Presented to plenary meeting for Stage 2 on 2021-08-31. Was accepted.
Presented to plenary meeting as an update on 2021-10-26.
Presented to plenary meeting for Stage 2 on 2021-12-14.
Was rejected due to need to clarify await
ing semantics
with and without mapping-function arguments.
Discussion occurred about await
ing semantics and mapping functions in issue
#19. It was eventually decided to match for await
and the proposed
AsyncIterator.prototype.toArray by await
ing values from
input sync iterators once, await
ing values from input async iterators not at
all, and await
ing results returned by mapping functions once.
The plenary advances this proposal to Stage 3, conditional on editor review.
The plenary discusses double construction of the this
value (pull request #41) and resolves to merge the pull request that fixes it.