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File metadata and controls

842 lines (575 loc) · 32.1 KB


Getting Started

Building a PDF document is very easy:

First, you create a document with a paperformat...

let document = PDFDocument(format: .a4)

...then you add your information to a container...

document.add(.contentCenter, text: "Create PDF documents easily.")

...then you render the document...

let generator = PDFGenerator(document: document)
let url  = try generator.generateURL(filename: "Example.pdf")


If you need more details, start here:

Document Structure

You can create a document using a predefined PDFPageFormat or by creating a custom PDFPageLayout:

let layout = PDFPageLayout()
let document = PDFDocument(layout: layout)
let document = PDFDocument(format: PDFPageFormat.a4)

Page Layout

The following values can be set to format the page:

  • size --- width and height of a page
  • margin --- content inset on each side of a page
  • space.header --- Space between header and content elements
  • space.footer --- Space between footer and content elements

All values are in dots and are rendered using 72 DPI (dots per inch), as this is the default screen DPI.

You can also used the predefined formats. For details please refer to the source file PDFPageFormat.swift

Keep in mind that the space.header is only then applied, if there is at least one element in a header container. The same applies to the space.footer for footer containers and elements. If no header/footer elements are given, increase the margins themselves instead.

If you need your page in landscape format, use the landscapeSize variable.



TPPDF is an element based builder. When adding any content to the document, you are actually adding an element.

During the render process all elements are calculated into render objects and then converted into PDF drawable objects.

But first you need to understand the concept of the layout engine:


Every element is placed in a specific container.

Three containers exist: header, content, footer. Additionally every container has an alignment: left, center, right.

When you add an new element, you need to provide the correct container - the default container is .contentLeft, therefore it is an optional parameter. During calculation it will place the element in the correct container and calculate the correct frame accordingly.

A good example would be the following:

let document = PDFDocument(format: .a4)
document.add(.footerCenter, text: "Created using TPPDF for iOS.")

This command adds the text Created using TPPDF for iOS to the footer of all pages, because elements in the header and footer containers are placed on every page.

Header & Footer

Basically all elements which are either to either a header (headerLeft, headerCenter or headerRight) or footer (footerLeft, footerCenter or footerRight) container, are considered as header and footer elements and will be repeated on each page.

If a page does not have any content, e.g. an empty page in between two pages, the header and footer elements won't be added to this page either.


Introduced: 2.4.0

By default the page content is rendered with a transparent background. It is possible to set a different fill color by changing the document.background.color:

let document = PDFDocument(format: .a4)
document.background.color = .green

Elements Index

... now let's continue with the different kinds of elements.

Line Separator

let style = PDFLineStyle(type: .full, color: .darkGray, width: 0.5)
document.addLineSeparator(PDFContainer.contentLeft, style: style)

Adds a horizontal line with a specific style in the given container. This line is affected by the indentation, therefore it is possible to change its width by setting a left and a right indentation before. See Line Style for details about the line styling.

Simple Text

To add a simple string text with a custom lineSpacing, you first need to create a PDFSimpleText and the an add it to the document.

let text = "Some text!"
let spacing: CGFloat = 10.0
let textElement = PDFSimpleText(text: text, spacing: spacing)
document.add(textObject: textElement)

For convenience you are also able to add an attributed string directly, and TPPDF will wrap it in a PDFSimpleText for you.

document.add(text: text, lineSpacing: spacing)

During the render process it will create an attributed string using the font set by set(font:) and the text color set by set(textColor:).

Attributed Text

To add an attributed string to the document, you first need to create a PDFAttributedText and then add it to the document.

let attributedTitle = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Awesome attributed title!", attributes: [
	.name: UIFont.systemFontOfSize(28.0),
	.foreground: UIColor(red: 219.0 / 255.0, green: 100.0 / 255.0, blue: 58.0 / 255.0, alpha: 1.0)
let textElement = PDFAttributedText(text: title)
document.add(attributedTextObject: attributedTitle)

For convenience you are also able to add an attributed string directly, and TPPDF will wrap it in a PDFAttributedText for you.

document.add(attributedText: attributedTitle)


To add an image to the document, you first need to create a PDFImage which wraps the image and the customization.

let image = UIImage(named: "awesome-image")!
let imageElement = PDFImage(image: image)
document.add(image: imageElement)

A PDFImage can also include a optional caption which is either a PDFSimpleText or PDFAttributedText. The caption is underneath the image and has the image width as the maximum available width. All image settings are customizable per image-object.

If you set a size it will try to fit in this size, defaults to which will then use the actual image pixel size. The image can either be scaled to fit the width the height or both. Adjust this by setting the sizeFit on of:

  • PDFImageSizeFit.width
  • PDFImageSizeFit.height
  • PDFImageSizeFit.widthHeight

To optimize file size, images are resized and compressed using JPEG compression. By default both is enabled, but can change them by setting options on the image instance.

If resizing is enabled, the image will be resized to its frame size in the document. If compression is enabled, the image will be compressed using the value set in the property quality. This value ranges from between 0.0 for bad quality and 1.0 for best quality - default is set to 0.85, which resolves in a good balance between compression and quality.

Round Corners

To enable rounded corners, simple add .roundedTopLeft, .roundedTopRight, .roundedBottomRight or .roundedBottomLeft for their respective corner to the options field or .rounded as a shorthand for all corners.

The default value for the cornerRadius is set to nil, is uses half the image frame size radius. If a custom value is set, it will be in aspect to the final frame.


The image Icon.png has the size 1024px x 1024px and will be drawn in a frame of 150pt x 150pt. The corner radius is set to 15pt, therefore the image will first be clipped with a 1024 / 150 * 25 = 170pt radius and then drawn in the frame, resulting in the given corner radius.

PDFImage(image: UIImage(named: "Icon.png")!,
         size: CGSize(width: 150, height: 150),
         options: [.rounded],
         cornerRadius: 25)

Images in one row

To create a image collage, you can add multiple images in a single row with a spacing between them.

Just create an array of PDFImage and add them as images in a row.

let images = [
    PDFImage(image: UIImage(named: "Image-1.jpg")!,
             caption: PDFAttributedText(text: NSAttributedString(string: "In this picture you can see a beautiful waterfall!", attributes: captionAttributes))),
    PDFImage(image: UIImage(named: "Image-2.jpg")!,
             caption: PDFAttributedText(text: NSAttributedString(string: "Forrest", attributes: captionAttributes))),

document.add(imagesInRow: images, spacing: 10)


Create a PDFList element with the indentation of each level. Each indentation level consists out of a pair of values, pre setting the indentation before the list symbol and past setting the distance between the symbol and the text.

If you do not provide enough indentation levels, e.g. you only define three but you add an element at the fourth level, the default value 0 will be used for pre and past.

let list = PDFList(indentations: [(pre: 0.0, past: 20.0), (pre: 20.0, past: 20.0), (pre: 40.0, past: 20.0)])

A list item consists out of a symbol and an optional content. The symbol is one of the following:

  • PDFListItemSymbol.none

Doesn't display a symbol before the content

  • PDFListItemSymbol.inherit

If an item is nested and uses this symbol, it will take the same one as the parent.


Symbol is a middle-dot.

  • PDFListItemSymbol.dash

Symbol is a dash/minus.

  • PDFListItemSymbol.custom(value: String)

You need to provide any string value which will then be used as the symbol. Be sure to set the indentation value correctly, as the indentation is not based on the symbol frame width.

  • PDFListItemSymbol.numbered(value: String?)

When the parent of multiple list items is of type numbered then it will use the index as the symbol, starting with 1 and append a dot . to the number. If you provide value this will be used for the parent item, in case you want to override the value.

Nested Lists

By adding a list item to another list item you can create nested lists:

list.addItem(PDFListItem(symbol: .numbered(value: nil))
        .addItem(PDFListItem(content: "Introduction")
            .addItem(PDFListItem(symbol: .numbered(value: nil))
                .addItem(PDFListItem(content: "Text"))
                .addItem(PDFListItem(content: "Attributed Text"))
        .addItem(PDFListItem(content: "Usage")))

Now you have created a multi-level list element, you can add to the document:

document.add(list: list)


Create a PDFTable element of a given size, which will now be customized.

let table = PDFTable(rows: 3, columns: 4)

Each cell has an optional content of type PDFTableContent, an optional style of PDFTableCellStyle and always an alignment of PDFTableCellAlignment.

