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Proposal for Encoding Source-Level Environment Information Within Source Maps

Current Status

Source maps proposal at stage 1 of the process, see Our process document


Nick Fitzgerald


This document describes a proposed extension to the source map format for encoding source-level environment debugging information, such as scopes and bindings.


When boiled down to their essence, stepping debuggers enable users to do two things:

  1. Set breakpoints in a program's source and incrementally step through its execution.

  2. Inspect the values of variables and function parameters when a program's execution is paused.

A debugging format encodes information about a program that is lost at compile time, enabling source-level debugging of the compiled program. Source maps can reconstruct source-level location information (filename, line, and column) which enables (1). However, the source map format does not encode enough information for JavaScript debuggers to solve (2).

This document describes a proposed extension to the source map format to enable JavaScript debuggers to provide (2) for languages that use JavaScript as a compilation target.


  1. Enabling JavaScript debuggers to rematerialize source-level scopes and bindings when debugging JavaScript emitted by a compiler.

  2. Locating a source-level binding's JavaScript value. This encompasses situations where:

    • The binding was renamed in the compiled JS. For example, the binding is named atom? in the original source and renamed to atom_question in the compiled JavaScript. Or a minifier renames getLatestFooWidget to aF.

    • The binding does not have a corresponding binding in the compiled JavaScript. For example, the compiler inlined the binding's value after recognizing that the binding was never mutated.

  3. Remain backwards compatible with the current source map revision 3 format.

  4. Remain extensible in such a way that future additions or modifications can trivially remain backwards compatible with this proposal.

  5. Compact data representation.


  • Custom formatting of source-level values within JavaScript debuggers beyond giving the debugger an arbitrary JavaScript value for a given binding. This is outside of the scope of this proposal.


This proposal adds an "env" property to source maps, which contains a string of base 64 VLQ numbers. Legacy consumers and generators do not use the "env" property, thus goal (3) is satisfied.

The basic syntactic unit is a "record" which has a type and a open ended set of property/value pairs. Records are loosely inspired by DWARF's Debugging Information Entries, but in a "source mappy" way. While the grammar below defines known record types, known properties, and known values, it explicitly allows for unknown record types, unknown properties, and unknown values for use by future extensions. Thus goal (4) is satisfied.

In order to satisfy goal (5), we provide an abbreviation mechanism for records (again, similar to DWARF). This allows for the definition of an abbreviation that includes a record type and the set of properties. Then, when serializing a record whose type and property set already has an abbreviation definition, the record's type and properties can be omitted, emitting only the property values. Additionally, a property's value is encoded relative to the last value emitted for that property. This technique is used in encoding segments in the "mappings" property of the source map format, and has proved valuable in reducing file size.

The "env" property can be parsed with the following BNF-like grammar, where pattern* means zero or more repetitions of pattern, and [ pattern ] means zero or one instance of pattern.

env = record*

; Records

record = verbose_record
       | abbreviation_definition
       | abbreviated_record

verbose_record = record_type
                 [ children ]

children = tag_record_children record*

; Abbreviations

abbreviation_definition = tag_record_abbreviation_definition

abbreviation_id = ? any single base 64 VLQ ?

abbreviated_record = tag_record_abbreviated
                     [ children ]

; Record Types

record_type = known_record_type | unknown_record_type
known_record_type = tag_record_scope | tag_record_binding
unknown_record_type = ? any single base 64 VLQ ?

; Properties

property = known_property | unknown_property
known_property = tag_property_type
               | tag_property_start
               | tag_property_end
               | tag_property_name
               | tag_property_value
unknown_property = ? any single base 64 VLQ ?

property_value_pair = property value

; Values

value = known_value | unknown_value
known_value = tag_value_type_block
            | tag_value_type_function
            | tag_value_type_local
            | tag_value_type_param
            | tag_value_type_const
unknown_value = ? any single base 64 VLQ ?

; Tags. Note that these should be kept within [-15, 15] if possible, as that
; is the range of values that can be encoded as a base 64 VLQ with a single
; digit.

tag_record_done                    = ? 0 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_record_scope                   = ? 1 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_record_binding                 = ? 2 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_record_children                = ? 3 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_record_abbreviation_definition = ? 4 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_record_abbreviated             = ? 5 as base 64 VLQ ?

tag_property_type  = ? 6 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_property_start = ? 7 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_property_end   = ? 8 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_property_name  = ? 9 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_property_value = ? 10 as base 64 VLQ ?

tag_value_type_BLOCK    = ? 11 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_value_type_FUNCTION = ? 12 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_value_type_LOCAL    = ? 13 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_value_type_PARAM    = ? 14 as base 64 VLQ ?
tag_value_type_CONST    = ? 15 as base 64 VLQ ?


Parsing and Validation

Note that all lists are assumed to be indexable from [0, N-1] where N is the length of the list.

When comparing mappings, the generated line and generated column are always compared. A mapping's other properties are ignored.

1. Abstract State

1.1. Global Constants

These constants are the decoded base 64 VLQ values matching the tag_* productions in the grammar above.

let RECORD_DONE                    = 0
let RECORD_SCOPE                   = 1
let RECORD_BINDING                 = 2
let RECORD_CHILDREN                = 3
let RECORD_ABBREVIATED             = 5

let PROPERTY_END   = 8

let VALUE_TYPE_BLOCK    = 11
let VALUE_TYPE_LOCAL    = 13
let VALUE_TYPE_PARAM    = 14
let VALUE_TYPE_CONST    = 15
1.2. Types
type Mapping = ( GeneratedLine, GeneratedColumn, ... )

type RecordType = RECORD_SCOPE | RECORD_BINDING | Unknown
              | PROPERTY_NAME | PROPERTY_VALUE | Unknown
type AbbreviationDefinition = ( RecordType, List of Property )

type ScopeStart = Mapping
type ScopeEnd = Mapping
type ScopeType = Integer
type ScopeName = String | None
type ScopeBindings = Set of Binding
type ScopeChildScopes = Set of Scope
type Scope = ( ScopeStart, ScopeEnd, ScopeType, ScopeName, ScopeBindings,
               ScopeChildScopes )

                 | Unknown
type BindingName = String
type BindingValue = String
type Binding = ( BindingType, BindingName, BindingValue )

type ScopeOrBinding = Scope | Binding
1.3. Globals

Let the following definitions be the abstract state used while parsing and validation:

let mappings = List of Mapping
let names = List of String

let abbreviations = Map from Integer to AbbreviationDefinition
let siblings = Set of ScopeOrBinding

let last_value_by_property = Map from Property to Integer

2. Abstract Procedures

2.1. initialize

Before beginning parsing and validation begins, invoke the following procedure:

    mappings = parse this source map's "mappings" property
    names = this source map's "names" property

    abbreviations = new empty Map
    siblings = new empty Set
2.2. fail

The fail abstract procedure is called when validation fails during parsing, and the string being parsed is not valid. The implementation must discontinue parsing and validation.

2.3. warn

The warn abstract procedure is invoked when an unknown or unexpected record type, property, or value is encountered. Implementations may choose to emit a diagnostic warning, but they must not treat it as a failure in parsing or validation and they must continue parsing and validation. This enables goal (4).

    no operationx
2.5. save_record

The save_record abstract procedure is invoked whenever a record has successfully been parsed. The data is passed through to specializations for each known type of record, so that it may save the parsed data for querying once parsing and validation has completed.

save_record(record_type, property_value_pairs, children):
    if record_type is RECORD_SCOPE:
        save_scope(property_value_pairs, children)
    else if record_type is RECORD_BINDING:
        save_binding(property_value_pairs, children)
2.6. save_scope

The save_scope abstract procedure is invoked when a scope record has been parsed and must be validated and saved. The procedure maintains the following invariants:

  1. A scope's child scopes must always be contained within its start and end boundaries.
  2. A scope's start and end boundaries must not overlap any of its sibling scopes' boundaries.
  3. A scope's start boundary must not be after its end boundary.

For simplicity and clarity, the abstract save_scope procedure asserts these invariants as each new scope is saved, but this naive approach leads to poor time complexity. Implementations are free to ensure these invariants are maintained however they see fit, as long as they reject all "env" strings that break these invariants.

save_scope(property_value_pairs, children):
    let start = None
    let end = None
    let type = Unknown
    let name = None

    for each ( property, value ) in property_value_pairs:
        if property is PROPERTY_START:
            if 0 =< value < length of mappings:
                start = mappings[value]
        if property is PROPERTY_END:
            if 0 =< value < length of mappings:
                end = mappings[value]
        if property is PROPERTY_TYPE:
            if value is one of { VALUE_TYPE_FUNCTION, VALUE_TYPE_BLOCK }:
                type = value
        if property is PROPERTY_NAME:
            if 0 =< value < length of names:
                name = names[value]

    if start is None or end is None or start is after end:

    let child_bindings = the Set of each b in children if b is a Binding

    let child_scopes = the Set of each s in children if s is a Scope
    assert_scopes_contained(start, end, child_scopes)

    let sibling_scopes = the Set of each s in siblings if s is a Scope
    assert_non_overlapping(start, end, sibling_scopes)

    let scope = ( start, end, type, name, child_bindings, child_scopes )
    add scope to siblings
2.7. assert_scopes_contained

The assert_scopes_contained abstract procedure ensures that invariant (1) from section 2.6. is maintained.

assert_scopes_contained(start, end, scopes):
    for each ( scope_start, scope_end, ...) in scopes:
        if scope_start is not within the inclusive range [start, end]:
        if scope_end is not within the inclusive range [start, end]:
2.8. assert_non_overlapping

The assert_non_overlapping abstract procedure ensures that invariant (2) from section 2.6. is maintained.

assert_non_overlapping(start, end, scopes):
    for each ( scope_start, scope_end, ... ) in scopes:
        if start is within the inclusive range [scope_start, scope_end]:
        if end is within the inclusive range [scope_start, scope_end]:
2.9. save_binding

