import React, { Fragment, createContext, useCallback, useContext, useMemo, useReducer, useRef, useEffect, // Types ElementType, MutableRefObject, MouseEvent as ReactMouseEvent, KeyboardEvent as ReactKeyboardEvent, Dispatch, ContextType, Ref, } from 'react' import { Props } from '../../types' import { render, Features, PropsForFeatures, forwardRefWithAs } from '../../utils/render' import { useId } from '../../hooks/use-id' import { match } from '../../utils/match' import { Keys } from '../../components/keyboard' import { focusIn, Focus, sortByDomNode } from '../../utils/focus-management' import { useIsoMorphicEffect } from '../../hooks/use-iso-morphic-effect' import { useSyncRefs } from '../../hooks/use-sync-refs' import { useResolveButtonType } from '../../hooks/use-resolve-button-type' import { useLatestValue } from '../../hooks/use-latest-value' import { FocusSentinel } from '../../internal/focus-sentinel' interface StateDefinition { selectedIndex: number orientation: 'horizontal' | 'vertical' activation: 'auto' | 'manual' tabs: MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>[] panels: MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>[] } enum ActionTypes { SetSelectedIndex, SetOrientation, SetActivation, RegisterTab, UnregisterTab, RegisterPanel, UnregisterPanel, ForceRerender, } type Actions = | { type: ActionTypes.SetSelectedIndex; index: number } | { type: ActionTypes.SetOrientation; orientation: StateDefinition['orientation'] } | { type: ActionTypes.SetActivation; activation: StateDefinition['activation'] } | { type: ActionTypes.RegisterTab; tab: MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null> } | { type: ActionTypes.UnregisterTab; tab: MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null> } | { type: ActionTypes.RegisterPanel; panel: MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null> } | { type: ActionTypes.UnregisterPanel; panel: MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null> } | { type: ActionTypes.ForceRerender } let reducers: { [P in ActionTypes]: ( state: StateDefinition, action: Extract<Actions, { type: P }> ) => StateDefinition } = { [ActionTypes.SetSelectedIndex](state, action) { let focusableTabs = state.tabs.filter((tab) => !tab.current?.hasAttribute('disabled')) // Underflow if (action.index < 0) { return { ...state, selectedIndex: state.tabs.indexOf(focusableTabs[0]) } } // Overflow else if (action.index > state.tabs.length) { return { ...state, selectedIndex: state.tabs.indexOf(focusableTabs[focusableTabs.length - 1]), } } // Middle let before = state.tabs.slice(0, action.index) let after = state.tabs.slice(action.index) let next = [...after, ...before].find((tab) => focusableTabs.includes(tab)) if (!next) return state return { ...state, selectedIndex: state.tabs.indexOf(next) } }, [ActionTypes.SetOrientation](state, action) { if (state.orientation === action.orientation) return state return { ...state, orientation: action.orientation } }, [ActionTypes.SetActivation](state, action) { if (state.activation === action.activation) return state return { ...state, activation: action.activation } }, [ActionTypes.RegisterTab](state, action) { if (state.tabs.includes( return state return { ...state, tabs: sortByDomNode([...state.tabs,], (tab) => tab.current) } }, [ActionTypes.UnregisterTab](state, action) { return { ...state, tabs: sortByDomNode( state.tabs.filter((tab) => tab !==, (tab) => tab.current ), } }, [ActionTypes.RegisterPanel](state, action) { if (state.panels.includes(action.panel)) return state return { ...state, panels: [...state.panels, action.panel] } }, [ActionTypes.UnregisterPanel](state, action) { return { ...state, panels: state.panels.filter((panel) => panel !== action.panel) } }, [ActionTypes.ForceRerender](state) { return { ...state } }, } let TabsContext = createContext< [StateDefinition, { change(index: number): void; dispatch: Dispatch<Actions> }] | null >(null) TabsContext.displayName = 'TabsContext' let TabsSSRContext = createContext<MutableRefObject<{ tabs: string[]; panels: string[] }> | null>( null ) TabsSSRContext.displayName = 'TabsSSRContext' function useSSRTabsCounter(component: string) { let context = useContext(TabsSSRContext) if (context === null) { let err = new Error(`<${component} /> is missing a parent <Tab.Group /> component.`) if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(err, useSSRTabsCounter) throw err } return context } function useTabsContext(component: string) { let context = useContext(TabsContext) if (context === null) { let err = new Error(`<${component} /> is missing a parent <Tab.Group /> component.