Access to cells

As of version 2.0 the PDFTable class has been improved a lot. Now you can easily select a single cell, single row, single columns, multiple rows, muliple columns or even just a subsection of the table using subscript functions. These 'views' on the table are only references to the given table instances and its cells. They also provide you additional modifier functions for setting values.

Single Cell:

Access using direct row and column indicies:

let cell = table[0,0]

or use PDFTableCellPosition to wrap the position in an object:

cell = table[PDFTableCellPosition(row: 0, column: 0)]

Now that you have a reference to the cell instance, you can set the following properties:

cell.content = ...
cell.alignment = ... = ...

Single Row & Single Column:

let row = table[row: 0]
let column = table[column: 0]

As this row/column is referencing a series of cells, the following modifiers are available:

row.content = [...]						// Sets the content for each cell individually
row.allCellsContent = ...				// Sets the content for all cells to the same = [style1, style2]			// Sets the style for each cell individually
row.allCellsStyle = style1				// Sets the style for all cells to the same
row.alignment = [.left, .right]		// Sets the alignment for each cell individually
row.allCellsAlignment = .left			// Sets the alignment for all cells to the same

Multiple Rows & Multiple Columns:

Supports all kinds of integer ranges.

var rows = table[rows: 0...2] 	// Selects first three rows
rows = table[rows: 0..<2]		  	// Selects first two rows

As this row/column is referencing a 2D matrix of cells, the following modifiers are available:

rows.content = [[...], [...]]			// Sets the content for each cell individually
rows.allRowsContent = [...]			// Sets the content for all rows/columns to the same
rows.allCellsContent = ...				// Sets the content for all cells to the same = [[...], [...]]			// Sets the style for each cell individually
rows.allRowsContent = [...]			// Sets the style for all rows/columns to the same
rows.allCellsStyle = style1			// Sets the style for all cells to the same

rows.alignment = [[...], [...]]		// Sets the alignment for each cell individually
rows.allRowsAlignment = [...]			// Sets the alignment for all rows/columns to the same
rows.allCellsAlignment = .left		// Sets the alignment for all cells to the same


Supports all kinds of integer and range combinations.

var rows = table[0...2, 1] 		//	Selects the first three rows in the first column
rows = table[0..<3, 0..<3]			// Selects the top-left 3x3 cells of the table

As a Section is also a 2D matrix of cells, it provides the same modifiers as 'Multiple Rows & Multiple Columns'.

Cell Merging

Merging cell uses the previously describe subscript accessors. Select a cell range and merge them together using merge(). Normally this replaces all cells in the area with the top-left cell of the selection, but you can also pass an instance of PDFTableCell as the parameter for merge(with: cell) to replace all cells with the given one.


If you merge the column headers to uneven height, the framework will not be able to repeat the headers on every page (if enabled by table.showHeadersOnEveryPage = true). Please keep that in mind!


The alignment is one of the following PDFTableCellAlignment:

  • topLeft, top, topRight
  • left, center, right
  • bottomLeft, bottom, bottomRight

During calculation the size of the content will be calculated, and afterwards it will be positioned using the cell alignment.


A cell content instance PDFTableCellContent has a content value and a property type, which is one of the following:

  • .none, empty cell
  • .string, a simple string only styled through the cell style
  • .attributedString, an attributed string which won't be changed by the cell style
  • .image, an image which

If a cell height is too big for the rest of the page, it will be placed on the next page.

Table Style

A table style is a collection of cell styles, which will be applied as global values. Take a look at PDFTableStyleDefaults where you can find a collection of presets, e.g. PDFTableStyleDefaults.simple.

Using the table style you can define the outline line style. This will be drawn around the table on each page.

A PDFTableStyle lets you set how many rows and columns are considered header cells, and how many rows should be styled as footer rows:

let style = PDFTableStyle()
style.rowHeaderCount = 3
style.columnHeaderCount = 5
style.footerCount = 1

Now the top five rows will be styled using the style.columnHeaderStyle, the first three columns will be styled using the style.rowHeaderStyle and the very last row will be styled using the style.footerStyle.

All other cells are styled using the style.contentStyle and if the optional value style.alternatingContentStyle is set, then every other row will use this style.

If there are conflicts, e.g a cell is a column and a header row, then the following priority order, with the higher ones beating the lower ones, is used:

  • style.outline can receive a PDFLineStyle to draw table borders. PDFLineStyle can take radius CGFloat? propriety to define radius border. This proprity is only used when drawing a rect, like table.
  •, a custom style set for this particular cell
  • style.columnHeaderStyle, if the cell is a column header therefore in the top rows
  • style.footerStyle, if the cell is a footer row
  • style.rowHeaderStyle, if the cell is in the one of the first columns
  • style.alternatingContentStyle, if the cell is has an odd row index
  • style.contentStyle, the style every normal cell has

If you set the property table.showHeadersOnEveryPage to true, the first rows which are the column headers, will be copied and inserted at the top of the table, after each page break.

Cell Style

To define the style of a cell, you can create the an instance of PDFTableCellStyle and directly set it to the cells style property.

A cell style defines the fill and the text color of the content. Also it defines how the border is drawn and what font should be used:

let colors = (fill:, text:
let lineStyle = PDFLineStyle(type: .dashed, color: UIColor.gray, width: 10)
let borders = PDFTableCellBorders(left: lineStyle, top: lineStyle, right: lineStyle, bottom: lineStyle)
let font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20)
let style = PDFTableCellStyle(colors: colors, borders: borders, font: font)

An instance of PDFTableCellBorders allows you set each border of a cell indvidually. The line style is defined as a PDFLineStyle (See Line Style).

To change the style of a specific cell, use the following method of table:

table[1,1].style = PDFTableCellStyle(colors: (fill: UIColor.yellow, text:


The table height is defined by its content, but the width is the available space between the indentations. The width of each column is set by a relative width, defined in an array of values between 0.0 and 1.0 which should sum up to 1.0 being 100% of the width.

table.widths = [0.1, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2]

Also each cell can have a margin which is the distance between the cell frame and its inner borders and the padding as the distance between the inner borders and the content.

...and finally you add the table to the document:

document.add(table: table)

Multi-Column Sections

A multi-column section is a nested container. You create the section with an amount of columns and their relative width, add objects to each column and then add the whole section to the document.

When adding an object to the section column, you use the Array subscript section.columns[0]. You are able to give it an alignment as the first parameter, similar to the PDFContainer but only with .left, .center and .right as it is not possible to add a section to the header or footer containers.

let section = PDFSection(columnWidths: [0.3, 0.4, 0.3])
section.columns[0].addText(.right, text: "right")
section.columns[1].addText(.left, text: "left")
section.columns[2].addText(.center, text: "center")
document.add(sectiion: section)

Attention: Do not add a PDFSection multiple times, as they hold some internal state, which will lead to collisions and unpredictable framing calculations

Column Wrap Sections

A column wrap section allows you to split your page into multiple columns and fill it up starting at the left. All you have to do is enable it, add content, and then disable it. When disabling it you can set the flag addPageBreak if you want it to continue on a fresh page (defaults to true).

document.enable(columns: 4, widths: [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.1], spacings: [10, 50, 20]);
for i in 0..<200 { // This is an example for the content
    document.add(text: "\(i)-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O-P-Q-R")
document.disableColumns(addPageBreak: false);


Groups give you the option to dynamically add elements to your document, but calculate them as one. This way it is possible to add e.g. multiple PDFText elements and if the calculations require a page break, it can be disabled.

Additionally groups allow to set either an UIColor as the backgroundColor or even create a complex PDFDynamicGeometryShape which adapts to the group frame (see Dynamic Geometry Shapes for more details). You are also able to add a padding to the group to add additional space around the content.


let shape = PDFDynamicGeometryShape(...)
let group = PDFGroup(allowsBreaks: false,
                     backgroundColor: .green,
                     backgroundShape: shape,
                     padding: UIEdgeInsets(top: 50, left: 50, bottom: 50, right: 180))
for i in 0..<10 {
    group.set(font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 25))
    group.set(indentation: 30 * CGFloat(i % 5), left: true)
    group.set(indentation: 30 * CGFloat(i % 3), left: false)
    group.add(text: "Text \(i)-\(i)-\(i)-\(i)-\(i)")
document.add(group: group)

Dynamic Geometry Shapes

Shapes are very closely related to simple geometric paths, but with the difference, that they adapt to frame changes dynamically.

A PDFDynamicGeometryShape holds three properties:

  • PDFBezierPath in path, defining how the shape looks like
  • UIColor in fillColor for the content color
  • and a PDFLineStyle in stroke for the look of the lines


let shape = PDFDynamicGeometryShape(path: path, fillColor: .orange, stroke: .none)

PDFBezierPath is heavily related to UIBezierPath matching all its functions (e.g. move(to:), addLine(to:)). The main difference is that all vertices are of type PDFBezierPathVertex and hold a reference to an anchor of the group frame. Using the reference frame of the path, it will resize the shape to fit the group frame, but the vertices will keep their position relative to their anchor.

The following example draws a diamond shape in a 100pt square.

let size = CGSize(width: 100, height: 100)
let path = PDFBezierPath(ref: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size))
path.move(to: PDFBezierPathVertex(position: CGPoint(x: size.width / 2, y: 0),
                                  anchor: .topCenter))
path.addLine(to: PDFBezierPathVertex(position: CGPoint(x: size.width, y: size.height / 2),
                                     anchor: .middleRight))
path.addLine(to: PDFBezierPathVertex(position: CGPoint(x: size.width / 2, y: size.height),
                                     anchor: .bottomCenter))
path.addLine(to: PDFBezierPathVertex(position: CGPoint(x: 0, y: size.height / 2),
                                     anchor: .middleLeft))


The following methods of PDFDocument are not considered as elements, as they are only runtime changes to the calculations and rendering.

Space - add(_ container: PDFContainer, space: CGFloat)

Adds a space with the height of space between the previous element and the next element.

document.add(space: 32.0)

Simple Text Font - set(_ container: PDFContainer, font: UIFont)

Sets the font of a container. This font will be used in all following elements of type PDFSimpleText in the given container, until the font is changed. This font does not affect PDFAttributedText elements.

document.set(font: UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20.0))

Reset Simple Text Font - resetFont(_ container: PDFContainer)

This resets the font to the default font, which is UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: UIFont.systemFontSize)


Simple Text Color - set(_ container: PDFContainer, textColor: UIColor)

Sets the text color of a container. This text color will be used in the next commands in the given container, if there is not a different color specified.


Reset Simple Text Color - resetTextColor(_ container: PDFContainer)

This resets the text color to the default text color, which is


set(_ container: PDFContainer, indent: CGFloat, left: Bool)

Set the indentation to a given indent in the container. By setting left to false you will change the indentation from the right edge.

document.set(indent: 50.0, left: true)
document.set(indent: 50.0, left: false)

Now the document has an indentation of 50 points from left and right edge. If you need to reset the indentation, call the function with 0.0 as parameter

document.set(indent: 0.0)

set(_ container: PDFContainer, absoluteOffset: CGFloat)

Sets the offset in points from the top edge of a container to the given parameter offset.

This is useful if you need to layer multiple elements above each other.

Page Break

Simply call document.createNewPage() and it will add a page break. The next element will be positioned on the next page.

Styling objects

Line Style

A PDFLineStyle can have one a line type, a color and a width. The following types are currently impelemented:

  • PDFLineType.none, invisible line
  • PDFLineType.full, a full line
  • PFDLineType.dashed, a dashed line with the dash length and spacing three times the line width
  • PDFLineType.dotted, a dotted line with the spacing two times the line width


To customize pagination, create an instance of PDFPagination and set it to the pagination property of your document or simply edit the default one.

Pagination needs one container where it will add the pagination elements on each page. This defaults to .none which results in no pagination added.

