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Supported profiles

All profiles (should) correspond to the official EEP by EnOcean.

RPS Telegram (0xF6)

RORG 0xF6 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x02 - Light and Blind Control - Application Style 2
shortcut description type values
R1 Rocker 1st action enum 0 - Button AI
1 - Button AO
2 - Button BI
3 - Button BO
EB Energy bow enum 0 - released
1 - pressed
R2 Rocker 2nd action enum 0 - Button AI
1 - Button AO
2 - Button BI
3 - Button BO
SA 2nd action enum 0 - No 2nd action
1 - 2nd action valid
T21 T21 status
NU NU status
RORG 0xF6 - FUNC 0x05 - TYPE 0x01 - Liquid Leakage Sensor (mechanic harvester)
shortcut description type values
WAS Water Sensor enum 0-16 - not specified
17 - Water detected
18-255 - not specified
T21 T21 status
NU NU status
RORG 0xF6 - FUNC 0x05 - TYPE 0x01 - Liquid Leakage Sensor (mechanic harvester)
shortcut description type values
WAS Water Sensor enum 0-16 - not specified
17 - Water detected
18-255 - not specified
T21 T21 status
NU NU status
RORG 0xF6 - FUNC 0x10 - TYPE 0x00 - Window Handle
shortcut description type values
WIN Window handle enum 0 - Moved from up to vertical
1 - Moved from vertical to up
2 - Moved from down to vertical
3 - Moved from vertical to down
T21 T21 status
NU NU status

1BS Telegram (0xD5)

RORG 0xD5 - FUNC 0x00 - TYPE 0x01 - Single Input Contact
shortcut description type values
CO Contact enum 0 - open
1 - closed

4BS Telegram (0xA5)

RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x01 - Temperature Sensor Range -40°C to 0°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ -40.0-0.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x02 - Temperature Sensor Range -30°C to +10°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ -30.0-10.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x03 - Temperature Sensor Range -20°C to +20°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ -20.0-20.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x04 - Temperature Sensor Range -10°C to +30°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ -10.0-30.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x05 - Temperature Sensor Range 0°C to +40°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 0.0-40.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x06 - Temperature Sensor Range +10°C to +50°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 10.0-50.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x07 - Temperature Sensor Range +20°C to +60°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 20.0-60.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x08 - Temperature Sensor Range +30°C to +70°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 30.0-70.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x09 - Temperature Sensor Range +40°C to +80°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 40.0-80.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x0A - Temperature Sensor Range +50°C to +90°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 50.0-90.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x0B - Temperature Sensor Range +60°C to +100°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 60.0-100.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x10 - Temperature Sensor Range -60°C to +20°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ -60.0-20.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x11 - Temperature Sensor Range -50°C to +30°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ -50.0-30.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x12 - Temperature Sensor Range -40°C to +40°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ -40.0-40.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x13 - Temperature Sensor Range -30°C to +50°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ -30.0-50.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x14 - Temperature Sensor Range -20°C to +60°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ -20.0-60.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x15 - Temperature Sensor Range -10°C to +70°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ -10.0-70.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x16 - Temperature Sensor Range 0°C to +80°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 0.0-80.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x17 - Temperature Sensor Range +10°C to +90°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 10.0-90.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x18 - Temperature Sensor Range +20°C to +100°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 20.0-100.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x19 - Temperature Sensor Range +30°C to +110°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 30.0-110.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x1A - Temperature Sensor Range +40°C to +120°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 40.0-120.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x1B - Temperature Sensor Range +50°C to +130°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 50.0-130.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x20 - 10 Bit Temperature Sensor Range -10°C to +41.2°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 1023.0-0.0 ↔ -10.0-41.2 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x02 - TYPE 0x30 - 10 Bit Temperature Sensor Range -40°C to +62.3°C
shortcut description type values
TMP Temperature (linear) value 1023.0-0.0 ↔ -40.0-62.3 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x04 - TYPE 0x01 - Range 0°C to +40°C and 0% to 100%
shortcut description type values
HUM Rel. Humidity (linear) value 0.0-250.0 ↔ 0.0-100.0 %
TMP Temperature (linear) value 0.0-250.0 ↔ 0.0-40.0 °C
TSN Availability of the Temperature Sensor enum 0 - not available
1 - available
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x06 - TYPE 0x01 - Range 300lx to 60.000lx
shortcut description type values
SVC Supply voltage (linear) value 0.0-255.0 ↔ 0.0-5.1 V
ILL2 Illumination 2 (linear) value 0.0-255.0 ↔ 300.0-30000.0 lx
ILL1 Illumination 1 (linear) value 0.0-255.0 ↔ 600.0-60000.0 lx
RS Range select enum 0 - Range acc. to DB_1 (ILL1)
1 - Range acc. to DB_2 (ILL2)
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x10 - TYPE 0x03 - Temperature Sensor and Set Point
shortcut description type values
SP Set Point (linear) value 0.0-255.0 ↔ 0.0-255.0 %
TMP Temperature (linear) value 255.0-0.0 ↔ 0.0-40.0 °C
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x11 - TYPE 0x02 - Temperature Controller Output
shortcut description type values
CVAR Actual value of controller value 0.0-255.0 ↔ 0.0-100.0 %
FAN Actual value of fan enum 0 - State 0 Manual
1 - State 1 Manual
2 - State 2 Manual
3 - State 3 Manual
16 - State 0 Automatic
17 - State 1 Automatic
18 - State 2 Automatic
19 - State 3 Automatic
255 - Not Available
ASP Actual Setpoint value 0.0-255.0 ↔ 0.0-51.2 C
ALR Alarm enum 0 - No alarm
1 - Alarm
CTM Controller mode enum 1 - Heating
2 - Cooling
3 - Off
CTS Controller state enum 0 - Automatic
1 - Override
ERH Energy hold-off enum 0 - Normal
1 - Energy hold-off / Dew point
RO Room occupancy enum 0 - Occupied
1 - Unoccupied
2 - StandBy
3 - Frost
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x20 - TYPE 0x01 - Battery Powered Actuator (BI-DIR)
direction: 1
shortcut description type values
CV Current Value value 0.0-100.0 ↔ 0.0-100.0 %
SO Service On enum 0 - off
1 - on
ENIE Energy input enabled enum 0 - false
1 - true
ES Energy storage sufficiently charged enum 0 - false
1 - true
BCAP Battery capacity; change battery next days enum 0 - false
1 - true
CCO Contact, cover open enum 0 - false
1 - true
FTS Failure Temperature sensor, out of range enum 0 - false
1 - true
DWO Detection, window open enum 0 - false
1 - true
ACO Actuator obstructed enum 0 - false
1 - true
TMP Temperature (linear) value 0.0-255.0 ↔ 0.0-40.0 °C
direction: 2
shortcut description type values
SP Valve Position value 0.0-100.0 ↔ 0.0-100.0 %
TMP Temperature from RCU value 0.0-255.0 ↔ 0.0-40.0 °C
RIN Run init sequence enum 0 - false
1 - true
LFS Lift set enum 0 - false
1 - true
VO Valve open / maintenance enum 0 - false
1 - true
VC Valve closed enum 0 - false
1 - true
SB Summer bit, Reduction of energy consumption enum 0 - false
1 - true
SPS Set point selection enum 0 - Valve position
1 - Temperature set point
SPN Set point inverse enum 0 - false
1 - true
RCU Select function enum 0 - RCU
1 - service on
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x12 - TYPE 0x01 - Electricity
shortcut description type values
MR current value in W or cumulative value in kWh value 0.0-16777215.0 ↔ 0.0-16777215.0
TI Tariff info value 0.0-15.0 ↔ 0.0-15.0
DT Current value or cumulative value enum 0 - kWh
1 - W
DIV Divisor for value enum 0 - x/1
1 - x/10
2 - x/100
3 - x/1000
RORG 0xA5 - FUNC 0x12 - TYPE 0x01 - Electricity
shortcut description type values
MR current value in W or cumulative value in kWh value 0.0-16777215.0 ↔ 0.0-16777215.0
TI Tariff info value 0.0-15.0 ↔ 0.0-15.0
DT Current value or cumulative value enum 0 - kWh
1 - W
DIV Divisor for value enum 0 - x/1
1 - x/10
2 - x/100
3 - x/1000

VLD Telegram (0xD2)

RORG 0xD2 - FUNC 0x01 - TYPE 0x01 - Electronic switch with Local Control
command: 4
shortcut description type values
PF Power Failure enum 0 - Power Failure Detection disabled/not supported
1 - Power Failure Detection enabled
PFD Power Failure Detection enum 0 - Power Failure Detection not detected/not supported/disabled
1 - Power Failure Detection Detected
CMD Command indentifier enum 0-13 - Command ID {value}
OC Over current switch off enum 0 - Over current switch off: ready / not supported
1 - Over current switch off: executed
EL Error level enum 0 - Error level 0: hardware OK
1 - Error level 1: hardware warning
2 - Error level 2: hardware failure
3 - Error level not supported
IO I/O channel enum 0-29 - Output channel {value} (to load)
30 - Not applicable, do not use
31 - Input channel (from mains supply)
LC Local control enum 0 - Local control disabled / not supported
1 - Local control enabled
OV Output value enum 0 - Output value 0% or OFF
1-100 - Output value {value}% or ON
101-126 - Not used
127 - output value not valid / not set
command: 1
shortcut description type values
CMD Command indentifier enum 0-13 - Command ID {value}
DV Dim value enum 0 - Switch to new output value
1 - Dim to new output level - dim timer 1
2 - Dim to new output level - dim timer 2
3 - Dim to new output level - dim timer 3
4 - Stop dimming
IO I/O channel enum 0-29 - Output channel {value} (to load)
30 - All output channels supported by the device
31 - Input channel (from mains supply)
OV Output value enum 0 - Output value 0% or OFF
1-100 - Output value {value}% or ON
101-126 - Not used
127 - output value not valid / not set