These instructions assume you have already built a petalinux project for your system
Navigate to the petalinux project and source the petalinux settings.
$ petalinux-create --type modules --name vsidriver
The name must be lowercase and must not contain special characters, we suggest you call is vsidriver
Within the created module template make a symbolic link to driver files
$ rm <name>.c
$ rm Makefile
$ mkdir xdma
$ ln -s ~/<<VSI_FPGA_DIR>>/driver/*.c .
$ ln -s ~/<<VSI_FPGA_DIR>>/driver/*.h .
$ ln -s ~/<<VSI_FPGA_DIR>>/driver/Makefile .
$ ln -s ~/<<VSI_FPGA_DIR>>/driver/xdma/*.c xdma/.
$ ln -s ~/<<VSI_FPGA_DIR>>r/driver/xdma/*.h xdma/.
Modify the as shown below (or use as and example):
SRC_URI = "file://Makefile \
file://*.c \
file://*.h \
file://xdma/*.c \
file://xdma/*.h \
file://COPYING \
And append the following to the end:
inherit module
Clean, build, install the module and build petalinux:
$ petalinux-build -c vsidriver -x do_clean
$ petalinux-build -c vsidriver -x do_build
$ petalinux-build -c vsidriver -x do_install
The driver will now be in the filesystem at:
Petalinux 2016.4 module build reference -