
Project Description: A Winning the world cup gives the country fame and glory, but we were interested in analyzing how this actually affects the country in short term and long term.
Focus Elements:
- Emotional Impact
- Economic Impact
Target Winning Countries: Germany 2014 Spain 2010 Italy 2006 Brazil 2002
Determinants of Analysis
Control Countries:
- United States
- China
- Japan
- United Kingdom
- France
- India
- Canada
- Korea, Rep.
- Russian Federation
- Australia
- Mexico
- Indonesia
- Turkey
- Netherlands
- Switzerland
- Saudi Arabia
World happiness report: chrome-extension://gbkeegbaiigmenfmjfclcdgdpimamgkj/views/app.html
Air travel: