diff --git a/charconv-0.1.pyw b/charconv-0.1.pyw
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..132ec15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/charconv-0.1.pyw
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+'''This is a small app that converts a character into various representations:
+binary, hexademical code points, utf-8/utf-16 code points, decimal'''
+import codecs
+import re
+import sys
+import ttk
+import unicodedata
+from Tkinter import IntVar, Text, Tk, END
+class Charconv(ttk.Frame):
+ def __init__(self, master):
+ '''Instantiating main Frame'''
+ ttk.Frame.__init__(self, master)
+ self.grid(sticky="nsew")
+ self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1)
+ self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ self.rowconfigure(1, weight=1)
+ self.rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
+ self.make_gui()
+ self.welcome()
+ self.console_debugging()
+ def welcome(self):
+ '''Displays welcome message'''
+ self.Welcome = ttk.Label(self.InfoFrame, font='TkDefaultFont 10',
+ text=WELCOME, wraplength='350', anchor='nw',
+ justify='left')
+ self.Welcome.grid(column=0, row=0)
+ # binding main keys
+ def press_return(self, *args):
+ '''Processing query when "Enter" gets pressed'''
+ char_query = self.Entry.get()
+ self.process_query(char_query)
+ def select_all(self, *args):
+ '''Select all text in the text widget.
+ '''
+ # checking which widget has focus
+ if self.Entry is self.focus_get():
+ self.Entry.select_range(0, 'end')
+ return 'break'
+ def rebuild_Query(self):
+ '''Cleaning up ResultFrame widgets'''
+ try:
+ self.Welcome.destroy()
+ self.NoQuery.destroy()
+ except:
+ pass
+ def process_query(self, query):
+ '''Processing entered query'''
+ self.REVERSE = False
+ self.rebuild_ResultFrame()
+ if not query:
+ self.rebuild_Query()
+ self.NoQuery = ttk.Label(self.ResultFrame,
+ font='TkDefaultFont 11',
+ text='Give me a Char/String please!')
+ self.NoQuery.grid()
+ elif self.reverse_query(query):
+ self.rebuild_Query()
+ self.ReverseQuery = ttk.Label(self.ResultFrame,
+ font='TkDefaultFont 11',
+ text='reverse query')
+ self.ReverseQuery.grid()
+ self.REVERSE = True
+ self.Entry.delete(0, END)
+ self.Entry.insert(0, query)
+ query = query[:50] # limiting reverse_query input
+ uquery, query_info, restored_cache = self.restore_encoded(query)
+ self.result_inserter(uquery, query_info, restored_cache)
+ else:
+ self.Entry.delete(0, END)
+ self.Entry.insert(0, query)
+ query = query[:10] # limit query to 20 chars
+ query_info = self.get_info(query)
+ result_cache = self.query_dispatcher(query)
+ self.result_inserter(query, query_info, result_cache)
+ def query_dispatcher(self, query):
+ '''Invoking required converting functions'''
+ result_cache = []
+ check_boxes = (self.isuni, self.isesc, self.isutf8, self.isutf16,
+ self.isdeci, self.isbin)
+ switcher = {0: self.continue_fun, 1: self.get_unicode, 2: self.get_esc,
+ 3: self.get_utf8, 4: self.get_utf16, 5: self.get_deci,
+ 6: self.get_bin}
+ for func in check_boxes:
+ result_cache.append(switcher[func.get()](query))
+ return result_cache
+ def continue_fun(self, query):
+ '''Return function'''
+ return
+ def reverse_query(self, query):
+ '''Checking if query is an actual representation type'''
+ rgxs = (r'0x.+', r'\\x.+')
+ if re.match(r'\\u.{3,}', query):
+ self.OTHER_REPR = False
+ return True
+ for rgx in rgxs:
+ if re.match(rgx, query):
+ self.OTHER_REPR = True
+ return True
+ return False
+ def bad_Query(self):
+ '''Displays a message if reverse query is incorrect'''
+ try:
+ self.BadQuery.destroy()
+ except:
+ pass
+ self.BadQuery = ttk.Label(self.ResultFrame,
+ font='TkDefaultFont 11 bold',
+ text='incorrect query!')
+ self.BadQuery.grid()
+ def restore_encoded(self, query):
+ '''Restoring encoded query'''
+ qinfo = []
+ restored_cache = []
+ uquery = u''
+ if self.OTHER_REPR:
+ try:
+ query = query.lstrip('0x|\\x')
+ query = unichr(int(query, 16)).encode('utf-8')
+ uquery = re.sub('0', r'\\', unicode(query, 'utf-8'))
+ except:
+ self.bad_Query()
+ else:
+ try:
+ uquery = unicode(query, 'utf-8')
+ uquery = uquery.decode('unicode_escape').split()
+ except:
+ self.bad_Query()
+ for q in query.split():
+ uq = unicode(q, 'utf-8')
+ if not self.OTHER_REPR:
+ try:
+ qinfo.append(unicodedata.name(uq.decode('unicode_escape')))
+ except:
+ self.bad_Query()
+ else:
+ try:
+ qinfo.append(unicodedata.name(uq))
+ except:
+ self.bad_Query()
+ restored_cache.append(query.encode('utf-8'))
+ return uquery, qinfo, restored_cache
+ def char_cache(self, query):
+ '''Caching chars into list'''
+ return [c for c in query]
+ def get_info(self, query):
+ '''Getting unicodedata information on the query'''
+ u_query = unicode(query)
+ u_query_info = [unicodedata.name(c) for c in u_query]
+ return u_query_info
+ def get_unicode(self, query):
+ '''Converting query to unicode code points'''
+ char_cache = self.char_cache(query)
+ uni_c = ["U+{:04X}".format(ord(c)) for c in char_cache]
+ return uni_c
+ def get_esc(self, query):
+ '''Converting query to unicode escapes notation'''
+ char_cache = self.char_cache(query)
+ esc_c = ['\u{:04X}'.format(ord(c)) for c in char_cache]
+ return esc_c
+ def get_utf8(self, query):
+ '''Converting query to utf8 code points'''
+ char_cache = self.char_cache(query)
+ utf8_c = [c.encode('hex').upper() for c in char_cache]
+ return utf8_c
+ def get_utf16(self, query):
+ '''Converting query to utf16 code points'''
+ char_cache = self.char_cache(query)
+ utf16_c = [c.encode('utf-16').encode('hex').upper()
+ for c in char_cache]
+ return utf16_c
+ def get_deci(self, query):
+ '''Converting query to decimal notation'''
+ char_cache = self.char_cache(query)
+ deci_c = [ord(c) for c in char_cache]
+ return deci_c
+ def get_bin(self, query):
+ '''Converting query to binary notation'''
+ char_cache = self.char_cache(query)
+ bin_c = [''.join(format(ord(c), 'b')) for c in char_cache]
+ return bin_c
+ def list_unpacker(self, custom_list):
+ '''Unpacking lists to strings'''
+ list_str = ''
+ for item in custom_list:
+ list_str = ' '.join([list_str, str(item) + ','])
+ return list_str.rstrip(',')
+ def text_inserter(self, n, res, query):
+ '''Inserting text into result frame'''
+ colors = {0: '#ccccff', 1: '#ccffcc', 2: '#ffcccc', 3: '#ff99ff',
+ 4: '#ccccff', 5: '#cbcbcb'}
+ # setting ResText widget length
+ lengths = {}
+ try:
+ lengths[n] = len(str(res[0])) + 3
+ except:
+ lengths[n] = 0
+ self.ResText = Text(self.ResultFrame, height=1,
+ width=len(query)*lengths[n],
+ font='TkDefaultFont 11', borderwidth=2,
+ # background=root.cget('bg')
+ background=colors[n])
+ if isinstance(res, list):
+ ures = self.list_unpacker(res)
+ elif not self.OTHER_REPR:
+ ures = unicode(res, 'utf-8')
+ ures = ures.decode('unicode_escape')
+ else:
+ ures = unicode(res, 'utf-8')
+ self.ResText.insert(1.0, ures)
+ self.ResText.configure(state='normal', relief='groove')
+ self.ResText.grid(sticky='w')
+ def result_inserter(self, query, query_info, result_cache):
+ '''Inserting results adding colors into Result widget'''
+ # inserting char information
+ for n in range(len(query_info)):
+ full_q = ' '.join(['"' + query[n] + '" -->', query_info[n]])
+ self.Info = ttk.Label(self.InfoFrame, font='TkDefaultFont 10',
+ text=full_q, wraplength='350', anchor='nw',
+ justify='left')
+ self.Info.grid(sticky='w')
+ # inserting conversion results,
+ '''result_cache is a list where [[get_unicode], [get_esc], [get_utf8],
+ [get_utf16], [get_deci], [get_bin]]'''
+ for n in range(len(result_cache)):
