Colophon \Col”o/phon (k[o^]l”[-o]/f[o^]n), n. [L. colophon finishing stroke, Gr. kolofw`n; cf. L. culmen top, collis hill. Cf. Holm.]
An inscription, monogram, or cipher, containing the place and date of publication, printer’s name, etc., formerly placed on the last page of a book.
— from The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 via
In my ever-increasing desire to remove extra steps from my life, and to hopefully increase my frequency of publishing posts on stuff I’m learning (and I am learning, all the time), I’ve decided to take a completely different turn, and convert the old Jekyll based blog into one that is only posts, written in Emacs’ org-mode. I am writing more and more in org mode anyway, and it’s now my standard mode for writing plain text files. So here we are.
I wrote a Rakefile
to contain some common steps and make conversion and maintenance simpler.
Sure, it’s not exactly pretty.
If you like the old one better, it’s still at It’s just not being updated.