The services in this subsection are provided to receive plain text input and send the extraction results in TEI/XML format.
Response status codes are:
HTTP Status code | Signification |
200 | Successful operation. |
204 | Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured |
400 | Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header |
500 | Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message |
503 | The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. |
Parse a raw dateline string and return the extracted dateline.
Method | Request type | Response type | Parameters | Requirement | Description |
POST, PUT | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/xml | dateline | required | dateline to be parsed |
For testing the service, we can use the cURL command line. For example:
$ curl -X POST -d "dateline=Intervention du 14/03/2017. Paris, le 20.9.2018" localhost:8090/api/processDateline
The successful operation will return:
<note type="date">Intervention</note> du <date>14/03/2017</date>. <placeName>Paris</placeName>, le <date>20.9.2018</date>
Parse a raw patient string and return the extracted patient data.
Method | Request type | Response type | Parameters | Requirement | Description |
POST, PUT | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/xml | patient | required | patient to be parsed |
For testing the service, we can use the cURL command line. For example:
$ curl -X POST -d "medic=Chef de Service Pr. Abagael ZOSIMA. Assistant Dr Woody WOOD." localhost:8090/api/processMedic
The successful operation will return:
<roleName>Chef de Service</roleName> <persName>Pr. Abagael ZOSIMA</persName>. <roleName>Assistant</roleName> <persName>Dr Woody WOOD</persName>.
Parse a raw medic string and return the extracted medical personnel.
Method | Request type | Response type | Parameters | Requirement | Description |
POST, PUT | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/xml | patient | required | patient to be parsed |
For testing the service, we can use the cURL command line. For example:
$ curl -X POST -d "patient=Madame Eva GOODRICH 666, RUE DU MARRANT 92290 CHATENAY MALABRY" localhost:8090/api/processPatient
The successful operation will return:
<persName>Madame Eva GOODRICH</persName> <address>666, RUE DU MARRANT 92290 CHATENAY MALABRY</address>
Parse a raw medic string and return the extracted medical personnel.
Method | Request type | Response type | Parameters | Requirement | Description |
POST, PUT | application/x-www-form-urlencoded | application/xml | ner | required | ner to be parsed |
For testing the service, we can use the cURL command line. For example:
$ curl -X POST -d "ner=Madame Renee MASSON ayant présenté une arthrite septique du genou droit à Corynebacterium documentée sur fonction de genou traitée par Daptomycine 1500 mg puis relais par Linézolide 600 mg *2" localhost:8090/api/processNER
The successful operation will return:
<persName>Madame Renee MASSON</persName> ayant présenté une <pathology>arthrite septique</pathology> du <anatomy>genou droit</anatomy> à <substance>Corynebacterium</substance> documentée sur fonction de <anatomy>genou</anatomy> traitée par <medicament>Daptomycine 1500 mg</medicament> puis relais par <medicament>Linézolide 600 mg *2</medicament>
Results using a web-based application:
The services in this subsection are provided to receive PDF file input and send the extraction results in TEI/XML format.
Response status codes:
HTTP Status code | Signification |
200 | Successful operation. |
204 | Process was completed, but no content could be extracted and structured |
400 | Wrong request, missing parameters, missing header |
500 | Indicate an internal service error, further described by a provided message |
503 | The service is not available, which usually means that all the threads are currently used. The client need to re-send the query after a wait time that will allow the server to free some threads. |
Extract the header of the input PDF document, normalize it and convert it into a TEI XML format.
Method | Request type | Response type | Parameters | Requirement | Description |
POST, PUT | multipart/form-data |
application/xml |
input |
required | PDF file to be processed |
For testing the service, we can use the cURL command line. For example:
$ curl -v --form input=@./Example.pdf localhost:8090/api/processHeaderDocument
The successful operation will return:
* Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 8090 (#0)
> POST /api/processHeaderDocument HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8090
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 473311
> Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------cbd8d6dc8d0c9c75
> Expect: 100-continue
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
* We are completely uploaded and fine
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2022 13:18:12 GMT
< Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 1978
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xml:space="preserve" xmlns=""
<teiHeader xml:lang="fr">
<application version="0.0.1" name="grobid-medical-report" access="2022-08-29T13:18+0000">
<desc>grobid-medical-report is a GROBID ( module for extracting and structuring French medical reports into structured XML/TEI encoded documents.</desc>
<ref target=""/>
<title type="main">COMPTE RENDU OPÉRATOIRE</title>
<measure unit="pages">1</measure>
<p>Copyright : ©grobid-medical-report (INRIA-Project)</p>
<date type="issued" when="2000-04-29">2000-04-29</date>
<affiliation>Pôle Femmes -Adolescents -Mères -Enfants SERVICE DE GYNECOLOGIEOBSTETRIQUE ET MEDECINE DE LA REPRODUCTION</affiliation>
<addrLine>51, Avenue du Mal de Lattre de Tassigny 94010 CRETEIL Cedex</addrLine>
<listPerson type="medics">
<persName>Dr Mathieu MERLIN; Dr Leroy BLANC; Dr Jolie MASSON</persName>
<roleName>Opérateur Assistant Anesthésiste</roleName>
<listPerson type="patients">
<idno>800099001; 231456001</idno>
<persName>Madame Abba Voletta DUPONT</persName>
<birth when="01/01/1990">01/01/1990</birth>
<age>27 ans</age>
<address>666, Avenue de la République 94270 LE KREMLIN BICETRE;</address>
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
* Closing connection 0
Extract the header of the input PDF document, normalize it and convert it into a TEI XML format.
Method | Request type | Response type | Parameters | Requirement | Description |
POST, PUT | multipart/form-data |
application/xml |
input |
required | PDF file to be processed |
For testing the service, we can use the cURL command line. For example:
$ curl -v --form input=@./Example.pdf localhost:8090/api/processLeftNoteDocument
The successful operation will return:
* Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 8090 (#0)
> POST /api/processLeftNoteDocument HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8090
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 473311
> Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------6c098ff4c6457696
> Expect: 100-continue
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
* We are completely uploaded and fine
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2022 13:23:13 GMT
< Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 1463
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xml:space="preserve" xmlns=""
<note place="left" type="hospital-structure" xml:lang="fr">
<application version="0.0.1" name="grobid-medical-report" access="2022-08-29T13:23+0000">
<desc>grobid-medical-report is a GROBID ( module for extracting and structuring French medical reports into structured XML/TEI encoded documents.</desc>
<ref target=""/>
<measure unit="pages">1</measure>
<p>Copyright : ©grobid-medical-report (INRIA-Project)</p>
<roleName>Chef de Service</roleName> :
<persName>Pr. A. Gautier Pr Robin HOOD</persName>
<orgName>Secrétariat</orgName> : <phone>01 41 12 34 56</phone>
<persName>Dr Caroline GENTILE</persName>
<orgName>Secrétariat</orgName> : <phone>01 41 12 34 57</phone>
<persName>Mme Pauline</persName>
<roleName>Kinésithérapeute Rééducation périnéale et abdominale</roleName>
<orgName>Secrétariat</orgName> : <phone>01 41 12 34 59</phone>
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
* Closing connection 0
Extract the header of the input PDF document, normalize it and convert it into a TEI XML format.
Method | Request type | Response type | Parameters | Requirement | Description |
POST, PUT | multipart/form-data |
application/xml |
input |
required | PDF file to be processed |
For testing the service, we can use the cURL command line. For example:
$ curl -v --form input=@./Example.pdf localhost:8090/api/processFullMedicalText
The successful operation will return:
* Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 8090 (#0)
> POST /api/processFullMedicalText HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8090
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 473311
> Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------d710215784f6a51c
> Expect: 100-continue
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
* We are completely uploaded and fine
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 09:01:49 GMT
< Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 3346
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xml:space="preserve" xmlns=""
<teiHeader xml:lang="fr">
<application version="0.0.1" name="grobid-medical-report" access="2022-08-30T09:01+0000">
<desc>grobid-medical-report is a GROBID ( module for extracting and structuring French medical reports into structured XML/TEI encoded documents.</desc>
<ref target=""/>
<title type="main">COMPTE RENDU OPÉRATOIRE</title>
<measure unit="pages">1</measure>
<p>Copyright : ©grobid-medical-report (INRIA-Project)</p>
<date type="issued" when="2000-04-29">2000-04-29</date>
<affiliation>Pôle Femmes -Adolescents -Mères -Enfants SERVICE DE GYNECOLOGIEOBSTETRIQUE ET MEDECINE DE LA REPRODUCTION</affiliation>
<addrLine>51, Avenue du Mal de Lattre de Tassigny 94010 CRETEIL Cedex</addrLine>
<listPerson type="medics">
<persName>Dr Mathieu MERLIN; Dr Leroy BLANC; Dr Jolie MASSON</persName>
<roleName>Opérateur Assistant Anesthésiste</roleName>
<medic><roleName>Chef de Service</roleName> : <persName>Pr. A. Gautier Pr Robin HOOD</persName> <orgName>Secrétariat</orgName> : <phone>01 41 12 34 56</phone> <persName>Dr Caroline GENTILE</persName> <orgName>Secrétariat</orgName> : <phone>01 41 12 34 57</phone> <persName>Mme Pauline</persName> <roleName>Kinésithérapeute Rééducation périnéale et abdominale</roleName> <orgName>Secrétariat</orgName> : <phone>01 41 12 34 59</phone></medic>