It is possible to set pagination range with a start and end index. You can also hide specific pages, by adding the page nunber to the hiddenPages property. The range is set default to include all pages. As an example this won't paginate page 1, 2, 5 nor any page above 7:

let pagination = PDFPagination()
pagination.range = (start: 3, end: 7)
pagination.hiddenPages = [5]

To actually define the style of the pagination, you can either choose on of the predefined ones, or create a custom closure-based style. The pagination algorithm receives the current page number and the total pages amount and returns a String, which will then be transformed into an attributed text element, using the attributes in the textAttributes dictionary.


This is the default pagination setting, converts page 1 of 3 to 1 - 3

.roman(template: String)

Page 8 of 13 will be converted into roman numerals VIII and XIII and inserted in the format, e.g %@ _|_ %@ becomes VIII _|_ XIII. The main idea of this preset is converting the numbers into roman numerals but configure the text using the format.

.customNumberFormat(let template, numberFormatter: NumberFormatter)

Both numbers are converted into a string using the provided numberFormatter. This allows you to use the full capabilities of the built-in formatter class. Afterwards both values are also inserted into the provided template.


let formatter = NumberFormatter.init()
formatter.alwaysShowsDecimalSeparator = true
formatter.numberStyle = .currency
formatter.currencyCode = "EUR"

let template = "%@ + %@"

Page 8 of 13 will return the following: €8.00 + €13.00 which might be completly unsuitable as a pagination, but displays the possibilities. :)

customClosure(closure: (_ page: Int, _ total: Int) -> String)

The closure will be called everytime the generator needs the pagination value. You have full control on how the resulting string will look like.


PDFPaginationStyle.customClosure({ (page, total) -> String in
	let separator: String = {
		switch page % 4 {
			case 1:
				return "#"
			case 2:
				return "&"
			case 3:
				return "*"
				return "-"
	return "\(page) " + separator + " \(total)"

This example will return a different separator, depending on the modulo result.


If you want a specific style to be included in the presets, please open an issue! The more presets can be provided the better for everyone!

Document Info

To store metadata information in the document, change the values of the info property. You are able to set a title, author, subject and keywords.

If you need to encrypt the document, set an owner password and a user password. Also you can restrict printing and copying by setting the allows printing and allows copying flags.


You can generate the PDF file using the following method:

let document: PDFDocument
let filename = "awesome.pdf"
let generator = PDFGenerator(document: document)
let url = try generator.generateURL(filename: filename)

This will render the document to a temporary file and return the URL. Be sure to wrap it a try-catch block, as it might throw an error!

It is also possible to render the file and return the data, using generateData:

let document: PDFDocument
let filename = "awesome.pdf"
let generator = PDFGenerator(document: document)
let data = try generator.generateData()

And if you want to directly save it to a specific file, pass an URL to generate(document:, to: ):

let document: PDFDocument
let url = URL(string: "file://~/Desktop/awesome.pdf")!
let generator = PDFGenerator(document: document)
try generator.generate(to: url)

Multiple Documents

If you want to combine multiple PDFDocument into a single PDF file, use the alternative methods to the ones in the previous section, taking multiple documents as a parameter.


let generator = PDFMultiDocumentGenerator(documents: [document1, document2])
let url = try generator.generateURL(filename: "Example.pdf")

Also you are able to track the generation of each individual document using the progresses array:


let generator = PDFMultiDocumentGenerator(documents: [document1, document2])
generator.progresses[0].observe(\.fractionCompleted) { (p, _) in
    print(p.localizedDescription ?? "")

Progress Observing

Progress observing is done using the native Progress handling.


let generator = PDFDocumentGenerator(document: document)
generator.progress.observe(\.fractionCompleted) { (p, _) in
    print(p.localizedDescription ?? "")

Also you are able to track the generation of each individual document when rendering multiple documents by using the progresses array:


let generator = PDFMultiDocumentGenerator(documents: [document1, document2])
generator.progresses[0].observe(\.fractionCompleted) { (p, _) in
    print(p.localizedDescription ?? "")

You can find more about Progress handling in the Apple Developer documentation.


If you want to enable a debug overlay, set the flag debug of the PDFGenerator instance to true and it will add colored outlines of the elements in you document.


let document: PDFDocument
let generator = PDFDocumentGenerator(document: document)
generator.debug = true