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Organizational Units

Ross Scroggs edited this page Jun 25, 2019 · 27 revisions

Organizational Units

API documentation


<OrgUnitID> ::= id:<String>
<OrgUnitPath> ::= /|(/<String)+
<OrgUnitItem> ::= <OrgUnitID>|<OrgUnitPath>
<OrgUnitList> ::= "<OrgUnitItem>(,<OrgUnitItem>)*"

<OrgUnitFieldName> ::=
<OrgUnitFieldNameList> ::= "<OrgUnitFieldName>(,<OrgUnitFieldName>)*"

For <OrgUnitEntity>, see: Collections of Items

Special quoting

You specify a single organizational unit with org <OrgUnitPath> and a list of organizationsl units with orgs <OrgUnitList>. As organizational unit paths can contain spaces, some care must be used when entering <OrgUnitPath> and <OrgUnitList>.

Suppose you have an organizational unit /Foo Bar. To get information about it you enter the command: gam info org "/Foo Bar"

The shell strips the " leaving a single argument /Foo Bar; gam correctly processes the argument.

Suppose you enter the command: gam info orgs "/Foo Bar"

The shell strips the " leaving a single argument /Foo Bar; gam splits the argument on space leaving two items and then tries to process /Foo and Bar, not what you want.

You must enter: gam info orgs "'/Foo Bar'"

The shell strips the " leaving a single argument '/Foo Bar'; gam splits the argument on space while honoring the ' leaving one item /Foo Bar and correctly processes the item.

See: List Items

Manage organizational units

Create, update and delete organization units.

gam create org|ou <OrgUnitPath> [description <String>]
        [parent <OrgUnitItem>] [inherit|noinherit|(blockinheritance <Boolean>)]
gam update org|ou <OrgUnitPath> [name <String>] [description <String>]
        [parent <OrgUnitItem>] [inherit|noinherit|(blockinheritance <Boolean>)]
gam delete org|ou <OrgUnitPath>
gam update orgs|ous <OrgUnitEntity> [name <String>] [description <String>]
        [parent <OrgUnitItem>] [inherit|noinherit|(blockinheritance <Boolean>)]
gam delete orgs|ous <OrgUnitEntity>

Add users to an organizational unit

When adding users to an OU, Gam uses a batch method to speed up processing.

For <UserTypeEntity>, see: Collections of Users

gam update org|ou <OrgUnitPath> add|move <UserTypeEntity>
gam update orgs|ous <OrgUnitEntity> add|move <UserTypeEntity>

The batch_size value from gam.cfg controls the number of users handled in each batch.

Synchronize users with an organizational unit

When adding users to an OU, Gam uses a batch method to speed up processing.

For <UserTypeEntity>, see: Collections of Users

gam update org|ou <OrgUnitItem> sync <UserTypeEntity> [removetoou <OrgUnitItem>]
gam update orgs|ous <OrgUnitEntity> sync <UserTypeEntity> [removetoou <OrgUnitItem>]
  • Users in the OU but not in <UserTypeEntity> will be moved to OU / or the OU specified in removetoou <OrgUnitItem>
  • Users in <UserTypeEntity> but not in the OU are moved to the OU
  • Users in the OU and in <UserTypeEntity> are unaffected

The batch_size value from gam.cfg controls the number of users handled in each batch.

Add ChromeOS devices to an organizational unit

When adding ChromeOS devices to an OU, Gam uses a batch method to speed up processing.

For <CrOSTypeEntity>, see: Collections of ChromeOS Devices

gam update org|ou <OrgUnitPath> add|move <CrOSTypeEntity>
        [quickcrosmove [<Boolean>]]
gam update orgs|ous <OrgUnitEntity> add|move <CrOSTypeEntity>
        [quickcrosmove [<Boolean>]]

Google has introduced a new, faster batch method for moving CrOS devices to a new OU. The quickcrosmove option controls which method Gam uses.

  • quickcrosmove not specified - use previous batch method
  • quickcrosmove False - use previous batch method
  • quickcrosmove True - use new batch method
  • quickcrosmove - use new batch method

The batch_size value from gam.cfg controls the number of deviceIds handled in each batch by either method.

In the new method, Google doesn't seem to do any error checking of the CrOS deviceIds, there is no error message given if invalid CrOS deviceIds are specified.

Synchronize ChromeOS devices with an organizational unit

When adding ChromeOS devices to an OU, Gam uses a batch method to speed up processing.