<listPerson type="patients">
<idno>800099001; 231456001</idno>
<persName>Madame Abba Voletta DUPONT</persName>
<birth when="01/01/1990">01/01/1990</birth>
<age>27 ans</age>
<address>666, Avenue de la République LE KREMLIN BICETRE;</address>
<head level="1">DIAGNOSTIC :</head>
<p>Injection in situ de Methotrexate sur cicatrice de césarienne</p>
<head level="1">RAPPEL CLINIQUE :</head>
<head level="2">Antécédents :</head>
<p>G4P2 (2 césariennes, )</p>
<head level="2">Histoire de la maladie :</head>
<p>Échographie du 10/02 (</p>
<medic>Dr Martinez</medic>
<p>) : diagnostic de grossesse isthmique à 5 SA au niveau de la cicatrice de césarienne. Patiente adressée aux urgences. Douleurs pelviennes intermittentes en regard de la cicatrice de césarienne. Abdomen souple.</p>
<head level="1">DESCRIPTION DETAILLEE :</head>
<p>Gestes effectués :</p>
<p>Injection in situ de Methotrexate </p>
<head level="1">COMPTE RENDU OPÉRATOIRE :</head>
<medic>Docteur Margo COCO</medic>
<p>le 29/04/2000</p>
<medic>Docteur Margo COCO</medic>
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
* Closing connection 0
Extract the header of the input PDF document, normalize it and convert it into a TEI XML format.
Method | Request type | Response type | Parameters | Requirement | Description |
POST, PUT | multipart/form-data |
application/xml |
input |
required | PDF file to be processed |
For testing the service, we can use the cURL command line. For example:
$ curl -v --form input=@./Example.pdf localhost:8090/api/processFrenchMedicalNER
The successful operation will return:
* Trying
* Connected to localhost ( port 8090 (#0)
> POST /api/processFrenchMedicalNER HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:8090
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
> Content-Length: 473311
> Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=------------------------fc7282241fd7c2b3
> Expect: 100-continue
< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
* We are completely uploaded and fine
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 08:57:16 GMT
< Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
< Content-Length: 2864
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xml:space="preserve" xmlns=""
<application version="0.0.1" name="grobid-medical-report" access="2022-08-30T08:57+0000">
<desc>grobid-medical-report is a GROBID ( module for extracting and structuring French medical reports into structured XML/TEI encoded documents.</desc>
<ref target=""/>
<measure unit="pages">1</measure>
<p>Copyright : ©grobid-medical-report (INRIA-Project)</p>
<procedure>Injection in situ</procedure> de
<medicament>Methotrexate</medicament> sur
<symptom>cicatrice de césarienne</symptom>
Antécédents :
G4P2 (
<procedure>césariennes</procedure>, )
Histoire de la maladie :
Échographie du
<date>10/02</date> (
<persName>Dr Martinez</persName>) :
<procedure>diagnostic</procedure> de
<physiology>grossesse isthmique</physiology> à
<unit>SA</unit> au
niveau de la cicatrice de césarienne.
<roleName>Patiente</roleName> adressée aux
<symptom>Douleurs pelviennes</symptom> intermittentes en regard de la cicatrice de césarienne.
<symptom>Abdomen souple</symptom>.
Gestes effectués :
<procedure>Injection in situ</procedure> de
<roleName>Patiente</roleName> en position gynécologique.
Badigeonnage à la
<medicament>bétadine</medicament> et pose de champs stériles.
<procedure>Sondage vésical</procedure> évacuateur.
Repérage à l'
<procedure>échographie</procedure> de la
<physiology>grossesse ectopique</physiology> sur cicatrice de césarienne.
Vérification de l'absence de vaisseaux en regard du point de ponction.
Ponction à l'aiguille à l'aide d'un
<anatomy>guide</anatomy> et
<device>aspiration du sac gestationnel.</device>
<procedure>Injection de 120mg</procedure> de
<medicament>Methotrexate</medicament> au niveau du sac gestationnel.
Suivi à J7 puis toutes les semaines jusqu'à négativation.
Anesthésie pratiquée :
Courrier validé électroniquement par
<persName>Docteur Margo COCO</persName> le
<persName>Docteur Margo COCO</persName>
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
* Closing connection 0