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Simple PHP Doc Parser

Simple service integration of phpstan/phpdoc-parser, with few extra goodies for practical use

1. Install

composer require symplify/simple-php-doc-parser

2. Register Config

Register config in your config/config.php:

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Loader\Configurator\ContainerConfigurator;
use Symplify\SimplePhpDocParser\ValueObject\SimplePhpDocParserConfig;

return static function (ContainerConfigurator $containerConfigurator): void {

3. Usage of SimplePhpDocParser

Required services Symplify\SimplePhpDocParser\SimplePhpDocParser in constructor, where you need it, and use it:

use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\ParamTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\TypeNode;
use Symplify\SimplePhpDocParser\SimplePhpDocParser;

final class SomeClass
     * @var SimplePhpDocParser
    private $simplePhpDocParser;

    public function __construct(SimplePhpDocParser $simplePhpDocParser)
        $this->simplePhpDocParser = $simplePhpDocParser;

    public function some(): void
        $docBlock = '/** @param int $name */';

        /** @var PhpDocNode $phpDocNode */
        $simplePhpDocNode = $this->simplePhpDocParser->parseDocBlock($docBlock);

        // param extras

        /** @var TypeNode $nameParamType */
        $nameParamType = $simplePhpDocNode->getParamType('name');

        /** @var ParamTagValueNode $nameParamTagValueNode */
        $nameParamTagValueNode = $simplePhpDocNode->getParam('name');

4. Traverse Nodes with PhpDocNodeTraverser

use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Node;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\PhpDocTagNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\PhpDoc\VarTagValueNode;
use PHPStan\PhpDocParser\Ast\Type\IdentifierTypeNode;
use Symplify\SimplePhpDocParser\PhpDocNodeTraverser;
use Symplify\SimplePhpDocParser\PhpDocNodeVisitor\AbstractPhpDocNodeVisitor;
use Symplify\SimplePhpDocParser\PhpDocNodeVisitor\CallablePhpDocNodeVisitor;

$phpDocNodeTraverser = new PhpDocNodeTraverser();
$phpDocNode = new PhpDocNode([new PhpDocTagNode('@var', new VarTagValueNode(new IdentifierTypeNode('string')))]);

// A. you can use callable to traverse
$callable = function (Node $node): Node {
    if (! $node instanceof VarTagValueNode) {
        return $node;

    $node->type = new IdentifierTypeNode('int');
    return $node;

$callablePhpDocNodeVisitor = new CallablePhpDocNodeVisitor($callable, null);

// B. or class that extends AbstractPhpDocNodeVisitor
final class IntegerPhpDocNodeVisitor extends AbstractPhpDocNodeVisitor
     * @return Node|int|null
    public function enterNode(Node $node)
        if (! $node instanceof VarTagValueNode) {
            return $node;

        $node->type = new IdentifierTypeNode('int');
        return $node;

$integerPhpDocNodeVisitor = new IntegerPhpDocNodeVisitor();

// then traverse the main node


[DEPRECATED] Use Astral instead