For <CrOSTypeEntity>, see: Collections of ChromeOS Devices

gam update org|ou <OrgUnitItem> sync <CrOSTypeEntity> [removetoou <OrgUnitItem>]
        [quickcrosmove [<Boolean>]]
gam update orgs|ous <OrgUnitEntity> sync <CrOSTypeEntity> [removetoou <OrgUnitItem>]
        [quickcrosmove [<Boolean>]]
  • CrOS devices in the OU but not in <CrOSTypeEntity> will be moved to OU / or the OU specified in removetoou
  • CrOS devices in <CrOSTypeEntity> but not in the OU are moved to the OU
  • CrOS devices in the OU and in <CrOSTypeEntity> are unaffected

Google has introduced a new, faster batch method for moving CrOS devices to a new OU. The quickcrosmove option controls which method Gam uses.

  • quickcrosmove not specified - use previous batch method
  • quickcrosmove False - use previous batch method
  • quickcrosmove True - use new batch method
  • quickcrosmove - use new batch method

The batch_size value from gam.cfg controls the number of deviceIds handled in each batch by either method.

In the new method, Google doesn't seem to do any error checking of the CrOS deviceIds, there is no error message given if invalid CrOS deviceIds are specified.

Example: Move CrOS devices from one OU to another:

gam update ou /Students/2018 add cros_ou /Students/2017 quickcrosmove

Display organizational units

These commands display information as an indented list of keys and values.

gam info org|ou <OrgUnitPath> [nousers|notsuspended|suspended] [children|child]
gam info orgs|ous <OrgUnitEntity> [nousers|notsuspended|suspended] [children|child]

By default, all users of the org units are displayed:

  • nousers - Don't display users of the org units
  • notsuspended - Display non-suspended users of the org units
  • suspended - Display suspended users of the org units

Print organizational units

This command displays information in CSV format.

gam print orgs|ous [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
        [showparent] [toplevelonly] [fromparent <OrgUnitItem>]
        [allfields|<OrgUnitFieldName>*|(fields <OrgUnitFieldNameList>)]
        [convertcrnl] [batchsuborgs [<Boolean>]]
        [mincroscount <Number>] [maxcroscount <Number>]
        [minusercount <Number>] [maxusercount <Number>]

By default, Gam prints all child org units of /.

  • fromparent <OrgUnitItem> - Print all child org units of <OrgUnitItem>.
  • showparent - Print the parent org unit, either / or fromparent <OrgUnitItem>.
  • toplevelonly - Do not print any sub org units.
  • convertcrnl - In the description field, convert carriage return to \r and new line to \n.

By default, all OUs are displayed. You can limit the display of OUs to those where the number of ChromeOS devices/users falls within a range. Gathering this data requires additional API calls to download information about all ChromeOS devices and users.

Additional columns are generated to display the number and status of ChromeOS devices and users in each OU.

  • mincroscount <Number> - Display the OU if it has at leaset <Number> ChromeOS devices
  • maxcroscount <Number> - Display the OU if it has no more than <Number> ChromeOS devices
  • minusercount <Number> - Display the OU if it has at leaset <Number> users
  • maxusercount <Number> - Display the OU if it has no more than <Number> users

The column headings depend on the value of gam.cfg/print_native_names;

  • False - InheritanceBlocked,Description,Name,ID,Path,ParentID,Parent
  • True - blockInheritance,description,name,orgUnitId,orgUnitPath,parentOrgUnitId,parentOrgUnitPath


Show all OUs with at least one user.

gam print orgs minusercount 1

Show all OUs with no users.

gam print orgs maxusercount 0

Display indented organizational unit tree

gam show orgtree [fromparent <OrgUnitItem>] [batchsuborgs [<Boolean>]]

By default, Gam displays the organizational unit tree starting at /.

  • fromparent <OrgUnitItem> - Display the organizational unit tree starting at <OrgUnitItem>.

Special case handling for large number of organizational units

By default, the print orgs and show orgtree commands issue a single API call to get the list of organizational units. If the number is large, greater than 5000 in an observed case, the API call may fail. When batchsuborgs is specified, Gam gets all of the top level org units with one API call; then Gam uses batch processing in subsequent API calls to get the sub org units. There is no benefit to using this option unless the commands fail without it. The number of sub org units processed in each batch is controlled by batch_size in gam.cfg.

Update History



Notes and Information


Command Processing


Client Access

Special Service Account Access

Service Account Access

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