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Not often, no. I'm happy, confident, powerful, bold, open, alive, enthusiastic and proud in almost everything I do. But it hasn...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/why-we-need-to-praise-and-nurture-ideas-html"><h1>Why we need to praise and nurture ideas</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 13 March 2017 </h3> <p><p>There's a certain amount of confidence building we all need in the work we do, especially juniors, especially recent hires and especially creative people who expose their work continuously, which is an exhausting and often terrifying thing to do.</p> ...</p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/when-i-knew-i-was-ready-to-be-a-developer-html"><h1>When I knew I was ready to be a developer</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 15 January 2017 </h3> <p><p>I spent all my summer break from work as a primary school teaching assistant learning to code. I was 28, interested in online learning, and there was all this talk about online code schools. I wondered how that would translate to education generally...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/its-not-just-about-rights-lgbt-people-still-need-you-html"><h1>It's not just about rights: LGBT people still need you</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 10 January 2017 </h3> <p><p>A friend of mine took me to <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gay's_the_Word_(bookshop)">Gay's the word</a> today, a gay bookshop near Kings Cross, and I bought a book.</p> <p>It's called <a href="http://amzn.to/2iWNeBq">Straight Jacket: How to be happy and gay</a>, by <a href="https://twitter.com/MrMatthewTodd">Matthew Todd</a>, former editor of Attitude magazine. Before you worry, what compelled me...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/why-it-matters-that-you-know-im-gay-html"><h1>Why it matters that you know I'm gay</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 10 January 2017 </h3> <p><p>I told my team at work that I'm gay at a meeting about how we want to work together last Summer. When I first decided I would do this, out loud and in front of everyone, my initial internal responses were unkind. "You shouldn't do that, it's unprofessional...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/big-picture-html"><h1>Using the big picture to support your team</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 10 December 2016 </h3> <p><p>Details on their own can be useless without the bigger picture. If we hone our ability to pay attention to tiny details <code>and then connect them with other details</code>, we can build a bigger picture that's useful for guiding a team in the right direction...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/building-social-network-at-futurelearn-html"><h1>Building a Social Network at FutureLearn</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 08 October 2016 </h3> <p><p>A variation of this post is also <a href="https://about.futurelearn.com/blog/building-app-30-hours/">published at FutureLearn</a>.</p> <p>Watercooler began life as ‘SkillShare’, a prize-winning idea at the FutureLearn Hackday back in June. The aim was to build an internal, company-wide app where people could post a list of skills...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/what-do-i-do-html"><h1>What is a Front End Developer?</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 25 September 2016 </h3> <p><p>Here's what being a front end developer means for me on the Learner Sales team at FutureLearn:</p> <p>This week I wrote code that makes our app generate a digital award for learners who have completed a <a href="https://www.futurelearn.com/programs">program</a> at FutureLearn. Our talented designer <a href="https://twitter.com/kieranjmccann">Kieran</a></p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/willpower-is-finite-html"><h1>Willpower is finite</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 15 September 2016 </h3> <p><p>On Tuesday I started seeing a personal trainer who watches me for an hour a day at the gym. He makes sure I a) go and b) do stuff while I'm there.</p> <p>So when I get home from the gym, I eat everything. Bag of Galaxy counters. 200g bar of Cadbury's. Tub...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/notifications-are-over-html"><h1>Notifications are over</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 07 September 2016 </h3> <p><p>I've purged literally every single notification but my calendar. No more interuptions from Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, SMS or anything except calls.</p> <p>Why? After reading <a href="http://amzn.to/2ctoelK">Deep Work</a> it's hit me how much time I waste being disturbed. How much time...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/getting-settled-at-futurelearn-html"><h1>Getting Settled at FutureLearn</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 30 August 2016 </h3> <p><p>I'm now three months old at FutureLearn! 🎉 It's tradition here to share feedback with new starters at the end of their three month probationary period. So today I had the pleasure of reading four pages of what my peers had to say about me. <code>Spoiler...</code></p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/the-importance-of-play-in-learning-to-love-trello-html"><h1>The importance of play in learning to love Trello</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 17 August 2016 </h3> <p><p>Also <a href="https://about.futurelearn.com/blog/learning-to-love-trello/" target=_blank>published by FutureLearn</a>. When you’re growing quickly as a company, with lots of new people joining and new things happening all the time, not everyone has a chance to get properly to grips with all the tools being used day to day.