Thursday, April 4, 2019 with Ken Kousen @kenkousen in Marborough, CT, and Jenn Strater @codeJENNerator in Berlin, Germany.
Groovy Eclipse 3.3.0 Support for Groovy 3.0-alpha-4 and 2.5.6, as well as Eclipse 4.11 (2019-03).
GMavenPlus 1.6.3, a rewrite of GMaven, a Maven plugin for Groovy
Asciidoctor 2.0.0 as a new major version
Feature variants
Gradle module metadata 1.0
.1 fixes some bugs for multi project builds
new Logo
Also, Gradle Enterprise 2019.1 works with Maven builds
Greach recap
Daniel Sun was recognized by Google for his contributions. Congrats Daniel!
Groovy DSL Workshop notes by Vladimír Orany (@musketyr), from Greach 2019
Groovy Calamari Issue 154 discusses Micronaut 1.1 RC1 and a lot about RabbitMQ and Hazelcast Cache Integration
Groovy Regular Expressions - The Definitive Guide with a syntax summary and performance guide
Groovy Enjoying the Grooviest Rise Among Programming Languages article from Dice based on the Feb update of the TIOBE Index, where Groovy jumped from 49th to 19th place.
Guide to I/O in Groovy by Baeldung
Introduction to Traits in Groovy by Baeldung
Introducing Grails 4: Upgrades and New Features OCI webinar by James Kleeh, recorded 27 March
tweet about Micronaut presentation slides by Graeme Rocher from the talks he gave at DevNexus
Groovy Calamari Podcast has a new home page
small events mostly. some travel but more coming up:
NYC / Atlanta for CloudBees Days (maybe more)
Spring IO in Barcelona
Then GR8Conf 🎉
Registration is Open. Still in EarlyBird. Or ask Jenn for a discount code ;)
Still looking for more sponsors
Discount code for listeners only (not available in the show notes)
Getting started with organizing
Thanks to everyone who’s contributed so far
Looking forward to our first submission: work for the Groovy Eclipse Plugin
Gr8conf EU, May 27 - 29, 2019
No Fluff Just Stuff for the website hosting
The Groovy Calamari for tons of news as well!
Twitter: @groovypodcast
Home page: Groovy podcast home page
Baruch Sadogursky twitter: @jbaruch, w:
Ken Kousen twitter: @kenkousen, w:
sometimes Jenn Strater twitter: @codeJENNerator, w: