You need to copy base.yml from
in the env/
clone the git repository
change directory to 'proj_multilingual_text_classification'
create the python conda env to run Jupyter Lab (or Jupyter Notebook) from the command line/terminal:
conda env create -f env/base.yml
(you should have nodejs installed with conda) -
activate the env:
conda activate jupyter-notebook
install jupyter lab extensions
execute the shell script copy and paste each line. script/jupyter_lab/
implement this trick to fix an issue with Black and temp folders that are created too late: 19.10b0
cd test
python -c "import logging; logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO); import black"
cd ..
This executes the code
"import pandas as pd\nprint(pd.__version__)"
in the file.
start Jupyter Lab from the terminal for which 'jupyter-notebook' env is activated
jupyter lab
Note: If you get any errors regarding the dynamic link library, make sure that conda is updated to the newest version and try again.
To be able to see conda env in Jupyter notebook, you need:
the following package in you base env (already installed in 'jupyter-notebook'):
conda install nb_conda
the following package in each env (this is the responsibility of the creator of the env to be sure it is in the env)
conda install ipykernel