</p> <p>FutureLearn...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/learning-exposure-html"><h1>Learning Exposure</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 10 July 2016 </h3> <p><p>I used to think I had to learn everything I needed to know in order to <em>be</em> a developer, before I could <em>become</em> a developer. I'm not sure why I thought I would enter a job and know all I needed to know to carry it out, but it's a natural assumption to...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/to-futurelearn-and-beyond-html"><h1>To FutureLearn and beyond!</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 18 May 2016 </h3> <p><p>I’ve just been hired for my first developer role, and words cannot describe how excited I am right now. I think my response to this news was “I’m the happiest person alive right now”. Way to play it cool. I could have waited for the salary negotiation...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/getting-things-done-html"><h1>Getting Things Done</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 17 April 2016 </h3> <p><p>There are a million posts about Getting Things Done, and a thousand on using Trello for this and of course, a <a href="http://amzn.to/1UEoywP">whole book</a>. So I won’t go into massive detail.</p> <p>I organise my life with Trello, and it’s perfect for the GTD philosophy:</p> <ol> <li>Capture — If...</li> </ol></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/presence-html"><h1>Presence</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 14 April 2016 </h3> <p><p><a href="http://amzn.to/1PQNjO5">Drunk Tank Pink</a> is beginning to touch on this more, but everything around us - the symbols and imagery - affects the way we think, feel and perceive the world, based on associations we’ve made in the past. Amy Cuddy’s TED talk resonated with thousands...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/self-censorship-html"><h1>Self-Censorship</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 13 April 2016 </h3> <p><p>I’ve just had a phone interview for a developer role from heaven, and in my eagerness to present myself well, I sent over a redesigned version of my CV that I had adapted for developer roles. It was shorter, and removed parts relating more to education...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/code-wars-meetup-malarky-html"><h1>CodeWars</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 09 April 2016 </h3> <p><p>"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts" — Aristotle.</p> <p>I had my first ever code <a href="http://www.meetup.com/founderscoders/events/230173316/?comment_table_id=463698157">meetup</a> today in Shoreditch. Like, in public with actual real-life people, and it was the next level in my code education.</p> <p>The goal was to write a kata, which was...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/meditating-html"><h1>Meditating</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 09 April 2016 </h3> <p><p>Learning is simple. You’re either paying attention, or you aren’t. At any moment you’re either absorbing words and turning them into images your brain can understand, or you’re thinking about something else.</p> <p>Most of us don’t notice when our minds...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/learning-to-code-html"><h1>Learning to Code</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 05 April 2016 </h3> <p><p><a href="http://treehouse.7eer.net/c/248218/228915/3944">Treehouse</a> have nailed education. <a href="http://ryancarson.com/">Ryan Carson’s</a> faculty of teachers conjure up detailed, light and engaging videos which you can play at a speed to suit.</p> <p>The videos are broken up regularly by quizzes and code challenges to keep you engaged, check the...</p></p> </div> <div class=m-post> <a href="/balance-the-109th-bead-html"><h1>Balance - The 109th Bead</h1> </a><h3> <i class='fa fa-calendar-o'></i> 04 April 2016 </h3> <p><p>So recently, I have been…</p> <ul> <li> <i class="fa fa-star blue o-post__icon"></i> Learning</li> <li> <i class="fa fa-star blue o-post__icon"></i> Meditating</li> <li> <i class="fa fa-star blue o-post__icon"></i> Reading</li> <li> <i class="fa fa-star blue o-post__icon"></i> Organising</li> </ul> <p>Elizabeth Gilbert introduced <a href="http://amzn.to/1qusB1U">Eat Pray Love</a> by explaining how she structured the book, and this bears an uncanny relevance some life-changing processes for me:</p> <blockquote> ...</blockquote></p> </div> </div> </section> <footer> <div class=a-social-icons> <a href='https://twitter.com/svpersteve' target=_blank> <i class='fa fa-twitter'></i> </a> <a href='https://linkedin.com/in/svpersteve' target=_blank> <i class='fa fa-linkedin'></i> </a> <a href='https://github.com/svpersteve' target=_blank> <i class='fa fa-github'></i> </a> <a href='https://instagram.com/svpersteve' target=_blank> <i class='fa fa-instagram'></i> </a> <a href='mailto:steve.v.brewer@gmail.com?subject=Enquiry' target=_blank> <i class='fa fa-envelope'></i> </a> <a href='/feed.xml' target=_blank> <i class='fa fa-rss'></i> </a> </div> <p> <i class='fa fa-copyright'></i> Steve Brewer 2018 </p> </footer> <script src='https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.1.0/jquery.min.js'></script> <script src='/javascripts/application.js'></script> <script src='https://cdn.datatables.net/v/dt/dt-1.10.16/datatables.min.js'></script> <script>
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