+ if not result_cache[n]:
+ self.text_inserter(n, '', query)
+ continue
+ self.text_inserter(n, result_cache[n], query)
+ def make_signs_table(self):
+ '''Creating common sign buttons'''
+ # button special signs
+ signs = {0: u'℃', 1: u'°', 2: u'¹', 3: u'²', 4: u'³', 5: u'′', 6: u'″',
+ 7: u'±', 8: u'∓', 9: u'÷', 10: u'≠', 11: u'≡', 12: u'≤',
+ 13: u'≥', 14: u'≪', 15: u'≫', 16: u'≃', 17: u'≈', 18: u'√',
+ 19: u'∛', 20: u'∜', 21: u'½', 22: u'⅓', 23: u'¼', 24: u'¾',
+ 25: u'⅜', 26: u'‰', 27: u'∝', 28: u'≉', 29: u'≅', 30: u'≇',
+ 31: u'∣', 32: u'∤', 33: u'£', 34: u'€', 35: u'¥', 36: u'∑',
+ 37: u'∏', 38: u'∐', 39: u'∈', 40: u'∉', 41: u'∋', 42: u'∌',
+ 43: u'∅', 44: u'∞', 45: u'∧', 46: u'∨', 47: u'∩', 48: u'∪',
+ 49: u'⊂', 50: u'⊃', 51: u'⊄', 52: u'⊅', 53: u'⊆', 54: u'⊇',
+ 55: u'⊈', 56: u'⊉', 57: u'¶', 58: u'·', 59: u'∘', 60: u'◊',
+ 61: u'¤', 62: u'§', 63: u'π', 64: u'ƒ', 65: u'Δ', 66: u'µ',
+ 67: u'α', 68: u'ß', 69: u'γ', 70: u'Å', 71: u'´', 72: u'´',
+ 73: u'¯', 74: u'№', 75: u'©', 76: u'®', 77: u'™', 78: u'℠'}
+ # columns range
+ vbox = {0: 0,
+ 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 0,
+ 10: 1, 11: 2, 12: 3, 13: 4, 14: 5, 15: 6, 16: 7, 17: 8, 18: 0,
+ 19: 1, 20: 2, 21: 3, 22: 4, 23: 5, 24: 6, 25: 7, 26: 8, 27: 0,
+ 28: 1, 29: 2, 30: 3, 31: 4, 32: 5, 33: 6, 34: 7, 35: 8, 36: 0,
+ 37: 1, 38: 2, 39: 3, 40: 4, 41: 5, 42: 6, 43: 7, 44: 8, 45: 0,
+ 46: 1, 47: 2, 48: 3, 49: 4, 50: 5, 51: 6, 52: 7, 53: 8, 54: 0,
+ 55: 1, 56: 2, 57: 3, 58: 4, 59: 5, 60: 6, 61: 7, 62: 8, 63: 0,
+ 64: 1, 65: 2, 66: 3, 67: 4, 68: 5, 69: 6, 70: 7, 71: 8, 72: 0,
+ 73: 1, 74: 2, 75: 3, 76: 4, 77: 5, 78: 6}
+ # rows range
+ hbox = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0,
+ 9: 1, 10: 1, 11: 1, 12: 1, 13: 1, 14: 1, 15: 1, 16: 1, 17: 1,
+ 18: 2, 19: 2, 20: 2, 21: 2, 22: 2, 23: 2, 24: 2, 25: 2, 26: 2,
+ 27: 3, 28: 3, 29: 3, 30: 3, 31: 3, 32: 3, 33: 3, 34: 3, 35: 3,
+ 36: 4, 37: 4, 38: 4, 39: 4, 40: 4, 41: 4, 42: 4, 43: 4, 44: 4,
+ 45: 5, 46: 5, 47: 5, 48: 5, 49: 5, 50: 5, 51: 5, 52: 5, 53: 5,
+ 54: 6, 55: 6, 56: 6, 57: 6, 58: 6, 59: 6, 60: 6, 61: 6, 62: 6,
+ 63: 7, 64: 7, 65: 7, 66: 7, 67: 7, 68: 7, 69: 7, 70: 7, 71: 7,
+ 72: 8, 73: 8, 74: 8, 75: 8, 76: 8, 77: 8, 78: 8}
+ for n in signs:
+ ttk.Button(self.SignsFrame, width='2', padding=(1, 1),
+ text=signs[n], command=lambda sign = signs[n]:
+ self.process_query(sign)).grid(column=vbox[n],
+ row=hbox[n])
+ def make_gui(self):
+ '''Creating main app interface'''
+ expand = dict(sticky='nsew', pady=1, padx=1)
+ self.MainFrame = ttk.Frame(self, borderwidth='2', relief='groove')
+ self.MainFrame.grid(columnspan=2, rowspan=3, **expand)
+ self.MainFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=3)
+ self.MainFrame.grid_columnconfigure(1, weight=1, minsize=205)
+ self.MainFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ self.MainFrame.grid_rowconfigure(1, weight=50)
+ self.MainFrame.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
+ # EntryFrame is a container for Entry widget
+ self.EntryFrame = ttk.Frame(self.MainFrame, borderwidth='2',
+ relief='groove')
+ self.EntryFrame.grid(column=0, row=0, columnspan=1, rowspan=1,
+ sticky='wne')
+ self.EntryFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ self.EntryFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ # creating Entry widget inside EntryFrame container
+ self.Entry = ttk.Entry(self.EntryFrame, font='Tahoma 21')
+ self.Entry.grid(column=0, row=0, columnspan=1, **expand)
+ # binding keys
+ self.Entry.bind('', self.select_all)
+ self.Entry.bind('', self.press_return, '+')
+ # works only when entry is focused
+ self.Entry.focus()
+ # Process button container
+ self.ProcessFrame = ttk.Frame(self.MainFrame, borderwidth='2',
+ relief='groove')
