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Adds another layer on top of Net::SSH for a proper handling of CLI sessions which last longer than one command. This is especially usefull for enterprise Switches and Routers.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'net-ssh-cli'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install net-ssh-cli


  • provides an abstraction on top of the text-stream of a long living CLI sessions
  • tries to be highly configurable
  • has methods like #cmd and #dialog for common usecases
  • offers waiting operations like #read_till


Net::SSH.start('host', 'user', password: "password") do |ssh|
  cli = ssh.cli(default_prompt: /(\nuser@host):/m)
  cli.cmd ""
  # => "Last login: \nuser@host:"

  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'"
  # => "echo 'bananas'\nbananas\nuser@host:"
  net_ssh = Net::SSH.start('host', 'user', password: "password")
  cli = net_ssh)
  cli.cmd ""
  cli = {host: 'host', user: 'user', password: 'password'})
  cli.cmd ""


  cli = ssh.cli(default_prompt: /(\nuser@host):/m)
  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'"
  # => "echo 'bananas'\nbananas\nuser@host:"
  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'", rm_command: true
  # => "bananas\nuser@host:"
  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'", rm_prompt: true
  # => "echo 'bananas'\nbananas"
  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'", rm_command: true, rm_prompt: true
  # => "bananas"
  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'", rm_command: true, rm_prompt: true, minimum_duration: 9
  # => "bananas"
  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'", rm_command: true, rm_prompt: true, prompt: /\nuser@host:/m
  # => "bananas"
  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'", rm_command: true, rm_prompt: true, timeout: 60
  # => "bananas"

Remove the command and the prompt for #cmd & #dialog by default

  cli = ssh.cli(default_prompt: /(\nuser@host):/m, cmd_rm_command: true, cmd_rm_prompt: true)
  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'"
  # => "bananas"

You can define a timeout for a #cmd in order to avoid hanging commands. The timeout gets passed into the underlying function #read_till. This is usefull in case your prompt won't match because of an unexpected behaviour or undefined behaviour. For example some form of unexpected dialog. The underlying implementation is using a soft timeout because Timeout.timeout is dangerous. In order to deal anyway with hanging low level issues, Timeout.timeout is used too, but with a higher value than the soft timeout.

  cli = ssh.cli(default_prompt: /(\nuser@host):/m, read_till_timeout: 11)
  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'"                      # timeout is set to 11
  # => "bananas"
  cli.cmd "echo 'bananas'", timeout: 22         # timeout is set to 22
  # => "bananas"
  cli.cmd "sleep 33", timeout: 22               # timeout is set to 22
  # Net::SSH::CLI::Error::CMD


It's the same as #cmd but for multiple commands.

  cli.cmds ["echo 'bananas'", "echo 'apples'"], rm_command: true, rm_prompt: true
  # => ["bananas", "apples"]


Use this method to specify a differnt 'prompt' for once. This is perfect for interactive commands.

  cli.dialog "echo 'are you sure?' && read -p 'yes|no>'", /\nyes|no>/
  # => "echo 'are you sure?' && read -p 'yes|no>'\nyes|no>"
  cli.cmd "yes"
cli.dialog "passwd", /Current Password:/i
cli.dialog "Old Password", /New Password:/i
cli.dialog "New Password", /Repeat Password:/i
cli.cmd "New Password"


The very same as #cmd but it respects a flag whether to run commands with 'impact'. This can be used in a setup where you don't want to run certain commands under certain conditions. For example in testing.

  # => false
  cli.impact "reboot now"
  # => "skip: 'reboot now'"
  cli.run_impact = true
  cli.impact "reboot now"
  # => connection closed

#read & #write

  cli.write "echo 'hello'\n"
  # => "echo 'hello'\n"
  # => "echo 'hello'\nhello\nuser@host:"


  cli.write_n "echo 'hello'"
  # => "echo 'hello'\n"


keep on processing till the stdout matches to given|default prompt and then read the whole stdin.

  cli.write "echo 'hello'\n"
  # => "echo 'hello'\n"
  # => "echo 'hello'\nhello\nuser@host:"

This method is used by #cmd, see lib/net/ssh/cli.rb#cmd


  cli.write_n "sleep 180"
  # => ""
  cli.read_for(seconds: 181)
  # => "..."


