This example shows the usage of the LambdaSwiftSprinter framework and the plugin LambdaSwiftSprinterNioPlugin to build a lambda capable to perform an HTTPS request.
Define an Event and a Response as Codable.
import AsyncHTTPClient
import Foundation
#if canImport(FoundationNetworking)
import FoundationNetworking
import LambdaSwiftSprinter
import LambdaSwiftSprinterNioPlugin
import Logging
import NIO
import NIOFoundationCompat
struct Event: Codable {
let url: String
struct Response: Codable {
let url: String
let content: String
Add a loger:
let logger = Logger(label: "AWS.Lambda.HTTPSRequest")
Define the lambda:
let syncCodableNIOLambda: SyncCodableNIOLambda<Event, Response> = { (event, context) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Response> in
let request = try HTTPClient.Request(url: event.url)
let future = httpClient.execute(request: request, deadline: nil)
.flatMapThrowing { (response) throws -> String in
guard let body = response.body,
let value = body.getString(at: 0, length: body.readableBytes) else {
throw SprinterError.invalidJSON
return value
}.map { content -> Response in
return Response(url: event.url, content: content)
return future
If there are not error, the Event will be automatically decoded inside the lambda and then used to perform a https request to the url received. The response of the https request is returned into the Response. This lambda is synchronous, meaning that all the operation are performed on the same lambda thread.
Then use this boilerplate code to run the lambda:
do {
let sprinter = try SprinterNIO()
sprinter.register(handler: "getHttps", lambda: syncCodableNIOLambda)
} catch {
logger.error("\(String(describing: error))")
This will initialize the Sprinter with a Sprinter based on NIO 2 library.
Then the internal handler getHttps
is being registered.
Finally the sprinter run.
Any error will be logged.
In this example we used swift-log to log the output.
To build this example make sure the following lines on the Makefile
are not commented and the other example configurations are commented.
# HelloWorld Example Configuration
# SWIFT_PROJECT_PATH=Examples/HelloWorld
# HTTPSRequest Example Configuration
# S3Test Example Configuration
Then follow the main README to build and test the code.
The test event is defined in the file event.json
"url": ""
expected response:
"url": "",
"content": "<THE HTML PAGE FROM>"
Change it to try different output and error conditions.
To know more refer to LambdaSwiftSprinter.