`) if (Error.captureStackTrace) Error.captureStackTrace(err, useTabsContext) throw err } return context } function stateReducer(state: StateDefinition, action: Actions) { return match(action.type, reducers, state, action) } // --- let DEFAULT_TABS_TAG = Fragment interface TabsRenderPropArg { selectedIndex: number } let Tabs = forwardRefWithAs(function Tabs<TTag extends ElementType = typeof DEFAULT_TABS_TAG>( props: Props<TTag, TabsRenderPropArg> & { defaultIndex?: number onChange?: (index: number) => void selectedIndex?: number vertical?: boolean manual?: boolean }, ref: Ref<HTMLElement> ) { let { defaultIndex = 0, vertical = false, manual = false, onChange, selectedIndex = null, ...theirProps } = props const orientation = vertical ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal' const activation = manual ? 'manual' : 'auto' let tabsRef = useSyncRefs(ref) let [state, dispatch] = useReducer(stateReducer, { selectedIndex: selectedIndex ?? defaultIndex, tabs: [], panels: [], orientation, activation, } as StateDefinition) let slot = useMemo(() => ({ selectedIndex: state.selectedIndex }), [state.selectedIndex]) let onChangeRef = useLatestValue(onChange || (() => {})) let stableTabsRef = useLatestValue(state.tabs) useEffect(() => { dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.SetOrientation, orientation }) }, [orientation]) useEffect(() => { dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.SetActivation, activation }) }, [activation]) useIsoMorphicEffect(() => { let indexToSet = selectedIndex ?? defaultIndex dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.SetSelectedIndex, index: indexToSet }) }, [selectedIndex /* Deliberately skipping defaultIndex */]) let lastChangedIndex = useRef(state.selectedIndex) useEffect(() => { lastChangedIndex.current = state.selectedIndex }, [state.selectedIndex]) let providerBag = useMemo<ContextType<typeof TabsContext>>( () => [ state, { dispatch, change(index: number) { if (lastChangedIndex.current !== index) onChangeRef.current(index) lastChangedIndex.current = index dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.SetSelectedIndex, index }) }, }, ], [state, dispatch] ) let SSRCounter = useRef({ tabs: [], panels: [], }) let ourProps = { ref: tabsRef, } return ( <TabsSSRContext.Provider value={SSRCounter}> <TabsContext.Provider value={providerBag}> <FocusSentinel onFocus={() => { for (let tab of stableTabsRef.current) { if (tab.current?.tabIndex === 0) { tab.current?.focus() return true } } return false }} /> {render({ ourProps, theirProps, slot, defaultTag: DEFAULT_TABS_TAG, name: 'Tabs', })} </TabsContext.Provider> </TabsSSRContext.Provider> ) }) // --- let DEFAULT_LIST_TAG = 'div' as const interface ListRenderPropArg { selectedIndex: number } type ListPropsWeControl = 'role' | 'aria-orientation' let List = forwardRefWithAs(function List<TTag extends ElementType = typeof DEFAULT_LIST_TAG>( props: Props<TTag, ListRenderPropArg, ListPropsWeControl> & {}, ref: Ref<HTMLElement> ) { let [{ selectedIndex, orientation }] = useTabsContext('Tab.List') let listRef = useSyncRefs(ref) let slot = { selectedIndex } let theirProps = props let ourProps = { ref: listRef, role: 'tablist', 'aria-orientation': orientation, } return render({ ourProps, theirProps, slot, defaultTag: DEFAULT_LIST_TAG, name: 'Tabs.List', }) }) // --- let DEFAULT_TAB_TAG = 'button' as const interface TabRenderPropArg { selected: boolean } type TabPropsWeControl = 'id' | 'role' | 'type' | 'aria-controls' | 'aria-selected' | 'tabIndex' let TabRoot = forwardRefWithAs(function Tab<TTag extends ElementType = typeof DEFAULT_TAB_TAG>( props: Props<TTag, TabRenderPropArg, TabPropsWeControl>, ref: Ref<HTMLElement> ) { let id = `headlessui-tabs-tab-${useId()}` let [{ selectedIndex, tabs, panels, orientation, activation }, { dispatch, change }] = useTabsContext('Tab') let SSRContext = useSSRTabsCounter('Tab') let internalTabRef = useRef<HTMLElement>(null) let tabRef = useSyncRefs(internalTabRef, ref, (element) => { if (!element) return dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.ForceRerender }) }) useIsoMorphicEffect(() => { dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.RegisterTab, tab: internalTabRef }) return () => dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.UnregisterTab, tab: internalTabRef }) }, [dispatch, internalTabRef]) let mySSRIndex = SSRContext.current.tabs.indexOf(id) if (mySSRIndex === -1) mySSRIndex = SSRContext.current.tabs.push(id) - 1 let myIndex = tabs.indexOf(internalTabRef) if (myIndex === -1) myIndex = mySSRIndex let selected = myIndex === selectedIndex