The save_binding abstract procedure is invoked when a binding record has been parsed and must be validated and saved.

save_binding(property_value_pairs, children):
    if children is not the empty Set:

    let type = Unknown
    let name = None
    let binding_value = None

    for each ( property, value ) in property_value_pairs:
        if property is PROPERTY_TYPE:
            if value is one of { VALUE_TYPE_CONST, VALUE_TYPE_LOCAL, VALUE_TYPE_PARAM }:
                type = value
        if property is PROPERTY_NAME:
            if 0 =< value < length of names:
                name = names[value]
        if property is PROPERTY_VALUE:
            if 0 =< value < length of names:
                binding_value = names[value]

    if name is None or binding_value is None:

    let binding = ( type, name, binding_value )
    add binding to siblings
2.10. get_value_from_relative

To help keep the format compact and support goal (5), values are encoded relative to the last value parsed for the current value's property. The get_value_from_relative abstract procedure is used to transform relative values into absolute values, and to bookkeep the last value seen for any given property.

get_value_from_relative(property, relative_value):
    let last_value = 0
    if last_value_by_property has property:
        last_value = last_value_by_property[property]
    let absolute_value = last_value + relative_value
    last_value_by_property[property] = absolute_value
    return absolute_value

3. Abstract Visitor Procedures

The following abstract visitor procedures must be invoked when encountering a given production while parsing. Collectively, they perform validation during parsing and rematerialize the serialized environment into the abstract state.

3.1. on_unknown_record_type

When encountering an unknown_record_type production during parsing, invoke the following visitor procedure:

3.2. on_unknown_property

When encountering an unknown_property production during parsing, invoke the following visitor procedure:

3.3. on_unknown_value

When encountering an unknown_value production during parsing, invoke the following visitor procedure:

3.4. on_abbreviation_definition

When encountering an abbreviation_definition production during parsing, invoke the following visitor procedure:

    let id = parse `abbreviation_id`
    if abbreviations[id] already exists:
        let type = parse `record_type`
        let properties = parse `property*` into a new List
        parse `tag_record_done`
        abbreviations[id] = ( type, properties )
3.5. on_abbreviated_record

When encountering an abbreviated_record production during parsing, invoke the following visitor procedure:

    let id = parse abbreviation_id
    if abbreviations does not have an entry keyed by id:
        let Definition = abbreviations[id]
        let ( record_type, properties ) = Definition
        let pairs = new empty List

        for each property in properties:
            let relative_value = parse one `value` from `value*`
            let value = get_value_from_relative(property, relative_value)
            append ( property, value ) to pairs

        let old_siblings = siblings
        siblings = new empty Set

        parse [ children ]
        parse tag_record_done

        let children = siblings
        siblings = old_siblings

        save_record(record_type, pairs, children)
3.6. on_verbose_record

When encountering an verbose_record production during parsing, invoke the following visitor procedure:

    let record_type = parse record_type

    let relative_pairs = parse `property_value_pair*`n
    let pairs = the empty list
    for each (p, rv) in relative_pairs:
        append (p, get_value_from_relative(p, rv)) to pairs

    let old_siblings = siblings
    siblings = new empty Set

    parse [ children ]
    parse tag_record_done

    let children = siblings
    siblings = old_siblings

    save_record(record_type, pairs, children)

Querying for the Scope Chain at a Generated Location

This section provides the abstract get_scope_chain procedure for querying for the scope chain at a given generated location. This procedure should be implemented by JavaScript debuggers implementing source-level inspection of scopes and bindings. This section shows how the proposed extension accomplishes goal (1).

The abstract get_scope_chain procedure assumes that the "env" property is already parsed and validated, that it was found to be a valid string, and that we have access to the abstract global state generated by parsing and validation.

The input to the abstract get_scope_chain procedure is the generated location we want the scope chain for.

The returned value is the input location's scope chain as a list sorted from enclosing to enclosed scopes.

    let top_level_scopes = the Set of each s in siblings if s is a Scope
    recursive_get_scope_chain_helper(target_generated_location, top_level_scopes)

recursive_get_scope_chain_helper(location, scopes):
    for each s in scopes:
        if location is within [s.start, s.end):
            let (_, _, _, _, _, new_scopes) = s
            let rest = recursive_get_scope_chain_helper(location, new_scopes)
            prepend s to rest
            return rest
    return the empty list

To enumerate all bindings in scope at a given location, enumerate the bindings in each scope in the list returned by get_scope_chain and the top level Binding records within the abstract global siblings state.

Locating a Binding's Value

Given that a Binding B is either in a scope in the list returned by get_scope_chain or is a top level binding, its value can be located by a JavaScript debugger by evaluating the B's BindingValue string in the target generated location's frame.

Evaluating the BindingValue string should not throw, and well-behaved compilers will not generate Bindings such strings. JavaScript debuggers are free to handle errors and thrown values from misbehaving BindingValues in any way they choose.

This satisfies goal (2).

Reference Implementation

There is a reference implementation for serializing and deserializing this source map extension in a branch of the source-map library:

Note that it uses "x_env" instead of "env".