Have a deep look at the various Options configured by Net::SSH::CLI::OPTIONS in lib/net/ssh/cli.rb Nearly everything can be configured.


The following callbacks are available

  • before_open_channel
  • after_open_channel
  • before_on_stdout
  • after_on_stdout
  • before_on_stdin
  • after_on_stdin
cli.before_open_channel do
  puts "The channel will open soon"
cli.after_open_channel do
  cmd "logger 'Net::SSH::CLI works'"
  cmd "sudo -i"

Using the callbacks you can define a debugger which shows the stdout buffer content each time new data is received.

cli.after_on_stdout do
  warn stdout
cli.after_on_stdout do
  puts "the following new data arrived on stdout #{new_data.inspect} from #{hostname}"

or convert new lines between different OS

cli.after_on_stdout do
  stdout.gsub!("\r\n", "\n")

or hide passwords

cli.after_on_stdout do
  stdout.gsub!(/password:\S+/, "<HIDDEN>")

or change the stdin before sending it

cli.before_on_stdin do
  content.gsub("\n\n", "\n")

#hostname #host #to_s

  # => "localhost"
  # => "localhost"
  # => "localhost"


NET::SSH::CLI can try to guess the prompt by waiting for it and using the last line. This works usually, but is not guaranteed to work well.

  # => ...
  cli.detect_prompt(seconds: 3)
  # => "[my prompt]"

An outdated view of all available Options

Please check the file lib/net/ssh/cli.rb OPTIONS in order to get an up-to-date view of all available options, flags and arguments.

      OPTIONS =
        default_prompt:            /\n?^(\S+@.*)\z/,                             # the default prompt to search for
        cmd_rm_prompt:             false,                                        # whether the prompt should be removed in the output of #cmd
        cmd_rm_command:            false,                                        # whether the given command should be removed in the output of #cmd
        cmd_rm_command_tail:       "\n",                                         # which format does the end of line return after a command has been submitted. Could be something like "ls\n" "ls\r\n" or "ls \n" (extra spaces)
        run_impact:                false,                                        # whether to run #impact commands. This might align with testing|development|production. example #impact("reboot")
        read_till_timeout:         nil,                                          # timeout for #read_till to find the match
        read_till_hard_timeout:    nil,                                          # hard timeout for #read_till to find the match using Timeout.timeout(hard_timeout) {}. Might creates unpredicted sideffects
        read_till_hard_timeout_factor: 1.2,                                      # hard timeout factor in case read_till_hard_timeout is true
        named_prompts:   , # you can used named prompts for #with_prompt {} 
        before_cmd_procs:, # procs to call before #cmd 
        after_cmd_procs: , # procs to call after  #cmd
        before_on_stdout_procs:, # procs to call before data arrives from the underlying connection 
        after_on_stdout_procs:, # procs to call after  data arrives from the underlying connection
        before_on_stdin_procs:, # procs to call before data is sent to the underlying channel 
        after_on_stdin_procs:, # procs to call after  data is sent to the underlying channel
        before_open_channel_procs:, # procs to call before opening a channel 
        after_open_channel_procs:, # procs to call after  opening a channel, for example you could call #detect_prompt or #read_till
        open_channel_timeout:      nil,                                          # timeout to open the channel
        net_ssh_options: , # a wrapper for options to pass to Net::SSH.start in case net_ssh is undefined
        process_time:              0.00001,                                      # how long #process is processing net_ssh#process or sleeping (waiting for something)
        background_processing:     false,                                        # default false, whether the process method maps to the underlying net_ssh#process or the net_ssh#process happens in a separate loop
        on_stdout_processing:      100,                                          # whether to optimize the on_stdout performance by calling #process #optimize_on_stdout-times in case more data arrives
        sleep_procs:     , # procs to call instead of Kernel.sleep(), perfect for async hooks


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.