layout | title | subtitle | tags | comments | cover-img | thumbnail-img | published | ||
post |
Roof structures |
laser |
false |
/assets/pics/cover/ai/constructioneye.jpg |
/assets/pics/thumbnail/photo/epilog-aluskate-2.jpg |
true |
A miniature model of the house roof using plywood. Size 12.5:1 or 10:1. Earlier experiments: 2022-03-19-lasercut. Laser instructions:
- make a model (p5.js)
- email/drive (incognito)
- save
- Corel Draw 2017
- check if scale is correct (width and height mm)
- Drag the model to top left corner
- File 🠆 Print 🠂 Preferences
{: .mx-auto.d-block :}
Fig) Settings for 3mm plywood.
- later
- p5-box scale parameter: s = 2.83474164873, coefficent. 1mm, e.g. 283px corresponds 100mm in reality.
- Aaltopahvi
- 15 speed
- 100 power
- 50 freq (low freq typically better for wood, and 100 freq for plastic)
The issue of compliance with (law) regulations takes on new aspects when the drawings provided by the client do not meet the requirements of the authorities. Despite the fact that the drawings may not comply with public law regulations, the contractor is obligated to carry out the construction work in accordance with official regulations.
The contractor must perform their contractual duties with professional competence and in compliance with applicable construction regulations and industry standards.
It is generally not possible to list all the obligations of the contractor in the contract. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the contractor to produce and deliver the agreed work (e.g. water roofing) result to the client.
The contractor responsible for overseeing the construction site must have a responsible construction manager in charge of leading the construction work and ensuring compliance with construction laws and regulations, as well as building codes. According to the Land Use and Building Act (132/1999), the responsible construction manager is responsible for leading the construction work and ensuring its proper execution and quality.
[RAKENNUSSOPIMUKSET, Liuksiala Aaro, Stoor Pia]
var redcolor = [255, 0, 0];
var lime = [0, 255, 0];
var bluecolor = [0, 0, 255];
var yellow = [255, 255, 0];
var fuchsia = [255, 0, 255];
var aqua = [0, 255, 255]
- A
- aliurakoitsija subcontractor
- alusta ground, bottom
- aluskate roof membrane: They allow moisture to move out of the roof space and ensures that the roof space stays dry. "Install an underlay" and "Fix wooden strips (min. 32 x 50 mm) at the locations of the roof trusses." Ruukki - roofing
- underlay underlay
- ammattitaito craftsmanship, proficiency
- asteikko graduated scale
- astekulma angle rule
- E
- eriste insulation
- H
- harja (talon) ridge
- harjakatto ridged roof
- harjannostajaiset topping-out party
- home mould
- höyrynsulku vapour barrier
- J
- julkisivu facade
- jyrkkä steep
- jälkihoito after-care
- K
- kaltevuus inclination
- kantava seinä bearing wall
- kate roofing
- katekatos covered shelter
- katettu roofed
- kattokaltevuus roof angle
- kelmu, kalvo film; membrane
- kiinnittää fasten; fix; attach
- kiinnitys fastening; fixing; attachment
- kiinteistö real estate
- koivu birch
- kokoonpano (kokoaminen) assembly
- kolli package
- kosteudenpitävä dampproof
- kosteus dampness
- kosteuseristys dampproofing
- kustannusarvio cost estimate
- kutistua shrink: roof shrinkage is shrinking of your roofing materials over time.
- L
- laadukas high-quality
- lauta board
- liitos joint
- luokitus grading; classification
- lupa-asiakirja licence document
- materiaalilaskelma material calculation: BMI, opinnäytetyöliite
- mitata measure
- mitoitus dimensioning
- mittakaava scale
- mittamerkintä measure
- mittanauha measuring tape
- N
- naula nail
- niitti rivet
- notkeus flexibility; (neste) viscosity
- O
- oikaista straighten
- oikaisu straightening
- P
- pelti, ohutlevy sheet metal
- peltikate tin roof
- peltirankatyö steel frame works
- peltisaumat sheet metal seam
- rakennepiirustus construction drawing
- poikittaissuunta crosswise direction
- poikkileikkaus cross-section
- poistoventtiili exhaust valve
- purkutyö demolition work
- puulajit timber species
- puuliitos/liitokset wood joint(s)
- R
- raaka-aineet (runkoaineet) frame material
- rahtikirja consignment note; bill of freight
- rakenne structure
- rakennuspiirustus construction drawing
- rakennustyömaa site
- rima batten
- ruuvi screw
- S
- sadevesikaivo rain-water well
- sallittu kuormitus maximum load allowed
- sauma seam
- savupiippu chimney
- sinkki zinc
- suoja shelter
- suojaavat rakenteet protecting structure
- suojata protect
- suoristaa straighten
- suorittaa perform
- suositus recommendation
- suunnitelma plan
- syöksyputki downspout
- säätää adjust
- T
- taipuisuus flexibility
- taittaa fold
- taloudellinen economic
- tarkka exact
- tiili brick
- tilaaja orderer; customer
- toimintahäiriö failure of operation
- toimitusehdot terms of delivery
- toteutusasiakirja implementation document
- työsuunnitelma working plan
- työturvallisuus safety at work
- U
- ulkoseinä external wall
- ulkoverhous weatherboard
- V
- vaakasuora komponentti horizontal component
- vaarna dowel
- vahinko / vauriot damage
- vajaa laatu of inferior quality
- vakuutus insurance
- valvonta supervision
- vaneri plywood
- vastaanottaa receive
- vedenpitävä (vesitiivis) waterproof; watertight
- vedenpoistoaukko water discharge outlet
- vesitiivis watertight
- vesivaaka, vatupassi spirit level
- viemärikaivo gully(hole)
- vino, kalteva inclined
- vuorivilla mineral wool
- välipohja intermediate floor
- Y
- yläpaarre upper frame beam (ridge beam)
- yläpohja attic floor