+ self.ProcessFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ self.ProcessFrame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ self.ProcessFrame.grid(column=1, row=0, **expand)
+ # creating Process button
+ self.Process = ttk.Button(self.ProcessFrame, padding=(0, 7),
+ text='Convert', command=self.press_return)
+ self.Process.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky='we')
+ # Check-box container
+ self.CheckFrame = ttk.Frame(self.MainFrame, borderwidth='2',
+ relief='groove')
+ self.CheckFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ self.CheckFrame.grid(column=1, row=2, **expand)
+ # creating Check-boxes
+ self.isuni = IntVar()
+ self.CheckUni = ttk.Checkbutton(self.CheckFrame,
+ text='Unicode (code point)',
+ onvalue=1, offvalue=0,
+ variable=self.isuni)
+ self.CheckUni.grid(**expand)
+ self.CheckUni.invoke()
+ self.isesc = IntVar()
+ self.CheckEsc = ttk.Checkbutton(self.CheckFrame,
+ text='Unicode (escaped hex)',
+ onvalue=2, offvalue=0,
+ variable=self.isesc)
+ self.CheckEsc.grid(**expand)
+ self.CheckEsc.invoke()
+ self.isutf8 = IntVar()
+ self.CheckUTF8 = ttk.Checkbutton(self.CheckFrame, text='UTF-8 (hex)',
+ onvalue=3, offvalue=0,
+ variable=self.isutf8)
+ self.CheckUTF8.grid(**expand)
+ self.CheckUTF8.invoke()
+ self.isutf16 = IntVar()
+ self.CheckUTF16 = ttk.Checkbutton(self.CheckFrame, text='UTF-16 (hex)',
+ onvalue=4, offvalue=0,
+ variable=self.isutf16)
+ self.CheckUTF16.grid(**expand)
+ self.CheckUTF16.invoke()
+ self.isdeci = IntVar()
+ self.CheckDeci = ttk.Checkbutton(self.CheckFrame, text='Decimal',
+ onvalue=5, offvalue=0,
+ variable=self.isdeci)
+ self.CheckDeci.grid(**expand)
+ self.CheckDeci.invoke()
+ self.isbin = IntVar()
+ self.CheckBin = ttk.Checkbutton(self.CheckFrame, text='Binary',
+ onvalue=6, offvalue=0,
+ variable=self.isbin)
+ self.CheckBin.grid(**expand)
+ self.CheckBin.invoke()
+ # Sings button container
+ self.SignsFrame = ttk.Frame(self.MainFrame, borderwidth='2',
+ relief='groove')
+ self.SignsFrame.grid(column=1, row=1, **expand)
+ # creating Common signs buttons
+ self.make_signs_table()
+ # Results container
+ self.rebuild_ResultFrame()
+ def rebuild_ResultFrame(self):
+ '''Refreshing results frame'''
+ try:
+ self.ResultFrame.destroy()
+ self.InfoFrame.destroy()
+ except:
+ pass
+ # Characters info frame
+ self.InfoFrame = ttk.Frame(self.MainFrame, borderwidth='2',
+ relief='groove')
+ self.InfoFrame.grid(column=0, row=1, sticky='wnse')
+ # Convertion results frame
+ self.ResultFrame = ttk.Frame(self.MainFrame, borderwidth='2',
+ relief='groove')
+ self.ResultFrame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ self.ResultFrame.grid(column=0, row=2, sticky='wnse')
+ def console_debugging(self):
+ '''Setting utf-8 env for correct cmd output while debugging'''
+ reload(sys)
+ sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8')
+ sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stdout)
+ sys.stderr = codecs.getwriter('utf8')(sys.stderr)
+# Welcome message
+WELCOME = '''Charconv 0.1 is a small app that displays input query in \
+various unicode representation formats.
+Choose your format type on the lower right pane.
+Enter a string (10 chars max) in the query above \
+and press "Convert" button to see the results.
+You can do a reverse query in \\u, 0x, \\x notation as well.'''
+# starting main interface loop
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ root = Tk()
+ root.title('Charconv 0.1')
+ root.geometry("570x430") # geometry size when the app is started
+ root.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ root.rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
+ root.resizable(True, True)
+ root.update()
+ # you can use ttk themes here ('clam', 'alt', 'classic', 'default')
+ # ttk_theme = ttk.Style()
+ # ttk_theme.theme_use('clam')
+ app = Charconv(root)
+ app.mainloop()