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Vasily Evseenko edited this page Apr 11, 2022 · 62 revisions

How to install WFB with bidirectional mavlink telemetry and IPoWB

  1. Install patched driver v5.2.20 for realtek cards.

    Don't use ralink (rt28xx) cards with 5.x kernels - they have broken injection (became too slow)

    Realtek driver rtl8812au version v5.6.4.2 has low output power

    Check that stock realtek driver (if exists) is disabled! To disable add it to the blacklist

    cat > /etc/modprobe.d/wfb.conf <<EOF
    # blacklist stock module
    blacklist 88XXau
    # maximize output power
    options 88XXau_wfb rtw_tx_pwr_idx_override=45

    rebuild initramfs (update-initramfs -k all -u) and reboot. Check with ethtool -i wlanXX that drivers version is empty (it will equal to kernel version for stock driver and empty for patched driver). NVIDIA Jetson has stock rtl8812au installed. You need to remove it!

  2. Install python-twisted package. Build tgz, deb or rpm package (see according to your linux distro and install it.

  3. Generate encryption keys for ground station and drone: wfb_keygen. You need to put gs.key to /etc/gs.key on the ground station and drone.key to /etc/drone.key on the drone.

  4. Add net.core.bpf_jit_enable = 1 to /etc/sysctl.conf. Reload sysctl.

  5. Create /etc/wifibroadcast.cfg with following content: common part for gs and drone:

    wifi_channel = 161     # 161 -- radio channel @5825 MHz, range: 5815–5835 MHz, width 20MHz
                           # 1 -- radio channel @2412 Mhz, 
                           # see for reference
    wifi_region = 'BO'     # Your country for CRDA (use BO or GY if you want max tx power)  

    Please note that radio band (2.4 or 5.8 GHz) depends on your wifi adapter model and used antennas!

    add to gs:

    peer = 'connect://'  # outgoing connection
    # peer = 'listen://'   # incoming connection
    peer = 'connect://'  # outgoing connection for
                                       # video sink (QGroundControl on GS)

    add to drone:

    # use autopilot connected to /dev/ttyUSB0 at 115200 baud:
    peer = 'serial:ttyUSB0:115200'
    # Connect to autopilot via malink-router or mavlink-proxy:
    # peer = 'listen://'   # incoming connection
    # peer = 'connect://'  # outgoing connection
    peer = 'listen://'  # listen for video stream (gstreamer on drone)

    With this settings WFB will listen on port 14550 on drone and connect to udp:// on GS.

    If you want to override default modulation type (MCS#1, long GI, 20MHz BW, STBC 1) you can do it for each stream. Stream settings are independent. You can use different modulation for each of them. For example:

    bandwidth = 20     # bandwidth 20 or 40 MHz
    short_gi = False   # use short GI or not
    stbc = 1           # stbc streams: 1, 2, 3 or 0 if unused
    mcs_index = 1      # mcs index
    bandwidth = 20     # bandwidth 20 or 40 MHz
    short_gi = False   # use short GI or not
    stbc = 1           # stbc streams: 1, 2, 3 or 0 if unused
    mcs_index = 1      # mcs index
    bandwidth = 20     # bandwidth 20 or 40 MHz
    short_gi = False   # use short GI or not
    stbc = 1           # stbc streams: 1, 2, 3 or 0 if unused
    mcs_index = 1      # mcs index

    See telemetry/conf/master.cfg for all available options and default values.

  6. GS setup options:

    • Use QGroundControl (for video, telemetry and control)
    • Use QGroundControl (for telemetry and control) + WifibroadcastOSD (for video and OSD) on the GS. You need to disable video display in QGroundcontrol to avoid conflict
  7. Setup RTP video streaming on the drone to udp:// or redefine listen port in /etc/wifibroadcast.cfg (see telemetry/conf/master.cfg for reference)

  8. Edit /etc/default/wifibroadcast and repace wlan0 with proper wifi interface name. Also add to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf following section:


    to ignore WFB interface. Disable wpa_supplicant and other daemons on WFB wlan interface! Use ps uaxwwww | grep wlan to check. Double check that card is in unmanaged state in nmcli output and ifconfig wlanXX doesn't show any address and card state is down.

  9. Do systemctl daemon-reload, systemctl start wifibroadcast@gs on the GS and systemctl start wifibroadcast@drone on the drone.

  10. Run wfb-cli gs on the GS side to monitor link state

  11. For IPoWB (IPv4 over Wifibroadcast tunnel) you need only tun/tap kernel driver (tun.ko). Tunnel will be configured and work out of box. Drone side will have address and GS - Please note that tunnel use less efficient coding rate (to minimize latency) than video and mavlink streams and use it only for low-bandwidth traffic (like ssh), not as general link for video and telemetry streams.

  12. On the ground station you can specify multiple nics (in /etc/default/wifibroadcast) if you have multiple adapters with directed and/or omnidirected antennas. TX adapter will be selected using RSSI of RX signal. In case of rtl8812au cards with two antennas you can enable STBC to use both of them for tx simultaneously.

  13. If you got errors like:

    2021-12-28 14:57:15+0700 [-] Log opened.
    2021-12-28 14:57:15+0700 [-] # iw reg set BO
    2021-12-28 14:57:15+0700 [-] # ifconfig wlan1 down
    2021-12-28 14:57:16+0700 [-] # iw dev wlan1 set monitor otherbss
    2021-12-28 14:57:16+0700 [-] SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill
    2021-12-28 14:57:16+0700 [-] Stopping reactor due to fatal error: RC 255: ifconfig wlan1 up
    2021-12-28 14:57:16+0700 [-] Main loop terminated.
    2021-12-28 14:57:16+0700 [-] Exiting with code 1

    then you need to disable RFKill:

    rfkill list all
    sudo rfkill unblock all