let handleKeyDown = useCallback( (event: ReactKeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => { let list = => tab.current).filter(Boolean) as HTMLElement[] if (event.key === Keys.Space || event.key === Keys.Enter) { event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() change(myIndex) return } switch (event.key) { case Keys.Home: case Keys.PageUp: event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() return focusIn(list, Focus.First) case Keys.End: case Keys.PageDown: event.preventDefault() event.stopPropagation() return focusIn(list, Focus.Last) } return match(orientation, { vertical() { if (event.key === Keys.ArrowUp) return focusIn(list, Focus.Previous | Focus.WrapAround) if (event.key === Keys.ArrowDown) return focusIn(list, Focus.Next | Focus.WrapAround) return }, horizontal() { if (event.key === Keys.ArrowLeft) return focusIn(list, Focus.Previous | Focus.WrapAround) if (event.key === Keys.ArrowRight) return focusIn(list, Focus.Next | Focus.WrapAround) return }, }) }, [tabs, orientation, myIndex, change] ) let handleFocus = useCallback(() => { internalTabRef.current?.focus() }, [internalTabRef]) let handleSelection = useCallback(() => { internalTabRef.current?.focus() change(myIndex) }, [change, myIndex, internalTabRef]) // This is important because we want to only focus the tab when it gets focus // OR it finished the click event (mouseup). However, if you perform a `click`, // then you will first get the `focus` and then get the `click` event. let handleMouseDown = useCallback((event: ReactMouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => { event.preventDefault() }, []) let slot = useMemo(() => ({ selected }), [selected]) let theirProps = props let ourProps = { ref: tabRef, onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onFocus: activation === 'manual' ? handleFocus : handleSelection, onMouseDown: handleMouseDown, onClick: handleSelection, id, role: 'tab', type: useResolveButtonType(props, internalTabRef), 'aria-controls': panels[myIndex]?.current?.id, 'aria-selected': selected, tabIndex: selected ? 0 : -1, } return render({ ourProps, theirProps, slot, defaultTag: DEFAULT_TAB_TAG, name: 'Tabs.Tab', }) }) // --- let DEFAULT_PANELS_TAG = 'div' as const interface PanelsRenderPropArg { selectedIndex: number } let Panels = forwardRefWithAs(function Panels<TTag extends ElementType = typeof DEFAULT_PANELS_TAG>( props: Props<TTag, PanelsRenderPropArg>, ref: Ref<HTMLElement> ) { let [{ selectedIndex }] = useTabsContext('Tab.Panels') let panelsRef = useSyncRefs(ref) let slot = useMemo(() => ({ selectedIndex }), [selectedIndex]) let theirProps = props let ourProps = { ref: panelsRef } return render({ ourProps, theirProps, slot, defaultTag: DEFAULT_PANELS_TAG, name: 'Tabs.Panels', }) }) // --- let DEFAULT_PANEL_TAG = 'div' as const interface PanelRenderPropArg { selected: boolean } type PanelPropsWeControl = 'id' | 'role' | 'aria-labelledby' | 'tabIndex' let PanelRenderFeatures = Features.RenderStrategy | Features.Static let Panel = forwardRefWithAs(function Panel<TTag extends ElementType = typeof DEFAULT_PANEL_TAG>( props: Props<TTag, PanelRenderPropArg, PanelPropsWeControl> & PropsForFeatures<typeof PanelRenderFeatures>, ref: Ref<HTMLElement> ) { let [{ selectedIndex, tabs, panels }, { dispatch }] = useTabsContext('Tab.Panel') let SSRContext = useSSRTabsCounter('Tab.Panel') let id = `headlessui-tabs-panel-${useId()}` let internalPanelRef = useRef<HTMLElement>(null) let panelRef = useSyncRefs(internalPanelRef, ref, (element) => { if (!element) return dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.ForceRerender }) }) useIsoMorphicEffect(() => { dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.RegisterPanel, panel: internalPanelRef }) return () => dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.UnregisterPanel, panel: internalPanelRef }) }, [dispatch, internalPanelRef]) let mySSRIndex = SSRContext.current.panels.indexOf(id) if (mySSRIndex === -1) mySSRIndex = SSRContext.current.panels.push(id) - 1 let myIndex = panels.indexOf(internalPanelRef) if (myIndex === -1) myIndex = mySSRIndex let selected = myIndex === selectedIndex let slot = useMemo(() => ({ selected }), [selected]) let theirProps = props let ourProps = { ref: panelRef, id, role: 'tabpanel', 'aria-labelledby': tabs[myIndex]?.current?.id, tabIndex: selected ? 0 : -1, } return render({ ourProps, theirProps, slot, defaultTag: DEFAULT_PANEL_TAG, features: PanelRenderFeatures, visible: selected, name: 'Tabs.Panel', }) }) // --- export let Tab = Object.assign(TabRoot, { Group: Tabs, List, Panels, Panel })